Hardest Boss

Three words is generally not enough for threads like this - I'd like to see a bit more effort in your posts, in the future. I'd also like someone to point out to me which boss this is, on account of me not having any recollection of this name.

I apologize, i assumed you would hate to see that dreaded spell as anyone else. And as the guy above posted, i didnt know that part. However i usually equipped rune armlets to cheaply level my materia up. Unforunately i kept getting the 9999 damage unless someone dodged it.

I absolutley hated that damn spell.

The wall guardian at the temple of the ancients was pretty easy if you just casted barrier and set all your players back a row. Sure they may do less damage but they quite easily kill it.
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well during the game i found alot of bosses quite easy but two of the hardest were Midgar zolom (altho not technically a boss) when you were crossing the marsh for the first time was nearly impossible. and as for the second, it was the large robot thing you fought before Hojo on disk 2 or 3 after you parachute into midgar, if you didn't know how to beat him he was impossible
The hardest bosses I faced when I played it the first time were the ghost dude in cosmo canyon, the robot in the underwater reactor at Junon and the materia keeper in the mountains at Nibelheim...

The main reason was I didn't quite level enough. I play a lot of shooters also and the pace is quite different from an FF game.

But if you level decently, they are easy pie.
hardest boss

What was the hardest boss you fought...other than the weapons and Sephiroth.

The hardest boss I thought was Lifeform Hojo, just for the simple fact that he puts you in all of them status effects in pretty much one move. I hate that fight with a burning passion.
I think sometimes with bosses luck will play apart. For example, not really a hard boss, but the first Jenova form you fight on the Cargo Ship.

I beat her pretty simple the other day, all she used were her laser attacks. After that, in Costa Del Sol, I made the mistake of sleeping in the Inn before going to the beach, so Hojo was gone. I know it's not really needed but I wanted to speak to him, so reset the game (my last save was on the ship) so went back and fought Jenova again. This time she was using all the annoying attacks like Stop and so on.

Though, from memory, Demon Gate done my friggin' head in all those years ago. I was a FF n00b, no guide or internet, severely under-levelled, especially Aeris. Took me a while to kick that fucker's ass. After that, I learnt from my mistake and have been able to beat it pretty easy since.
Emerald/ruby arn't really hard to beat. Knight's of the round + Mime = Epic win :P
For me, hardest boss was Demon gate, hand's down.
Well for me I think I'd have to say the Demon's Gate or Hojo I battled Hojo like 5 times and still nothing and Demon's Gate 10 *I dont know why I'm counting o_O*

but hey I thought the Materia Keeper was way too easy
Ruby weapon... It's not really a boss, but it's the only one I HAVEN'T beaten in my 500 times of playing the game over. I started a new game, and told myself I'm gonna complete it with everything. So.... When I get to Ruby Weapon... I think he's horribly deadly, and a pain in the ass for me.

BE PREPARED ASSHOLE! 'Cause you're going down this time. >_<
Oh if im counting my first ever hardest boss it would have to be Bizzaro Sephiroth, because it was my first time i didnt know how to kill it so i was throwing spell's at it for AGE'S. And screaming to my tv "WHY WON'T YOU ****ING DIE! ) lol :p

but ofc he's easy now :P
The bosses i was mainly stuck on first time around were

- Gi Nattack ( i was stuck for ages first time i played the game bare in mind this was like 10 years ago :p)

- Rapps ( I Was a really Low Level when i did the wutai side quest so i just got hammered by him)

The hardest bosses that I fought were Emerald Weapon, Ruby Weapon Demon Gate and the blue machine that you fight in midgar i think on disc 2. The were the most toughest battle i had in Final Fantasy VII.
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Definitely the Demon's Gate for me. I was underleveled the first time I fought him and his demon rush and cave in attacks were brutal. Plus I had a lot of magic equipped and it was pretty useless against him. Even on subsequent playthroughs, he still seems to be the toughest boss in the game.
i think lost number was the hardest for me the first time around

another hard boss would be first time i ever played it i knew nothing about materia and didnt know after rufus fight with cloud u can equip it to other members n that helicopter fight on elevator kicked my butt n i had to kill it wit aeris healing wind granades red13/barrets limits was really tough

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Please dont double post, thats what the edit buttons for, taaaa ;D
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Hmm...I found the one in Mt. Nibel quite troublesome, what's it called, um, Materia Keeper? (#*$^% Trine!).

Though the biggest challenge is probably beating the Midgar Zolom before crossing to the Western Continent via Junon. Does that even count though, seeing as its optional?
I never saw any of the bosses in Final Fantasy VII hard (I believe when it comes to bosses it was one of the easiest). But if I had to choose I would have to say: the Materia Keeper. I usually have my Party so pumped up, any boss becomes light work. Before I even finish the first reactor I make sure Cloud has Finishing Touch. Barret usually has Ungarmax when I have him fight... Dyne, was it? So yeah, he's my choice: Materia Keeper.
Whenever I dont take the time to level up and just want to play the hardest boss for me is Carry Armour. That laser attack was deadly and raped my party hard. The 2nd hardest would definetly have to be Demon Wall. He was hella hard, especially if youre like me and the 1st time I played forgot to buy Barrier materia. And that boss in the safe in the Shinra mansion was hard if you dont pay attention to what he changes into and its weakness.
I was thinking about the Nibelheim Safe boss too. Before I figured out the strategy, he'd always turn purple and proceed to destroy me. -_-
I would have to say Hojo as the first time I fought him he brought me to a stop as I didn't have a clue what to do about the status effects (I sold all my items for status relief and didn't have the ribbon). For Carry armour if you hit him with the magic hammer or mindblow he doesn't pick you up and makes the fight alot easier