Hardest GF To Obtain

Hmmm, I wouldn't say it was the hardest, but Tonberry is an absolute bitch to get. I just don't have the patience for it. I sit there gritting my teeth while I slowly work myway thru tonberries
Yup...like Frisky said....Tonberry is the biggest ass of all GFs....not hard...but annoying....and his attacks are also ....annoying....And to fight all those tonnberrys and after that the big bad king was too much for my patience. I did beat him in the end but....it took so much.>_<
Yah, That DID take awhile to get.

I'd have to say that Eden was hard for me. Not the fact that I had to draw him but the Boss I had to defeat to get him was super fast and had crazy strength. Urgh. It was one that took the longest to get.
I battled it out the Jumbo Cactuar for an hour and five minutes. Now, I'm not sure if that was due to employing a bad strategy but it was a lifetime battle anyway.

I never got Eden because my disc was damaged and the graphics cut out when I was on my way down. I assume this would've been a tough battle.

The Tonberry King was just plain cruel in an endurance sort of a way. It was something like having to defeat 20 tonberry's before you even got a shot at him.
for me, it was Doomtrain. I had to replay time and time again so I could stop forgetting to draw Alexander, which you need to unlock Doomtrain. Then I had to master like three GF moves, pick up a ring, and gather Malboro Tentacles, Steel pipes, and something else.

All rarer items, see. It was a major pain in the ass, especially the Malboros. :wacky:
I thought Tonberry was easy: I just used Kamikaze on the Tonberry's, one by one, and they all died instantly...
Although that did leave me one guy down when I fought the King...
Cactuar was my hate; that bitch was a total and utter annoyance to beat (for me)...
i thought the cactaur guy was pretty easy, leviathin did 9999 so it didnt take me that long.
tonberry king took the longest as you had to kill 20 of them, so i suppose that made it the hardest.
but those cactaurs with their bad breath were a bitch too
I thought Tonberry was easy: I just used Kamikaze on the Tonberry's, one by one, and they all died instantly...
Although that did leave me one guy down when I fought the King...
Cactuar was my hate; that bitch was a total and utter annoyance to beat (for me)...
You jammy git, I never though of that >_<

Doomtrain is the hardest purely because you have to obtain so many hard to find items, particularly the Malboro Tentacles which you have to face off against numerous Malboros if you can't stand refining from cards, and they are quite possibly the most annoying monster in the game! Plus need to spend lots of money and time getting the Remedy+'s and Steel Pipe's.

In at a close second would be Tonberry purely with the fact it took soooo long to defeat 20 Tonberry's in one sitting, so much so I felt like hanging myself halfway through.

Any other GF isn't really difficult as I don't find any boss particularly difficult.
Haha, jammy git, haven't been called that in a long time...
I hated Cactuar, the point being I always fought him so late in the game that both he and I were super-powered.
Thus; he was a bitch.
I liked getting Doomtrain, due to my inordinate amount of cards early in the game (like, before Ifrit early) and my huge cash amounts: I rarely bought anything...
I always figured Eden was the hardest, but thinking back on it, I'd agree that Tonberry King was actually the hardest - or at least the most painful, because it was so boring to have to run around in circles and fight 20-some regular Tonberries first.
You jammy git, I never though of that >_<

Doomtrain is the hardest purely because you have to obtain so many hard to find items, particularly the Malboro Tentacles which you have to face off against numerous Malboros if you can't stand refining from cards, and they are quite possibly the most annoying monster in the game! Plus need to spend lots of money and time getting the Remedy+'s and Steel Pipe's.

I never had any problem with getting doomtrian really, I just relied on Odin to kill the marlboros, money wasn't an issue either. Theres just no real need for it at all which is abit stupid and I played alot of cards so I always had an abundance of items

Wish Id thought of the kamikaze thing on the tonberries tho. How annoying. I used micro missles and renzokuken which killed them off quickish....not quick enough though it was such a pain in the arse >_<
I kept missing Doomtrain so that was prob the hardest for me although them tonberrys were dam frustrating!!
I never had any problems wid cactuar i though that guy was really easy
I hated getting bahamut. For some unknown reason ... possible because I am an idiot and didn't stratagise well ... I found those damn ruby dragons annoying as hell.
Yea, I actually had the most trouble with Jumbo Cactuar, but it wasn't much trouble at all. He ran once, then I got him the second time. Nobody really troubled me, though.
The hardest GF is most definately Doomtrain. It freaking takes ages to get all the necessary ingredients together, not only that but you need to do it before time compression happens otherwise your screwed!
Luckily, if you don't go with the storyline, then Time Compression won't happen.
Oh gawd, chasing down all those wendigos and marlboros for doomtrain was hellish. Tinberry I didn't have a problem with - I just used Irvine's limit with AP ammo and they went down after 2/3 turns
Yea, I actually had the most trouble with Jumbo Cactuar, but it wasn't much trouble at all. He ran once, then I got him the second time. Nobody really troubled me, though.

I forgot that little bleeder runs away ''Jumbo cactuar hesitates...'' Oh no you don't you little fucker. It was so infuriating when you'd be battling him for AGES only to have him run away and have to do it all over again. luckily my last play thru I manafed to floor him before he did a runner! 10,000 needles was a pain in th arse aswel.....