XBox Halo 3

Propably means the Mauler.

It looks like those old rusty auto-machine guns in WW's.
Actually the mauler is probably one of the most deadly weapons in the game at close range. It does have a fair amount of accuracy and power from mid-range as well.

One Mauler shot with a Melle lunge will kill almost anyone unless they beat you with a Sword Swipe, No-scope Snipe, or a point blank Shotgun shot to the face.

Dual-wielding Maulers against a sword-lunge or Shotgun shot will almost always win or get an equal beat-down as a result.

Duel-wielding maulers = Powerful camping tools.
I really hate shotgun noobs who hide in the freakin barriers all the time it just pisses me off. Well its fun to do when you have that freakin shotgun but boy when they do it to you its FUCKING annoying!!! Halo 3 is fun but I got my account back 2 months ago and Bungie still bans my account from matchmaking because they think The Fucking hacker is using it. FUCK BUNGIE!!
I've only been playing it about a week or so, and overall it's up to the Halo standard for me. That being pretty good but nothing overly-outstanding.
I still find myself hating just about all of the Covenant weapons because of weak they are compared to the human counterparts. I do really like the idea of carrying equipment such as deployable covers around with you; some of them come in very handy at times.

There are parts that I occasionally struggle with, usually when there are a large concentration of Brutes, but I think that's largely down to me having not played an FPS game a long time, so I'm a bit rusty at it.
Eh, the bit about the Covenant weapons sucking is what I thought at first two. I'd probably have to disagree now though. Halo 3 is very weapon-based but every weapon has its place. I can easily think of an effective way to use any weapon.

The only things that really pisses me off about the game is the randomness in battle sometimes, grenades phasing out, lag, and people who whore power weapons.
...and people who whore power weapons.

Well...that's how games are won :P
I know i get frustrated too when i'm losing cause of power weapon whoring..but that's what Halo's all about.

Control the Powerweapons and kill easy your opponents :wacky:
It really isn't. I can kill someone with four headshots from a battle rifle faster than it takes some players to even aim their rocket launcher at me and I'm much worse than most of the guys I play with. Power weapons aren't a bad addition to the game. They're just frustrating some times when it's the only weapons a player uses, even if that player is on your team.

I personally like being able to kill with any weapon... but if I pick up a rocket launcher or specialty weapon it's an easy extra kill or two. It certainly doesn't mean I can't take people down with an assault rifle though.
Best part about the Covenant weapons is how fast you can fire them off. Which is why when I play Team Snipers, I want to have both the Human Sniper Rifle in my hand and the Beam Rifle as my back-up.

What I do is if I have to unload a lot of Sniper shots at once, I shoot my 4 clip with the Sniper Rifle, than instead of reloading it, i just switch to my secondary Beam Rifle and fire off 3 more sniper beams to save time.
I think its important to have a good familiararity with all weapons. I'm not bad with most, the only ones i suffer with are the rocket launcher and spartan laser. Did anyone else figure out how to use the gravity hammer properly as well? If not, play griff ball, and alot of it.
Grifball is probably what I play the most whenever I get the chance to every month. To me it feels just like American Football. You get the ball, send out 3 blockers and try to let them lead you two the endzone.

The Gravity Hammer is a very under-rated weapon in Halo. More people would rather go for the shotgun or sword in one hit kills, and rightfully so. However, the Hammer sends the shockwave that can easily knock anyone off the map for a quick kill, or take down a significant portion of someone's shield with a near-miss swing.

Since the new T2 update I have 445 EXP n Grifball to lead as my highest EXP for a playlist since September. That's all I play when it's the Double Experience weekend playlist.
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The gravity hammer is in some instances much better to use then the sword. Yes the with the sword lunge there is a small chance of getting killed. But if you know ( and i mean really know, like study it) how to use the hammer, it can be your best friend. I got so good with the hammer just by playing grif ball.

I remember playing with a buddy of mine last year. Was double exp weekend and grif ball was the game of choice. The first few matches we sucked, but after awhile i was like a 1 man wrecking crew with that thing. I think i once got a extermination medal in GB, but im can't remember.

All in all, if you know how to use the hammer properly, people will fear you.
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I think my biggest flaw in Halo 3 is that, while I can pretty much use any weapon, I've almost limited myself to medium ranged attack weapons. I'm a horrible sniper shot and I simply don't have the patience for crouching. Pretty much the only long range weapon I use is the battle rifle, unless I happen to have a Spartan laser handy.
Too rule in the Halo world there are simply 4 things to do (I'm talking always about Team Based games)

1. Good, steady Battle Rifle ;)
And Carbine... ;) Headshots are the easier,most affective and quick way to eliminate your opponents.
2. Good aim with the Sniper Rifles. Once you are trusting yourself with that weapon and don't miss any body hits in any circumstances you 'll find yourself comfortable with it and pull off some crazy stuff!
3. It's all about the nading. Good grenades in the right time can give you a huge advantage depending on the situation.
Know the callouts for each map, know the Weapon Spawns, Know the possible Respawns of the other team and locations and you 'll be pawing them in no time.

Man i could talk for ages on what it takes to become a good player in Halo 3 but don't forget about 2 important things when it comes to competitive gameplay.

1. Don't let the Opponent's get in your head and break your nerves ;)
Don't let their Tea-bagging, their bodysmacking, their cursing get into you.
Competitivity needs cold blood.
2. Try to be in the better mood as possible. If you 're not in the mood and you can't fix it then aknowledge that you play to relax and don't give basis to anything :)
Just have fun i guess :P
Cheer up all about the lulz :wacky:
Halo is a pretty simple game to get used to. To become really really good at it takes practice though. Playing legendary by yourself will greatly increase your skills. Some don't want to take up this challange becuse it's hard, when it's actually fairly simple and realitively easy. Yes there are levels in which the game is just so beastly hard, all you can do is get upset at it.

Some helpful tips for legendary:

1: ALWAYS use mid-long range weapons. Never get close range weapons at all. The risk you put yourself in when you get that close isn't worth it. As long as you keep you distance and can hold them off you'll be fine.

2: Dying isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes if you get to a new area and dont know what will spawn, dying allows you to anticipate whats coming next. Sure you have to get to the same point agian, but it'll be easier because you know whats coming your way.

3: Understand your enemies. Knowing the best weapons and layout of your surrounding can greatly increase your chances of survival.

4: Don't say never. If you say to yourself you can't, you won't. Having a good mindset is important because if you don't see a reason to press forward, your gameplay goes down the tube.

Also, im not trying to make it seem like i beat legendarey by myself. I have beaten 5 levels by myself with realitively not much trouble. For some of the harder levels, I grouped up with some buddies.
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I'm calling bullshit on that one. You want to get good, play online. Practice is practice regardless... but only by playing real people will you get good at beating real people.
Well some people are using the Campaign on Legendary for warm up just before they go on a playlist online!
Some friends of mine do that the whole time!
But Aztec has a point. AI is nothing compared to the human thought process. Any one can analyze a game well enough to know waht the AI will do next. Reading someone's moves online is nearly impossible.
You know what is truly epic fail in halo 3? When you get killed by the connection hahah. That has happened to me so much!!! I am a 47 in lw but I went down to 46 because of epic PHAIL LAG!!!! Also I can not play matchmaking because Bungie still thinks its the Fucking hacker playing. Just seriously Fuck BUNGIE!!!