Hojo-Love him or Hate him

hate him - he's an arse!
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Not sure who you're talking to or what you eat before you go to sleep at night that people would actually call Hojo hot, but as a character, he's f'in insane.

He's a good character for the role. Personally I abhor him as a villain, but like him for his role. He's a douche. He tries to get Cetra (who are close enough to be people) to do it missionary style with animals. Freak.

He is willing to kill anyone who stands in the way of his twisted experiments and concoctions and even those he claims to love are just a pawn in his game to be used to gather research for his sick games.

He's no doubt smart, but the screws in his head took a few too many "lefty loosey" turns back in the day I'm guessing.
Yup when i seen people saying Hojo was hot i was like WTF i mean seriously i hate him about what he tried to do to poor sephy it made me mad and and took all my vengence on him on DOC.
I thought he was a great character. I can imagne him being rather frail and wirey, for his power is within his brain. And the way he walks too, he looks unhealthy in some regards!

Of course, he done unforgiveable things. He only cares about himself and see's others as materials for experimentation. All of these things made me HATE him, but love his presence as a character! :D
I love Hojo. Of course, he was cruel to Lucrecia who is one of my favorite characters, and messed a lot of things up. . . but that's his role, haha. I love how stereotypically mad-scientist he is. : )
I don't hate him, the man was a lunatic and despite all the "bad" things he did, he got what he deserved when my party crushed him back in Midgar.

He's just a boss to me, a really sad boss although the Jenova theme in the background actually makes his battle cool.
Hojo pissed me off so much. That's what was so good about him. He was a good villain for that reason. I liked how he thought that he was superman or something then gets pwned (for the last time) by Vincent but seriously, they made him well.
I liked Hojo's character alot. he brought the madscientist to the story, which every games needs at least one insane person messing with chemicals and altering human DNA to create super-soldiers, and Hojo was just that.
Mm...I couldn't stand him. I was very happy when ever I got to fight and kill him, really. How can anyone like another who plays with a living thing's life, as f they didn't matter. It was terrible. The way he carried out his so called experiments. He was a very brilliant villain though.
As for him being hot, I dunno about that. I don't really think about his appearance that much but his attitude is sure not alluring or anything. Which brings me back to Lucrecia. For the sake of science she allowed her self to be with that guy? She must have been pretty sure the experiment was gonna work. For the sake of science doesn't justify her experiment with that guy; but then again what can we do, heehee.


No. No way.

He is not hot! I hate him. -.-

After what he did to Vincent and Lucrecia...

I'm not saying he wasn't a good character, was amazing character, just didn't like him.

He's just... creepy. I can't stand his laugh. =/

I have to say he is one of my top in the list of fav villains. An evil mind that plots destruction even in death he managed to create a sypnetic net dive he is the best there is jaja. What a better way to be the creator of evil than creating sephiroth.
I hate the character, I think it is a good character in the games, but it is just one of those characters that I grow to dislike the more I see him, he's just freaky. <_<

Some characters are put into to games to play the roles of doing things that would make people hate him/her/it, though some people still like such characters anyways. >_>
Hojo? Hot? Hubbajawhat??

He's all...blech...and...blech...and...bleccccch.
He's got that hunch, and he's all scrawny, and he's nerdy, and he talks to himself...Gah. Creeps me out just thinking about it.

Then again, he did spawn Sephiroth bilogically...and Sephiroth looks pretty dece. Hmm, maybe the guy just needs to take better care of himself. Get some contacts. Brush his teeth once in awhile.
Nope. I can't imagine someone liking that self-obsessed *******.

Was so happy when he died. I wouldn't even mind if there was a game dedicated to just killing him alone. That should prove how much i hate him.
I hated that guy,from the first moment I saw him I knew he was so corrupted.Vincent should've killed him for everything he did to him.He even did experiments on his own self,how more of a monster can he be?
I just want to know this question alot of times on the internet when i look people say Hojo is hot i mean honestly

Doesnt that look hot to you,NO but thats my opinion not yours but i am not going against people who like i just think its funny so i just want to know if you love him or hate him.
Symphony of the Night is one of the greatest games in the world, right next to this one, Breath of Fire 3 and Legend of Mana.

As for Hojo... Hojo's a tough one. Hojo's a bit of a dickhead, he's pretty much the cause for all of the problems in VII, he's responsible for the clones, the reunion, hell, he's responsible for Sephiroth himself. Which is the only reason I like him. He's an asshole, but damnit if Hojo didn't go and artificially created the baddest assest villian in RPG history.

Long live Sephiroth, even if diffused through the LifeStream