
Sexuality is fluent. I have many homosexual friends, to me they are still human beings, regardless of sexual preference. People can't choose who they are attracted to, its genetic. I can't stand people who judge people for being who they are.

I think it's harder for men to be homosexual than women as its percieved to be not "manly". I am attracted to both sexes so for me the thought of homophobia is a negative subject.

Its all about changing how you think *nods*

RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree 100%
you make the most sense out of all the others that have posted:cool:
Sexuality is fluent. I have many homosexual friends, to me they are still human beings, regardless of sexual preference. People can't choose who they are attracted to, its genetic. I can't stand people who judge people for being who they are.

I think it's harder for men to be homosexual than women as its percieved to be not "manly". I am attracted to both sexes so for me the thought of homophobia is a negative subject.

Its all about changing how you think *nods*
Well put. There's a lot of research to back that up too, except that homosexual is about half genetic and half environmental influences (if I remember correctly). And homosexuality is now being viewed as a spectrum. You're not gay or straight, it's how gay or how straight you are.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with people attracted to the same sex. Whether or not you agree with homosexuality is no excuse for hating someone. People are people.
Anyway, I don't have a problem with people attracted to the same sex. Whether or not you agree with homosexuality is no excuse for hating someone. People are people.

i completly agree with you homosexuality is no excuse to hate somebody
Honestly, the only people I hate are discriminators and haters. That statement may seem controversial, but I honestly cannot stand the thought of hating someone for something that is mostly built into their genes before birth.

Here's a little history lesson:
In ancient Greece, it was considered more manly for men to have sex with other men, women simply used as breeding stock (no offence to the ladies here).

And anyhow, if you're going to state that you hate them (*cough*sasuke-kun*cough*), please give a good reason. "There are plenty of girls" is not a valid reason. If you are mentally programmed to seek other men, there is nothing short of incredibly risky, untested, and almost 100% lethal gene therapy that can be done to make them like women...unless they force themselves to, in which case they're likely living a lie.
To quote my fiance, "A homophobic person is just someone who's really insecure.

Take your typical homophobic guy. He'll say that a homosexual girl is 'hott', but he'll absolutely hate a homosexual guy. Why? "'cuz I don't want dem ***s hittin' on me! Durka dur!""

SO, agreed. Homophobia is ridiculous.
To quote my fiance, "A homophobic person is just someone who's really insecure.

Take your typical homophobic guy. He'll say that a homosexual girl is 'hott', but he'll absolutely hate a homosexual guy. Why? "'cuz I don't want dem ***s hittin' on me! Durka dur!""

SO, agreed. Homophobia is ridiculous.

Truer words were never spoken - i have nothing to add to that - you said it all ;)
I'm not homophobic, though I wouldn't be comfortable with a homosexual person hitting on me. I'm fully aware that gay people aren't automatically attracted to every guy on the planet, so spare me that stereotype.
^ You might want a better (valid) reason than that, Unthinkable.

From what I heard, homosexuals are what they are due to one of two things:

1) Too much testosterone (for the females)
2) Not enough testosterone (for the males)

If a girl receives too much testosterone or a boy doesn't receive enough testosterone while they're still in the womb, they have the tendency to become homosexual. Having the attraction to those of similar gender is not something they can help.

However, there are people out there who only claim they are homosexual just to get closer to the other gender. A girl is more comfortable to talk about things such as clothing whatnot around a guy who is supposedly homosexual. The main difference between these imposters and the real deal? The fakes usually act like the stereotypical 'flamboyant' homosexual and pretty much brings his/her supposed homosexuality in every conversation they get into.

To be quite frank, you wouldn't know if you were talking to a real homosexual unless you asked about their personal life. They don't go into the "Oh my gawd! There was this guy/girl I saw the other day and he/she was so CUTE!" mindset. When they talk about their significant other, they speak as though it is completely natural (much like how a guy talks about how his wife is doing). Hell, I didn't know my ceramics teacher was homosexual until I saw his boyfriend come into the classroom with their adopted daughter.

You might want to think your 'desperation' claim over again.
I hate gays and lesbians because they don't have a life, whatever they're desperate anyway they can't live right >_>

Haha, that's rich.

Under the guise of a woman who despises gay people, Unthinkable-of-me attempts to mask her own gay tendencies.

You'll come to terms with it someday. We're there for yah, deary. *huggehs*
You know, I am only afraid one person who is a homosexual. That person goes by the name of Von. He tends to hit on EVERYTHING. =P

No, seriously, I know the stereotype like Parka said a few posts before. Therefore, there's really nothing to be afraid of. I do mind when people use the word "gay" to mean stupid and such.

Quite mature. [/sarcasm]
So, hun...wha'cha doin' latah on? If you're not busy, I could pick you up in my new Thunderbird. Oops, dropped my pair of tickets to the Yankee game. Guess I'll just...beeeend on over and pick those up. My butt? Yeah, it's pretty trim. Thanks for noticing.

Haha, I'm kidding (if you reject me). No, I'm still kidding (not really). Seriously, I am.

Don't think I'm serious. That'd be gay. Hah!