Hojo-Love him or Hate him

Now that I think about it...almost everything bad that happened in VII was because of Hojo!! Even back then in Crisis Core!! ._.;;
He's the root of all evil in VII and he didn't even have that much of screentime, that's when you know he's a good villain!! xDD
....Still hate 'em though e.e;;

How somebdy can love him:holyshit: He is f**king old bastard!He turned best friends into enemies to death!Hell no!Hate him!Wanna cut him on parts and put his organs in boxes by alphabetical order!:cloud:
I hate that guy with a passion - he's ultimately responsible with the various experiments like Sephiroth and the off-shoot projects. With out those projects. There would be no conflict, but then again, there would be no plot either.
Agreed when I was playing CC and Zack had to protect Hojo I was like OH HELL NO I want to rip him into little pieces and feed them to may dog.
Love Hojo, love his goofy walk and his werid yet creepy giggle and his strange yet awkard behaviour towards everybody.

Yeah Hojo has a persona of ''basket '' ( to say it in a more friendly way ) and don't find him attractive at all, but just enjoy his goofy & werid side.

Haven't played CC yet, so don't know what he's like. DOC he was creepy.

I hate hojo as a person (and even after he turned into the grotesque monster at the end of disc 2), but hey he's Sephiroth's dad and I like Sephiroth even though he turned bad =) (imo Cloud's better tho). so...maybe hojo isn't that bad
That is what I dont het I know he is Sephiroth's father but seriously Hojo is not one bit goodlooking to tell you the truth I think Lucrecia had an affair that Hojo didnt know about and had Sephy or Sephy just got all his good looks from his mom.
I dunno, HoJo.. hes hes... uber sexy XD Goes to show how i got good taste in men ;)
i mean come on give the guy a break not everyone's meant to be sexy goodness people. (like me :P)
Personally, i had my suspicions of him from the beginning. I never liked him hes a bastard >:( It took me like 3 times before i could beat him. He never confused my people but he'd always put them to sleep then do combo again and they would never wake up! it made me mad. So i killed him =) He's a evil scientist and needed to go bye bye ^_^
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I hate Hojo and I'm glad Vincent killed him, he was so creepy, "Hot" yeah and the sun is a cold rock the size of a marble :blink:

He's definitely not my favorite character and I definitely don't see hot anywhere on him...
He is a villain, but a pathetic one. Doesn't evoke much feeling unlike alot of other bosses.
I hate hojo because he is a creep. His weird laugh, and the way he walked was creepy creep creep. He was responsible for many things in final fantasy 7. I'm glad we got a chance to kill his butt.
ppl think he's hot?!unbelievable I mean like he has a forehead almost as large as his head.I personally hate him like the things he did 2 Vincent is cruel!!
Personally, I've always thought Hojo was a douchebag

but that was okay. In Final Fantasy VII.

In Dirge of Cerberus though, he was a miserable cunt that needed to fuck off and die imho :monster:
I hate how he acts/thinks/laughs... xD I don't like Hojo at all, as mentioned in this thread, what he did to Vincent was fucked up, and he's just a total creep, messing around. He's lost it, me thinks.

But overal as in him being in the game, I think it was needed. Adds Psychoness in it. ^^
Actually, I'm pretty fond of ol' Professor Hojo. He does his job really well - he plays the mad scientist and pisses the *%&# out of the viewers. xD
He doesn't have any particularly redeeming characteristics - none of that innate strength or "wowness" of Sephiroth; nor does he have an ethical bone in his body, but that's precisely why I like him. This is the guy that will do, and does do, anything in the name of science. He's completely out of control and has no concept of the value of life.
In the real world, its commonplace for rats and other animals to be used in experiments. I think that the creators wanted to show the effects of that...insensitivity/heartlessness when blown out of proportion. Hojo sure doesn't see any more value in the life of a rat than that of a person. ^^,

As for being 'hot,' well... I suppose he has his charms. Those fine, surgical hands and all. (*gag*)
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No problem. That was actually the shortest post I've done on here so far....

Hojo had this little complex about him that I hated...the complex that EVERYTHING was inferior to him. And he had no problems stating it. Calling Aeris, a living breathing human-being, nothing more than a test subject, and of course, treating Red XIII like some sort of wild animal. The man has no heart. He says he's in it for the science, but the truth of the matter is, he's in it for his own selfish means of gaining more knowledge and power than anyone else alive.

And instead of gaining this power on his own, he uses others to do so. That's a coward's way in my opinion.

Oh...and a lab coat at Costa Del Sol? Seriously, what was that?
I hated Hojo with a stong passion. I hated him when you were in the Shinra HQ and Cloud has to back off his advance towards getting Aeris out of the chamber. "Who is gonna run this delicate equipment?" Piss off D'bag, I loved wreckin his ass in Midgar at the end of disc 2.
But he pulled his role out perfect, he made people hate him. And he was very important to the story of FFVII, hate him as a character, but he pulled off his role.
Who the hell would say he's hot o_O
I hated Hojo - Was a pleasure to destroy him in FF7 :D