Hojo-Love him or Hate him

Severin Nickolos

Oct 20, 2008
I just want to know this question alot of times on the internet when i look people say Hojo is hot i mean honestly

Doesnt that look hot to you,NO but thats my opinion not yours but i am not going against people who like i just think its funny so i just want to know if you love him or hate him.
People say he is hot? now that its weird imo,
but no i wanted to destroy him in crisis core when I first saw him,
just because i knew before hand on his science projects,
I dislike the guy.
definatley not hot, but very sinister villan.. I like this idea that he thinks what hes doing is for the good. Definate god complex
Dunno he has that sorta rugged intelligent look ;)
The guy was brilliant, he was my kinda villain. Like Seymour, Zorn and Thorne, you just wanted to jump in the game and put your hands round his neck. A much better bad guy than Sephiroth, in my opinion of course.
I found it very satisfying fighting him in doc and in FFVII. Although it pissed me off when he used confuse on cloud who then proceeded to wipe out my team!!!
I'm kinda neutral with hojo, he didn't bother me that much although his laugh is annoyin in DOC, you can't actually hear it in VII. I agree with lagunas dream though, it was cool fighting him in DOC. Like all bad guys, he just didn't give up...
Lol. Hojo...hot?! That's hilarious, at least to me it is.

Anyway, I hate him. I thought he was scum to do what he did to everyone. I mean, he was trying to breed Aeris and Red XIII together! Plus there was what he did to Sephiroth, Cloud, Professor Gast, and Vincent. I'm sure there were a lot more people that we didn't even hear about.

Square did a good job at making him dislikable, though.
Lol. Hojo...hot?! That's hilarious, at least to me it is.

Anyway, I hate him. I thought he was scum to do what he did to everyone. I mean, he was trying to breed Aeris and Red XIII together! Plus there was what he did to Sephiroth, Cloud, Professor Gast, and Vincent. I'm sure there were a lot more people that we didn't even hear about.

Square did a good job at making him dislikable, though.

Dont you think its because hes so dislikable that hes a really good villain?? Thats what does it for me, as oppose to Sephiroth who i didnt care about. The more you hate him the better the bad guy imo. (sorry to bring sephiroth up, dont wanna bring the fanboys out)
Hojo was not that bad of a character but One thing is that it was fun to do all his missions in CC lol. Anyway Hojo in my opinion was not really a villian. Hojo I will say is a character who is moderate.
Lol. I'm neutral to all FF characters but he was a pretty good villian, better than the likes of Brahne and Seymour because he had such a large impact on the game. If you think about it he is part of the core of VII. He's a character you love to hate.
Hojo was not that bad of a character but One thing is that it was fun to do all his missions in CC lol. Anyway Hojo in my opinion was not really a villian. Hojo I will say is a character who is moderate.

Not a villain?
Performed scientific experiments on people against their will. ie Cloud, Zack, Vincent among some.
Injected jenova cells into his own son. ( who grows up to become a liitle bit demented, and kills a lot of ppl)
Also the events in FFDOC with deep ground and Weiss ( can barely remember the story but he was doin somethin bad i remember)
Yeah this guy was definatley evil. Probably worse than most villans as he believes he has a right to play with people and experiment with them against their will. He doesnt seem to have the token tragic past of most bad guys either. Its just the way he is
He did add an irritant factor to the game though, every time you saw him you knew something was going to happen. He changes the lives of FFVII's characters a lot. I enjoyed fighting him in Midgar and DOC, finally I got to shut him up! :)
I also like it how when he came back in DOC the explanation of how he did it was feesable (for FF anyway) because most games that bring characters back have 'escaped' from obviously unescapable situations. It was a nice change.
He's a bad guy, 'nuff said

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The running gag with my friends is that since Vincent got so close to Lucrecia... the child is not Hojo's, if you know what I mean/

