Hardest organization XIII member?

Xaldin, hands down. With Xemnas at 2nd (nearly died when I failed to pay attention to the "surrounded by lasers" part)
Xaldin! GRRRRR i hate his little spear's ARGH! i beat him with mickey the first time then on proud mode i managed to beat him without mickey :P
The Hardest ones for me were Xigbar, Xaldin and Zemnas. Xigbar attacks a lot from long range and killed me several times before I beat him. Xaldin's spears were a pain in the neck and he kept killing me, I found that you had to have Drive to have a chance to summon King Mickey, otherwise he wouldn't come. And Xemnas, the part where you had to save Sora as Riku and the part where he summons all those laser blasts to attack you.
demyx was easy!!!!!! the time never ran out for me cause i always used limit break lool hmm the hardest person for me was probly xaldin i think its spelt

Xaldin was probably the hardest for me, that spear dragon he'd create would always nearly kill me :( Xemnas would be the second. When you get to control Riku, Xemnas' clone always killed me before I'd even get close to him and Sora, and of course at the laser part. And Demyx second time, those water copies just wouldn't die
. When you get to control Riku, Xemnas' clone always killed me before I'd even get close to him and Sora, and of course at the laser part

That kept happening to me aswel, Id say xemnas was a close second behind Xaldin, I still have nightmares about him

But I remember FINALLY rescuing Sora and got to that last bit and DIED because I didnt know I was meant to alternate triangle and X or whatever it was, honestly, I was ready for keling ovre, I swear I would have been the first pirson to have a heart attack over that game, I came so close -_-

I was the same ^_^ I was like, finally I got past that part, I must be near the end now, and then the laser part O.O died on my first go, and second, and had to relive the riku part again and again
But I was so happy once I finally did it
I died at the hands of Xaldin and failed twice to save Sora from the hands of Xemnas at the final battle (Sora was about lvl 47-48 coming into the final battle) the first play through the game, yet managed to beat both of them at the first attempt during the second time through the game (at levels into the mid 60s coming into the Final Xemnas battle); that was on beginner mode, so I am considering starting all over again on Standard Mode!
Xaldin and Demyx, I've only beaten Xaldin first try with the king once but then forgot to save the game, as for Demyx it's his water clones, funny how Dem is my favourite member XD. But in CoM it was Marluxia.

BTW How the hell did those who did, lose to Axel? He's one of the most easiest members to beat
Xaldin is the hardiest, i got saved by King Mickey twice while fighting him -_-; so embarrising[sp]

[Mod Edit: Please expand upon your posts in future, i.e. why you found this particular battle difficult]
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Luxord is a hard in proud mode, and also Xaldin but if one is not careful even Xemnas can be a pain to beat. Here some advice, only fight them when you have enough lv. and are suficiently awake.
i'd have to agree demyx or however you spell his name was hard, my time always ran out until i started using forms... i defeated him in a jiffy!:se7: but the boss with the black tenticle hairs that you fight at the beauty and beast place (i don't remember his name) he was really hard, he was so hard i kept relying on mickey to save me!
I felt that Xigbar was the most difficult. I just hated how whenever you would get close he would teleport to the other end of the battle area and start shooting and then when you got to him, he'd teleport to the other side and keep doing it.

his close-shot attacks where he shoots dozens of bullets at you just made him a pain...easy to beat once you get down the pattern, but he was still a pain in arse.
Demyx and his damn water clones. I lost to him so many times I lost count and I kept losing Goofy. I was happy when i beat him lol. The black tenticle guy at the Beauty and the beast castle was really hard. I forgot what mode I was in but I defeated him but then I forgot to save and had to do it all agian.
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Xigbar for me, he was really hard for me to beat due to his speed attacks. He was the second hardest boss in the game after Seph imo.
I always though Xigbar and Demyx were the hardest.
Demyx because of his damn water clones *shakes fist* and I can't remember why I found Xigbar hard.
All I remember is that I almost used the KH2 disk as a frisbee after I couldn't beat him for the 10th time.
Xaldin was quite hard,
king mickie had to come save me 2 times
and yet i was horrible using him so he got whooped quite easily.
See, I didn't find these guys so much hard as tedious.

Like, Scitar boy (Demyx) I could've kicked the crap out of him for hours, but I often found myself running around killing water-thingys and then losing out on time. Which makes no sense.

And then Xigbar- dodge a kajillion lazer arrows while standing on the skinniest platform EVER!

And then, uh...Luxord... Cards...and..yeah.

I never had trouble in terms of difficulty, just annoying things that had nothing to do with the actual battle.