Hawtest guy in Advent Children?

This feels awkward posting in this thread, but...Sephiroth because he's evil and kills things...cool...
heh, i don't have a fave hot guy, because there are a lot of hot guys

hell, even rufus, eyepatch and all
Rufus. Not Cloud, not Vincent, not Reno. But Rufus.

His face is covered for nearly the entire movie, but when we do see it... :blush:

Reno comes in as a far second, and guess what? I love Rude too. He doesn't get much appretiation in the fandom, because he is not considered a bishounen. Bishounen often have long hair, girlish facial features, a tormented past, and huge eyes. Rude has none of these qualities, but he is still definently hot, imo. And strong.
Reno's a scrawny looking kid, but I think he's hip and cool and obviously applies the most comic relief in Advent Children. Oh and, wow, AC's color palette was so dull, so I really like Reno's red head poppin' in once in awhile.

As for who's hot, well heh, Kadaj. I never liked Sephiroth to be honest with you and I never really gravitated to Vincent either. Cloud maybe, but I really like Kadaj.

Jenova's gene pool sure is nice...
Well, I would say Sephiroth is the hottest except he looked like a meth head in the movie.

Hottest....I would say Reno and Vincent.
Ahh, it would have to be Vincent first, then Reno. I dislike the word "hot", though. Vincent was mysterious and I liked something about that. While I dislike the word, I can't deny he was hot because of his mystery. :P Reno... He was more cute than hot. But, to be honest, none of the FF guys appeal to me. :lol:
For me it would have to be Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth and Vincent. They're all so cool! Vincent is so mysterious and I like it.
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Iv always liked Cloud and Vicent from the ps1 version as well as AC but from AC Rude was pretty hot and Rude aswel, actually together they just made a hot combo (i cant believe im saying this at my age LOL) I always had a thing for Elena aswel but i guess thats straying from the subject..

Vincent is so mysterious and I like it.

i like that aswel hehe
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My top three hottest would have to be Vincent, Zack, and then Cloud. Reno and Loz would come a really close fourth.
I <3 Sephiroth he is sooooooooooooooo hot, he my all time fav character because his a momma's boy which I think is very cute especailly in CC and he is a psycho who whats to destory the planet.
I'm not going to class Zack because we barely see him. BASTARDS -pets her Zack;-

So I'm going with Yazoo. It might be because I'm bi and he looks the most effeminate, who knows, but I'd bang that boy six ways from sunday.

Cloud was hawt too but I'm not typically into blondes XD

Vincent... too... emo vampire king for my taste.

Loz... no, Kadaj... I guess.

RUFUS! YES! ... Blonde but neh. Dye it. ;))

RENO... It's the red hair... SO HAWT.

Rude... Well, you have to find the almost silent, buff black guy hawt. (Unless it's Barrett. :confused: )

Cid.. No

Sephiroth is hawt, but he was a little too wacko looking.

Don't know it depends on the mood swings.

Sometimes Rufus ( despite the whole werid wheelchair and ghost halloween cape... thing.. ) is the most attractive FFVII AC guy.

While sometimes it's Cloud, or Vincent, Reno, Zack or Cid.( etc )

Like Zack at the moment.

So he wins ?? :confused: