Hojo-Love him or Hate him

HOLO O i hate him so much i think he was one of the most annoying person ever lol

Why? Please elaborate further on your posts ^^

As for me, I thought Hojo was a brilliant character - he takes Mad Scientist to the extreme and he was so twisted, a deliciously evil FF character. The way he refers to Aerith and Nanaki as "specimens" and his whole attitude in general, they created a very warped, very interesting character here - we were SUPPOSED to hate him, which is why the boss battles at the end of disk two are oh-so-satisfying.
as a person I quite liked him ....a bit crazy(wears his lab coat in costa del sol while trying to get a sun tan) but is the only person who tell president shinra the blunt facts: "Probably not in our lifetime"

As a boss however I despise him and his status attacks :(
The dude is out of his head. He's a freakin nut, I hate him because he's such a jack ass - he wants results at the amount of even death. He's unethical and it goes against my character.
Hojo is awesome! He is definitely one of your better villains without all the crappy armor. True genius is the art flexing your mind to an outcome and Hojo has done that in an evil style. Props to him and 5/5 for an awesome FF evildoer.
Hojo.......was insane. I think the guy had a serious God complex. I doubt he ever stopped to think of the consequences of his experiments. If you like him, that's fine, but I just found him annoying. Hell, I can't even understand why those women in Costa del Sol crowded around him. As a boss, he was pretty okay, but as a character, he was nutty.