Happy Birthday ♥Sayuri♥

Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
I promised you I'd say happy birthday before I went on holiday so I'm sticking by it. ^^


Hope it's a good one and that you get lots of cake and prezzies, and all-in-all just enjoy yourself and have a great day! ^_^

...yeah, I'm 6 hours early but it's officially your birthday in the UK. :P

Happy Birthday Mandi!!!

I'm officially not the oldest active female anymore woohoo....well until my birthday :wacky:

Hope you get loads prezzies and get rat arsed :monster:
happy birthday an' shit :monster:
Ahaha, I remember your last birthday thread...we couldn't post in it because a bunch of us were in Survivor. xD So someone had to make a separate birthday thread for you in the Survivor board section just so we can all say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MANDI!!!!" xDDD
Happy birthday, hope you have a great day, and hopefully, get as many presents as I do on my birthdays! :gasp:

And just so you know, that means a lot. XD
Happy Birthday Mandi! :gasp: I hope you have a fucking fantastic birthday.

I wish I was there to make you a cake. :sad2: It would have been yellow with strawberries inside.
OMGGG Wow! It's not even my birthday yet :P Not for another couple of hours (but technically it is in the UK xD) Anyway, thank you soooooooo much for making the thread Ryan! :hug: And thank you so much to everybody who's given me birthday wishes! *passes out slices of cake to everyone*

Happy Birthday Mandi! :gasp: I hope you have a fucking fantastic birthday.

I wish I was there to make you a cake. :sad2: It would have been yellow with strawberries inside.

Thank you so much Jessi! :gasp: Now when are you going to get your sexy ass on MSN so we can talk!?

I wish you were too ;_; because that cake sounds soooooo yummy!
It seems I'm a bit late, but happy birthday anyway! I hope it's fantastic ^^
Happy birthday, Mandi! Hope you have a wonderful day! ^_^