Hardest Boss

I hated fighting zeromus because he would kill us all so easily. Then when i finally beat him cecil only 400hp left.
The only Boss I had trouble with was Dark Bahamut. But I decided to skip him and go and collect all the other ultimate weapons then I went back to him and beat him fairly easily.

Zeromus was surprisingly easy for me, he still kept me on the edge of my seat though
Note: I have NOT finished IV yet, so I can't say about later bosses.

Because I was so pathetically underlevelled, Scarmilone's (Incorrect spelling, I know) second form was so irritating. A counter that affects the entire team with status effects really doesn't help either.

I also found the Octokraken hard. I would bring him down to about 2 tentacles and then he would start one-shot KO'ing my team.
When i first took on the Magus Sisters i found them pritty difficult, but then again that was because my characters sucked and i had next to no items, After a spell of leveling up and gaining Items they were fairly easy. Also If you don't kill them in the right order you end up not being able to kill them, and we all know how frustrating not being able to kill a boss is.
I'm only as far as the Dark Elf, and his second form is hard.
But for some reason I had trouble with Baigan, and then Cagnazzo was easy.
The hardest boss for me was (and still is) the Freaking CPU!!!!(specially because of that annoying defense node...)
Demon Wall took forever, atm I'm at Zeromus (DS version).
The Plague Horror was quite easy, but Lunasaur is evil o_o

Bad breath from the start ._.
There is two bosses I found very hard which were the Evilwall and Zeromus.
The evilwall took me about six times to beat with lots of training.
Zeromus was impossible the first time ,even getting to him because the battles.After a while I could beat him.
I found the summon queen or whatever unbelievably hard. Granted this is for the GBA version as I havn't actually played the PS version but still.

I kept using reflect on everyone so she used healing spells on me and attacked herself and I still died!!

It was funny though because I kept forgetting to use black magic on myself and attacking me. lol. But still she was f***ing hard!
Probably Golbez in the Dwarf place, I had to sit through that fight with the dolls SO many times, it was REALLY beginning to test my patience, especially as Golbez just pretty much wiped the floor with me everytime. I did it in the end like, it was just annoying having half my party dead before I could even make a damn move. ljjih;'jklk;k

Edit, although I remember playing the PS1 version ages ago, and I was stuck on that Dark Elf for weeks. I didnt remember all that much about the game, but when I got there on theDS version, the memories all came back, sdo yeah, the Dark Elf is up there aswel
Evilwall was very hard but i finally got him but damm he gave me trouble.
Dark Bahamut made me want to set the game alight and throw my DS out of the window...he was absolutely infuriating.
Leviathan was quite irritating as well, because of that Deluge attack. It killed everyone except for Rosa, which made life extremely difficult from the offset. Worse still, if you're not quick enough, the bloody thing uses it again...
I've always had problems with the Golbez/Shadow Dragon fight after you fight the Calbrena. My guys are all beat up and Cecil has to survive til Rydia shows up or you lose... man thats tough sometimes.
Zeromus EX (Or whatever his name was, i forgot already)

In the GBA, i realized the Lunar Cavern, and this hell of a boss within. A challenge indeed, but not exactly tough either, the first time i went in there i managed to defeat him!
For me the hardest boss is also the easiest boss. The goblin deals damage depending on your level. It is possible to beat him at level 1 and come out at full health. He is approximately 1.45 times your character's level. That means that you can not kill him if you are at a high level.
I have fought him at 3 different levels.
10 He dealt a max of 10 hp per hit.
39 He dealt a max of 400 hp per hit
99 Every hit was 9999 damage
I always had trouble with the 4 fiends and the CPU. I got by most of the game at a relatively low level until I hit these bosses. It's a good thing I had FuSoYa and Nuke or I would have been extremely dead.

I would agree, the 4 fiends gave me trouble! CPU can be tricky since it's globe99 attack. The monsters at the core are all tough esp Wyvern AKA Dark Bahamut in the Japanese one. I had to wall everyone to block his meganuke
I think for me it was leviathan.. His deluge would kill everyone except for cecil, and by the time I revived and healed everybody, he'd use it again. >_>
Took quite a few tries.
Evilwall. I never bothered to slow him, as status attacks so often fail against bosses. I imagine if I would have slowed him, the fight would have been a bit easier. Jump and Edge's throws are all that saved me, and I think in the end Cain was the only one left standing