Hardest Boss

Depends greatly on your level. First time I played I beat him in my low 30's. WHen I replayed the game, I spent time leveling up and that kind of thing... so when I went to face him around lvl 50, I completely wiped the floor with him. He was pretty easy if you do any kind of leveling... and especially if you have Knights of the Round.
how did you get that far with level 30s :| doing no levelling at all I was 50s on cd 2
weapons were teh easy, ruby went down in less than 10 min and emerald about the same. dont think anything was too difficult except for the proud clod, i found that one annoying with all of its attacks and stuff...
Sepiroth in his forst form (the first time you fight him in the life stream, where hes giant and you need everyone in your team to fight him.) he was very hard, everytime i took his health down he kept on using curaga that goh hs health up a good 3000
The Red Dragon in the temple. I had to fight that %$@# 38 times before I gave up. I had to restart the whole game, and when I went back the 2nd time, I was level 48, and ready to kick some ass. (the battle didn't last long enough. I wanted to make that thing suffer as much as I could. But in like 3 hits it went down. Unfair.)
Demon's Gate and Unknown Number gave me the most trouble the first time through. I hated the Demon's Gate though, especially without my best party members.
weapons were teh easy, ruby went down in less than 10 min and emerald about the same. dont think anything was too difficult except for the proud clod, i found that one annoying with all of its attacks and stuff...
Yeah but some of us don't use FAQ's at all....

I don't understand why so many have mentioned the Red Dragon, I find it's one of the easiest bosses in all honesty.
My hardest was the Boss in Cosmo Canyon. (before you reach Nanaki's dad's statue)

Me and my buddy had a thing where we would both buy a game and race to the end.

So I did'nt do any lvling up or anything.

Then not only until about 30 attempt after didi I mistakenly give him a Phoenix Down I kicked myself very hard indeed -_-
I found the Reno Rude and Elena battle to be particularly tough (because of their physical power).

Carry Armour was quite tough as well. I met my end a few times to that one.

Lost Number. That was a nightmare, you really needed strategy to win that.
I think most difficult for me was the Demon Wall at the Temple of the Ancients. I really HATED that thing :mad: it just kept pwning me. Also the Materia Keeper...that dude was a BITCH and I probably fought him about 15 times consecutively before I got pissed and gave up. I did eventually beat him thought, but yeah. Those were probably the hardest for me.
with my party lvl 99 (firsttime through) in VIII fighting omega in ultemecias castle.... JEEZ.

LMAO, WOOPS, forgot this wa s a VII thread, srry.
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Lost Number was the most difficult boss I've had to face. He's also the only boss I've ever died at. I don't know why he was so hard either, I was doing good for a while, and the next second, all my characters had died.
toughest boss

I still go with the 3 amigos, Elena, Rude and whats his name Tseng? All 3 together if you didnt build yourself up enough proved to be a tough trio. and if you had to rely on your shiva, bahamut and etc you were in real tough if they were not strong either. Most players though built themselves up though so none of these 3 proved to be a challenge to them though.
the demon was hard if you have everyone in the front row cause if you were underleved like me it would kill you in 1 hit :(