XBox Halo 3

But Aztec has a point. AI is nothing compared to the human thought process. Any one can analyze a game well enough to know waht the AI will do next. Reading someone's moves online is nearly impossible.

Well, yerah i didn't said that i didn't agreed with you :P
Best warm-up is a couple of FFA on any map with some of your friends that's for sure!

Judith said:
You know what is truly epic fail in halo 3? When you get killed by the connection hahah. That has happened to me so much!!! I am a 47 in lw but I went down to 46 because of epic PHAIL LAG!!!! Also I can not play matchmaking because Bungie still thinks its the Fucking hacker playing. Just seriously Fuck BUNGIE!!!

Well seriously now don't blame Bungie over your skill loss ;)
Laggy connection? Well it happens to me all the time, but i don't blame Bungie for it...
I hate that crap. I'll see someone just standing there, go up and Assassinate them, then we get the black screen and I end up dead from the guy who wasn't moving. When I notice it lagging like that big-time I usually end up hiding in an area where no one will find me so I don't get killed in a cheap manner.
I hate that crap. I'll see someone just standing there, go up and Assassinate them, then we get the black screen and I end up dead from the guy who wasn't moving. When I notice it lagging like that big-time I usually end up hiding in an area where no one will find me so I don't get killed in a cheap manner.

Yeah, and imagine how bad is for someone with a simple ADSL connection from Greece lagging his ass off to every single playlist...well not all times but you get the point.

The worst thing is that when i lose due to laggy games there are always people on the other team trying to rip on me >_<
I've just started playing online over the last few days or so, and straight away I noticed that the matchmaking is terrible. Most of the time I get beaten by at least 15 points on a Slayer game by people who are Gunnery Sergeants.
And some of the maps are just really unsuitable for ranked games that have 8 men at once. It gets annoying when you can't even stop to pick up a weapon out of fear for being assassinated.
It is the downside of games that have been out for awhile, especially a series of games like Halo. I know when I first started playing I was pretty awful at the game. I didn't play online much but I did attend Halo 2 LAN parties and occasionally Busta would come up to my house to play. It's how I got good at the game. Busta back then was hideous at the game... and today he's much better than I am because he plays so frequently.

There's definitely a learning curve. The control scheme has to become natural, you have to know the maps like the back of your hand, and you need to learn a few cheap tricks that'll get you out of a pinch when you need it. Other than that though, it's just practice that makes perfect. Add me to XBoxLIVE (my gamertag is listed in the appropriate thread) and Busta and I'll play a couple games with you. If nothing else it'll increase your rank but we can also give you some useful tips.
Man I have had enogh I am just going to make another account just for Halo 3 because I am never going to get unbanned because of bungie. But I need to get a gold on that account damn it. Whatever I will try. When I get gold for my new accounht I can finnaly play some Halo 3 unless bungie decides to unban my main account from Halo 3.
Use 1 month subscriptions if your main account only has a temporary banning. Busta's brother in law somehow managed to horde about a half dozen free one month gold subscriptions about a year back and he just picked a new name every month. He played like a fool, got up to a 50, and then just started on a new one.
My Main account has a permanent ban because someone hacked me. But I can play every single game except Halo 3 matchmaking. I can play custom games. But on the bungie website it says that for extreme cases custom games will not be available. Man I just want to play lone wolves so bad and get my 50 am at 47 in Lw. 1 month subscriptions sadly I do not have any and they do not sell any where I live. Maybe I can get a 3 month or something. Maybe even a year but that would be useless just for one game. I know Busta is really good but how about you Aztec? I want to do some team slayer with you guys I bet we would kill anyone. If we plan our tactics right. What rank are you Aztec?
It is the downside of games that have been out for awhile, especially a series of games like Halo. I know when I first started playing I was pretty awful at the game. I didn't play online much but I did attend Halo 2 LAN parties and occasionally Busta would come up to my house to play. It's how I got good at the game. Busta back then was hideous at the game... and today he's much better than I am because he plays so frequently.

