XBox Halo 3


ShinRa Guard
Jul 13, 2007
well, halo 3 is just around the corner, and since im such a big halo fan im gonna buy it the day it comes out! i already have it pre-ordered and im getting the legendary edition

so, who else is gonna get this game??? or wants to get it?
That reminds me, i need to go pre-order the bastard too if I'm going to do it. I'm torn between pre-ordering it from somewhere like Gamestop, or if I should just try and snag a copy from work (Target) right before the store opens and risk a chance that way so I can still get the game on release day but also get my employee discount. It's not guaranteed that I'll snag a copy from work though, I wonder if we're taking pre-ordering too.

But I'll say this much. I bought my Xbox 360 specifically for this game. The only other game I own specifically for this system at this time is just Gears of War.
I want to get this game but I doubt I will be able to afford it. Since I don't have Xbox Live, Halo 3 won't last me for a long time. Same thing goes for Gears of War (but I still loved it)
Recent news came out for this game, too. You can read the full article here; : Inside Bungie : News But in a nutshell it boils down to this;

FOUR PLAYER CO-OP, BITCHES!!! And the co-op this time will support both system link and xbox live. Oh god that is badass. I was really going to be disappointed if we couldn't at least be doing the two player co-ops over system link and xbox live and I wasn't too happy that Halo2 didn't support it. But not only did they finally get the god-given sense to toss that in, it's four players! I creamed my damn pants when I read that, and I think I very well might have creamed again just now.
That reminds me, i need to go pre-order the bastard too if I'm going to do it. I'm torn between pre-ordering it from somewhere like Gamestop, or if I should just try and snag a copy from work (Target) right before the store opens and risk a chance that way so I can still get the game on release day but also get my employee discount. It's not guaranteed that I'll snag a copy from work though, I wonder if we're taking pre-ordering too.

But I'll say this much. I bought my Xbox 360 specifically for this game. The only other game I own specifically for this system at this time is just Gears of War.

Try hiding the game so no-one else gets it hehe... apparently thats what some girls do when it comes to clothes shopping but they dont have the money so they hide the clothes until they come back later in the day...
Yea, I'm getting this game. I haven't pre-ordered but we have about a half-dozen places that sell the game and like no one to buy it. haha For Halo 2 there was a line around the corner for the game... and I walked in the next day and bought a copy. I really don't forsee any problems not pre-ordering.
I am surely thinking about getting this game. It's going to be an all time classic. Of course I shall get it. =D!

I just hope it's better than the first 2 with all the hype it's getting.
I'm getting it for sure. I've pre ordered the Limited Collectors Edition. During the beta, I was very good. Much, MUCH better then Halo 2. Halo 2 the players are incredible, and also full of assholes. Halo 3 for the most part, had very little dickheads, the downpart is that they weren't that great.
I'll buy Halo 3 as I love the previous games. Don't think I'll buy the Legendary edition as it'll be a bit too expensive from what I've heard...will wait and see how much they have it on
I wanna get it, but alas i have no Xbox 360 :sad:, hopefully we will get a 360 by the time it comes out though because Halo 3 looks awesome.
I'll be getting this here shorty. I will probably only get the regular standard edition because I'm not too into Halo games where I'll blow money on just a few extra pamphlets and video behind the scene junk.

4 Player online Co-op should be cool, and of course the online multiplayer Xbox Live will kick ass like always. I can't wait for it. It'll be the next game I buy.
I have my copy reserved like a month ago, cant wait for the game =D almost here!!
well i got a job (thats why i was gone for like a month) and i paid it off with my first paycheck lol

it is pretty damn expensive but since i love the game so much its worth it, or at least it better be!

Recent news came out for this game, too. You can read the full article here; : Inside Bungie : News But in a nutshell it boils down to this;

FOUR PLAYER CO-OP, BITCHES!!! And the co-op this time will support both system link and xbox live. Oh god that is badass. I was really going to be disappointed if we couldn't at least be doing the two player co-ops over system link and xbox live and I wasn't too happy that Halo2 didn't support it. But not only did they finally get the god-given sense to toss that in, it's four players! I creamed my damn pants when I read that, and I think I very well might have creamed again just now.

wow!!! that is totally AWESOME!!!

that's gonna be so much fun. oh man now i really cant wait!
I am definitely getting halo 3 as i liked the first 2 games and i really want to complete the trilogy :D

Yeah! i can't wait to see what happens in the story...though sometimes i have to admit i get a lil' lost lol

but im looking forward to playing it with my buddies and beating them up. oh yeah! ^_^

I do not own a 360 and I am still getting the Legendary Edition. Haha... yeah, I'm a collector.

lol are you serious?! :O

wow that's the coolest thing ever
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This is definitely my next buy for video games! I've been addicted to Halo since it first came out, and since I recently got a 360 back in April, I've been juiced up like crazy to get a hold of the next installment of the game. If any of you go online at all, PM me for my GamerTag and I'll play with ya.

Only 8 more days!
if i had a 360, i would get it. since i don't i can't. i will, however be looking forward to the machinima made by using it