Hojo himself is brilliant, yes... but narcissistic and egocentric... which makes him just as hated as Sephiroth, but with Seph - there is still awe, admiration, and understanding. With Hojo, it's simply 'Good riddance"
Hojo is just a crazy scientist who likes making copies of enemys he even made like what 3 copies of Sephiroth in Crisis Core? Wow he is just a genius or something lol. Why is everyone so concerned about Hojo?
The running gag with my friends is that since Vincent got so close to Lucrecia... the child is not Hojo's, if you know what I mean/
That's just a rumor that has officially been disproved. Vincent proposed to Lucrecia, but she rejected him and turned to Hojo. She eventually married him and concieved Sephiroth.

As for Hojo, I absolutely despise him. The things he's done throughout the compilation to so many people really sicken me; first, convincing Lucrecia to marry him and then injecting her unborn child with Jenova cells all in the name of "science". The bastard didn't give a damn about neither her or his son and once he had what he wanted, he threw Lucrecia away like a used piece of paper. The most vile thing he did though was not letting Lucrecia see her newborn child, not even once.

Then Vincent; shooting him when he spoke out against his ill treatment of Lucrecia and the atrocities he was commiting. The experiments he conducts later on Cloud and Zack were dispicable as well -_- And then of course, his capture of Aerith and her mother and the hell he put them both through...The list just goes on and on.
I know it's a rumor... but we just joke around about it.

Tho, I wish it was true.

But for a full explanation, play DC.
Please remember guys the thread is asking how you feel about Hojo, not if you think he is evil - you could find him evil and still like the guy, just bear that in mind. Ta

I never really liked him myself, certainly didn't find him attractive, dunno why people think he is hot xD

He is off his rocker and I always imagined him having a really annoying voice - which I do actually think they got spot on with the VA. He's just a slimy smart arse creep. Hate him xD
hojo is a bad bad guy. i think a couple people were kinda saying it earlier but he fails to be a complete (and impressive) villain.

the pros: He is a narcissistic, egomaniacal bastard who ruined several lives. in that respect he succeeds. he is able to bring about complete hatred and resentment from the audience, which is an amazing feat most villains can't claim. he also works very well as a physical incarnation of a concept. that concept being science taken to an excessive and ultimately frightening extreme.

the cons: the performance failed. his mannerisms and habits bring out disgust from the viewer. the sadistic laughter doesn't instill fear. it brings out frustration. the character is more of an annoyance. lastly, he doesn't command any sort of respect, pity, concern or awe. any of which, would have given him the crucial dimension to his character, making him a good villain.

i really wanted to refrain from using the comparisons, but i think it really illustrates my point: Sephiroth commands your respect. although he is a villain and you disagree with what he does, he does it in such an elegant way. the presentation is superb. Kuja gains your pity because although he commits heinous acts, in the end you see him for what he is; a lost boy. Kefka gains your sympathy because although he murders countless people, he did it because he was a victim of abuse and wanted everything (including himself) to become nothing (this comparison might need some elaboration...it's been a while since i played VI).

Anyways, i just feel that all villains need that extra side to them. people aren't evil just for the sake of being evil. they usually have some motive. some reason. some point of view. that's what makes villains come alive imo.

as far as if he's hot? i say no. what was lucrecia thinking?! LOL

EDIT: Sorry grinch, just saw that. however my comments still stand!
What annoyed the hell out of me was "If you kill me, the who will run this complicated equipment, hmm?"

It even made Cloud back off in the Shin-ra building getting Aerith back for that reason...

Hojo didn't run the equipment! It was his assistants!

One more point in my mind on why I hate him.

But what confused me was when he 'quit' Shin-ra and he was found catching some rays in Costa Del Sol when you arrive the first time. ... whut? Then sun clad bikini girls around him? Whu? And if the graphics were better, I wouldn't be surprised that he is drinking something in a tiki mug with a cute little umbrella. -- That flat out threw me for a loop.