Hardest Boss

The materia keeper or the Demon wall we're pretty god damn annoying to be honest >.> Mind you it've been 5 years since i last played FFVII :(
carry armor was the most frustrating for me, unless it didnt pick up my characters then it was no problem. Other then that the other bosses in the game were pretty easy, demon wall was a lil difficult but throwing everyone to the backrow fixed that.
The materia keeper or the Demon wall we're pretty god damn annoying to be honest >.> Mind you it've been 5 years since i last played FFVII :(

5 YEARS....Damn thats along time between drinks....Anyway I always had a hard battle with that CLAW mother in the Junon Submarine Hangar After running around with Cid and Tifa in charge for a while I just found myself lacking the agression I had with Cloud before he, Yknow, sank into the Lifestream
I honestly can't remember fighting the Materia Keeper, but the first time through the game I had a bit of trouble with Lost Number. I wasn't that leveled up when I reached Shinra Mansion so that whole experience was difficult - probably why it is so memorable for me. Carry Armour kicked my ass first time aswell becouse I was being cocky thinking I was untouchable. :D
hmm, first time i ever played the weird guy with the big stik n two flame thingy's was real hard for me, the fire jus kept takin over my chars n rapin them lmao. personally i thought materia keeper was always easy cus i had meteorain then.... i bashed the fury status lol.
lol people saying Sephiroth, Emerald, and Ruby weapon as being tough. Theyre cake work.

Demon Wall and Carry Armor hands down the toughest for me.
lol people saying Sephiroth, Emerald, and Ruby weapon as being tough. Theyre cake work.

Demon Wall and Carry Armor hands down the toughest for me.
I agree with you there they were very easy to me i has a hard time with omega weapon from FF 8
Materia Keeper/Demon Wall/Carry Armor, those are the hardest ones. Well i need only 1 battle for Materia keeper/Carry armor, but sometimes when im battling against demon wall, it takes 1-2 tries, mostly because im always low lvl, but nowdays i use a lot enemy skills, so these battles are a lot easier.
The demon wall and grand dragon in the Temple of the ancients were both quite hard unless you knew how to beat them, or your characters were leveled loads and made the entire game a walk in the park.

also Ruby weapon is impossibly hard unless you know what materia combonations to use against him/her/it
that stupid carry armor in the juno underground reactor made me want to build a life size replica of it out of cardboard, soak it with gasoline, and burn it to the ground.

emerald weapon is the freakin worst boss in the game, no matter wht anyone says.
i only died twice while beating FF7 so really none of the boss's were hard. but i did level up like crazy for like 3 hours at a time. my main guys (Cloud,Vincent,and Barret.) are at level 90 and lowest guy is at level 79.
I think the hardest boss for me was the two headed guy at the top of the Gaea Cliffs. I think it was mostly because the used some powerful magic that really killed my guys really quickly. If I remember right when I did beat him I had to power up my limit breaks and get all the level 3 magics.;))
I remember the first time I played through FF7 was when I was about 10 years old and every boss seemed hard to me lol. The hardest boss by far though I remember was that Demons Gate in Temple Of The Ancients. Man that thing used to annihilate me.
Keep in mind I would have been ridiculously under leveled and rather I'm actually rather suprised at myself I even made it to the Temple Of The Ancients when I was that young! :blush:
Emerald Weapon is easily the hardest boss in the game. Nobody else is even challenging compared to Emerald except Ruby, the other Weapons are jokes, Sephiroth is a joke. Ruby can be dealt with, he's not too tough. I know a lot of people that just cant beat Emerald though. I know it said excluding Emerald, but, cmon. No one else is even close. Excluding Emerald an Ruby, Sephiroth, and no ones even close to him after that.
Aire Tam Storm is Emerald Weapons weakest attack.

Aire Tam is Materia backwards, sort of.

It's a piece of shit attack that basically taxes your materia (Which a lot of people rely on too heavily to defeat Emerald) I think it exactly works like 1,000 points of damage per every piece of materia you carry per person. Soo, each person with ten pieces of materia gets a 9,999 automatic casket. Basically all you can afford to put on your characters is a couple of mastered HP/MP+ Give someone final attack paired with phenix (Preferably person with highest defense, theyll probably die last, makin phenix more effective restorin more people) give someone master summon (For phenix, too) or just get KOTR. Mimic KOTR over and over, and omni slash if it comes up.

Just cut back on the materia, bare essentials, keep your health up, keep mimickin kotr an omni slash, youll push through him eventually.
The hardest required boss for me is that Wall in the Temple of the Ancients.
The hardest optional boss is Ruby Weapon.