
not homophobic and i find its actually quite a compliment when a homosexul hits on me, im not gay and once they find out your sexuality there advances stop and there really cool people to talk with.
I'm not homophobic at all.
In fact one of my best friends is a gay male.
He is so fun, and great to talk to.
I also lived with a lesbian couple for a while.
It was rather interesting, but fun.
I'm not homophobic. I don't see why anyone is homphobic, to be honest. If it's because of their religion, then I see why, but if not, then why hate them? I see no point, they're people too.
Homophobes are just people who can't mind their own business.

Go ahead. Attack me. :)

And btw...being gay isn't a religion. lol.
Ha shes got a good point if it was a religion most of my friends would me trying to convert me!
Gosh, I wish someone would just flush the whole issue.
We're at war right now, and people are debating over homosexuality...
What, so we should all talk about that and nothing else? :rolleyes:
Well,I don't hate them.I'm really ok with that.I also have a lesbian friend and she's a very nice person.
what war are you talking about

You must not live in America...

No, it's totally cool to talk about it, but I just don't understand why there are hate groups, and protestors going against this sort of thing.
Some people take it to an extreme.
A few years ago, we had a hate group come to our school, and they were burning flags in the street, and telling us that we were all going to hell because our school had a GSA club.
That's too extreme...
quote=You have no reason to hate them - they do not interfere with your life, so why so much hate?
hey i hate they cuz there are so much girls in the world why go with men why

You hate gay people because theres loads of girls so why dont they go out with girls?

Ugh. :dry:
Not homophobic at all. I have a cousin who's gay and he's the coolest guy to talk to! The way he speak is funny and entertaining.