There's definitely a learning curve. The control scheme has to become natural, you have to know the maps like the back of your hand, and you need to learn a few cheap tricks that'll get you out of a pinch when you need it. Other than that though, it's just practice that makes perfect. Add me to XBoxLIVE (my gamertag is listed in the appropriate thread) and Busta and I'll play a couple games with you. If nothing else it'll increase your rank but we can also give you some useful tips.
My main gripe is that it usually pitches you against people who are so much better than you, which is the total opposite of the matchmaking idea really. :wacky: I used to play Halo 1 online a few years ago, so I got used to having to be against those sorts of people who have no lives and play it for about 15 hours a day through that. I've really noticed myself getting better at it, even compared to how I was yesterday.
Halo 3 is sick

When ever i go to my little sisters house,i play that game with her husband,we play campaign and forge maps together,the shotgun is annoying,i put it in hard places to find and put no respawning to it,i love putting magnums with bomb launchers.

seeing that game makes me regret giving the 360 to my little sister.
That fucking hard 50

Ummm I am kinda getting sick of this damn game cause I can never pass 47. I mean im good at the game but all I really want in Halo 3 is tobecome a general and have fun. My main account is banned from Halo 3 so I cant use it. My other 2 halo accounts are both 47s. I really see no point in this game now cause I cant get a 50. Has anyone ever acheived 50 but found it really hard? I think im going to make a new account and try one last time. If I cant get past 47 ill say fuck Halo 3. But I cant really say that now that The Mythic maps are out. I need to try harder.
I don't see what difference another account would make. Maybe you just aren't good enough to make it to 50?

The Mythic maps released with Halo Wars were really crap, although I did get to play griftball once because of them so it was definitely worth it. :monster: Hopefully the other three that will come with ODST will be good ones.
Ummm pools it actually does make a difference because when you start a new account its easier to get to high skill levels. Also the higher in rank you go the lower chance you have of ranking up. Well if you have a win percentage above 60 percent its easy but if you go down to 50 percent it makes it harder. Im at a 50 win percentage because of all those gay team slayer matches. My teams constantly sucked. What the Mythic maps are shit? Ummm I want to try sandbox. Also pools did you win or lose more games? By the way I failed to get 50 cause I started of with Lone Wolves. I should have just played slayer at first. So yeah thats the explanation. If you have a very high win percentage you will get a 50 no doubt about that. But when you get to 47 you can not come in 4th anymore. If you come in 4th it counts like 5th place. 3rd counts like 4th. So only get 2nd and 1st.
So in other words, you aren't good enough to get to rank 50. :monster:
And I'm slightly over 50%, but I've only got about 300 games to my name because I don't play Halo 3 that much now.
And yes, the Mythic maps are shit. Assembly is alright, but Sandbox is boring and Orbital are terrible.
Well I know I can do it but sometimes It just pisses me off ya know. I am good enough its just I kinda need to play more smart. Like lets say someone has a gravity hammer or shotgun. I tend to rush those weapons alot which gets me killed. On the other hand I need to crouch more and play like a stealth person. People just ill me cause Sometimes I rush alot. But people who want 50s just give up and boost to 50 which I have not done cause I want to get a 50 myself. Like I want to acheive it. I dont want someone to do it for me. So yeah if I get gold on this last account ill try. If I get below 60 percent im giving up and just going to play other games.
I honestly don't mind sandbox and orbital, but I have my reasons.

1) Sandbox is a great map for forging. A few buds and I took it upon ourselves to find out that there is a HUGGGGGE amount of inventory for this map and there are certainly endless possibilities for it as well.

2) Orbital - I love CTF maps (Capture the flag) it actually involves real teamwork unlike team slayer. I love anything with skirmish in its name, because it is not the norm. This map makes for a very intricate shot at giving players the "team" edge. If they can't make it here, they should just go back to lone wolf.