
A few years ago, we had a hate group come to our school, and they were burning flags in the street, and telling us that we were all going to hell because our school had a GSA club.

You had a what club? What does GSA stand for?

If I were homophobic, I reckon I'd have some real issues :)
GSA is Gay Straight Alliances. There are plenty of highschools that have these clubs. :)
I think it's great to have that sort of program in schools.
But it's also started somewhat of a 'gay' trend...people acting like they're gay just to fit in...which IMO isn't necissary, since you don't need to be gay to join GSA. o_O
Homophobes are just people who can't mind their own business.

Go ahead. Attack me. :)

And btw...being gay isn't a religion. lol.

No, he ment that if a religion like Christianity for example goes against a homosexual way of life, then you sort of have a reason to be against gays or be homophobic: 'cause they got the bible stuck up their arse :D

I'm not gay and i'm not homophobic. I thought i was bi at one point, but i'm not; though still think i have a bi state of mind. It's like what someone else said (Moonchild was it? Sorry i've got a brain like a goldfish) i just don't like it when they try to be straight out gay right in my face to where the point it's annoying.
being gay is a problem and who the hell would want to be gay just to join a GSA club and why do do they even have these clubs i have never even heard of them
I love the fact that the homophobes in this forum love playing games where the lead male characters are the biggest ladyboys I've ever seen (except Cloud).

It's got to make you wonder.... :)

The only thing I cannot tolerate is intollerance.
I was In GSA in my old high school in nc but my dad the homophobe thought i was gay and sent me to live with my mom some of my best friends are gay and i can not stand homophobes
i don't necessarilly have a problem with gay people, however i don't think that gay people should be married. but allow me to clarify: could they be joined by the state and reap the same benefits as a husband and a wife? yeah. but do i think they should be married in a church with God's blessing? nope.

there's a difference between marriage and "legally unified".
Sexuality is fluent. I have many homosexual friends, to me they are still human beings, regardless of sexual preference. People can't choose who they are attracted to, its genetic. I can't stand people who judge people for being who they are.

I think it's harder for men to be homosexual than women as its percieved to be not "manly". I am attracted to both sexes so for me the thought of homophobia is a negative subject.

Its all about changing how you think *nods*
im with you dude i hate homophobes i think they are stupid

I thought you hated gay people? I think you've got confused between Homophobe and Homosexual. If thats the case I suggest you stop posting your opinion since you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. :lol: