XBox Halo 3

Scrutator said:
that and the amount of assholes I meet on the matchmaking system

Yeah, what's with the people who play Halo online? It seems stupid to stereotype a group of people based on what games they play, but it seems like the majority of the people I get into matches with on Halo 3 are grade-A pricks. Halo fanboys are obnoxious.

In my opinion, Halo 3's campaign is a step backwards from that of Halo and Halo 2's. The first Halo is still the best of 'em.
They're elitist assholes, if you're not among the God ranked players which comes with playing the game all the time then you're beneath them.

Don't get me wrong I don't mind losing (even very heavily which does happen since I suck on console FPS games) but it doesn't make the game enjoyable for anyone by acting like a complete fuckwit.

I wasn't a big fan of even the first Halo campaign tbh, the scale compared to previous games was incredible but it all seemed so dull at the same time except for when playing on cooperative.
I've literally been threatened with death by players over Halo 3 for something as mundane as accidentally driving the warthog in the wrong direction. They're ridiculous.

The campaign in the first Halo, in my opinion, is slightly above average in comparison to other FPS games. It suffers from repetition, but it's fun. I agree with what you said earlier. TimeSplitters is much more fun. TimeSplitters 2 will likely always be my favorite FPS.
I just started playing Halo, for the first time ever...I heard so much hype over the Halo one way or another, so i decided ok..let's see...

And so far...nothing special I have to say...and the damn warthog is driving me up the wall....I hate the damn car and I hate the controls for it even more....

If you were threatened with death only or driving it in wrong direction, my god then the good thing is I am avoiding on line play all boyfriend suggested I should play on line..

I just laughed..... least you know you are going in it in wrong direction, I cannot make the damn car go in any direction without hitting anything and everything in my way...not to mention my favourite option is -> going over the cliff.....think I have seen so far all the possible ways and styles how Masterchief can fall down the cliff !
I have played Halo it's pretty good. I am not that good though, my friends would keep getting ahead of me and I get lost. One time my friend got mad cause I killed him lol.
Eh Halo 3 is really bad IMO. I thought the 2nd and the 1st one was better. But compared to Call Of Duty 4 its no where near it =p
Halo 3 is more of the same from the previous games, I mean.. It could have been released on the original xbox and no one would know the difference. But goddamn, I could be lost in forge and making machinima movies all day.
this game was a little disappointing

Mod edit: Please add a little more effort to your post. Thanks.
Personally, I enjoy Halo 3's multiplayer more than Call of Duty 4's. I can't stand the perks. They completely ruin the experience, in my opinion.

Halo 3's campaign is highly disappointing. It's nowhere close to being as good as the campaign in the original Halo. Hell, it isn't even close to Halo 2's campaign. I still can't believe Bungie skipped over such an obvious boss fight.
Eh Halo 3 is really bad IMO. I thought the 2nd and the 1st one was better. But compared to Call Of Duty 4 its no where near it =p

The difference between halo2 and halo3 is that you can't double shot or BXR anyone anymore on halo3 and that really pisses me off. No matter what the game designers do people will still think of other glitches.*i'm in process of doing that*.......
i don't think Halo 3 online is good for anyones health, the amount of stress people can get from playing that game, i've done it a few times and people have gotten stressed at me because i was walking in another direction to them when i had the flag or summin', but what i don't like are the achievement orginizers the guys who in the game lobby plan how to get an achievement by basicly not playing the game and then screw at people who do play the game >_< annoys me cause half the people don't follow thru
Boosting is definitely annoying. Players agree to cooperate with each other prior to the match in order to get the achievements illegitimately. The achievements pretty much ruin the game because of that.

As for being pressured to perform well, I wouldn't let that worry you too much. In fact, if players are giving you a hard time, it can be fun to purposely damage their chances of winning. I've been known to do that on more than one occasion. ;D
The best part about that though is, if you see a group of people lining up for the Overkill achievement because they discussed it in the Pre-game lobby, you can just swoop in there and steal it from them and get a quick 4-5 kills right off the bat. That'll sure piss off boosters online in Halo 3.
dear god..i knew there wud be a thread about this..
halo 3 suckssssssss...if your a halo 2 fan, sorry not just a fan, a halo 2 semi pro or pro then you would agree with me h3 is rubbish..okay it takes no skill at all, theres so many bad kids playing, and the mp levels arent even very good. :(
no thanks. im going to stick to h2 even though i dont play it anymore..
people bum h3 cuz they sucked at h2, h2 took skill, if you didnt have skill you wud move onto h3, i was one of those players that was really good at h2, 46 legit, was my highest rank, believe it or not i dont care...i dont have to prove myself now, h2 is almost dead..but my point is, h3 is rubbish for any skilled gamer.
lol I love how every new generation of Halo breeds more and more people who hate the newest version because of the last version. When Halo 2 was released, all the cheap shot bitches who mastered three-hit-kill zoomed shots with the pistol bitched because the game actually had more refined and well rounded weaponry. When Halo 3 was released, people started bitching because some of the weaponry went back to the original Halo's style.

And all I have to say if you're complaining about playing with shitty players, it's probably because you're one yourself. If you weren't, you'd be up in ranks and fighting people with some skill.
dear god..i knew there wud be a thread about this..
halo 3 suckssssssss...if your a halo 2 fan, sorry not just a fan, a halo 2 semi pro or pro then you would agree with me h3 is rubbish..okay it takes no skill at all, theres so many bad kids playing, and the mp levels arent even very good. :(
no thanks. im going to stick to h2 even though i dont play it anymore..
people bum h3 cuz they sucked at h2, h2 took skill, if you didnt have skill you wud move onto h3, i was one of those players that was really good at h2, 46 legit, was my highest rank, believe it or not i dont care...i dont have to prove myself now, h2 is almost dead..but my point is, h3 is rubbish for any skilled gamer.

So true Halo 3 does suck. I just recently traded it in for money off for Dead Space. Halo 2 was the bomb but it make me sad i have satellite internet after i moved. Can't play halo 2 or Call of Duty because of the lag delay of the satellite.
Yeah, I'm not sure why people rag on this game because in all actuality, it's the same thing as the first two. They aren't much different overall. The story progresses, you learn more about the Master Chief's mission and this time you team up with Arbiter.

Then there's the Multiplayer that everyone either loves or hates; there is no in-between it seems. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Then there's the Multiplayer that everyone either loves or hates; there is no in-between it seems. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

I 'll second that ;)

Halo 3 is a great game and by far the best Multiplayer FPS i've played since Unreal and Unreal Tournament.
Dont get me wrong though.
I 've played Halo and Halo 2 before...and man the 3rd part outstands them easily in Multiplayer even though imo i like 2nd part's Campaign better!

And yes i got my 50 on my second and current account, but before that i had a Gamertag wich i used to play on my friend's 360 and i got a 46 on two playlists.So.. i know how to play :P

I love Halo 3. It's awesome.
My favorite gun is the BR. My new favorite gun is the one that's shaped like a machine gun kinda, but it fires like a shotgun.

So awesome <33

Machine gun that fires like a shotgun :S ?

Hell, i don't know for what weapon you 're talking about :P