Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

I support gay marrige, I mean who are christians, or left/right wing people to say what they can an can not do. Marrige is a title given to people for basically being truthful to one another and agreeing to spend there lives with each other. The fact of male and female, is just a stupid way to view things. Things change and people need to deal with it, married or no there will still be gays. Also for christians out there, your *religious* opinion doesn't matter because for anyone to say that its wrong because of a religious idea is imposing your beliefs on other people. And that... is oppresion...
I support gay marrige, I mean who are christians, or left/right wing people to say what they can an can not do. Marrige is a title given to people for basically being truthful to one another and agreeing to spend there lives with each other. The fact of male and female, is just a stupid way to view things. Things change and people need to deal with it, married or no there will still be gays. Also for christians out there, your *religious* opinion doesn't matter because for anyone to say that its wrong because of a religious idea is imposing your beliefs on other people. And that... is oppresion...

Correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't marriage a sacred Christian tradition and if so, is it therefore not a right but a privilege and the creation of the religious beliefs of Christians and therefore their religious beliefs are very much a part of who can or cannot be married under the Christian religion.

If what your saying is true than everyone who wants to become the pope should be allowed to without the interference of religious values.

I do know that there is marriage in other religions, but Christian beliefs do not belong there.

Unless marriage has nothing to do with religion anymore.

P.S. I have nothing against the homosexual community and I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just looking for a good argument.
I'm a Christian. Born and raised the normal everyday life. I used to attend church regularly too. However, I am not against gay marriages.

I've always been brought up to an equality standard of living. To respect everyone and everything for what they are. So in all honesty, it doesn't even brush past me as a controversial view. Homosexual marriages happen, and I accept it. I'm not going to argue with peoples feelings and emotions.

From what I know, marriage sanctifies the celebration of two peoples love. So it shouldn't really matter what sex they are, but that's my view, as small as it most probably is.
Finally. It's nice to know that someone new on the block is christian but they're contributing something else to this thread other than they're a christain and they were brought up to be fag haters for no reason other than because they're gay. Me and you should be friends.
Homosexual marriage.
I have to make a blunt statement here, and I'm sorry if anyone is offended by it, but...
Why would you care if two men or two women get married? Unless you're the one who's getting married to the same sex, then it's none of your business. Homosexuals have to deal with enough shit in order to actually get married...Do you really think it's necissary for them to be hassled by stubborn people who just have a general dislike of them? No. Keep your nose out of other people's affairs.
On the contrary, homosexuals do everything the exact same way that straight people do. Why, why, why would a straight person CARE that that two men are having anal sex? Why? Because straight people do it to...
Why does a straight person CARE that two men or two women are married to one another? Marriage is forever binding. It comes with it's ups and downs, and regardless of what sex you are, it's a complicated endeavor. Even if you are a straight person who dislikes homosexuals, you should be HAPPY that they're shackled down in marriage - don't try to protest it!!

And you know something, there's nothing wrong with two homosexuals raising children together. I really really do not believe that a woman can be homosexual, seeing as that all humans are female in the primary stages of development. You cannot be a boy and have one of your Y's legs broken off. It doesn't work that way. So even if two gay people raise a child together, chances are it will grow up straight anyways. And even if it doesnt, then that's the child's own decision.

Not all marriages are christian marriages.
There are non religious ceremonies which bind two people legally in this day and age. Marriage is a legal statement, not a fairy tale fantasy.
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I don't believe in any God or anything and I dont see no problem with gay marriage my best friend since I was 12 is a christian and came out last year and he still see's himself as a christian and I have no problem with him been gay he still the same amazing person he was before he told me and still my best friend and I still love just as much and wish him nothing but happiness.

I know that he wants to finish his support teaching qualifaction then get married and have kids and I dont see why the fact he's gay should changed weather he gets want he wants. I've seen him around children and I think he would make an amazing dad and any child would be lucky to have him in their life. What he does with the person he loves is his own business and no-one elses.
Finally. It's nice to know that someone new on the block is christian but they're contributing something else to this thread other than they're a christain and they were brought up to be fag haters for no reason other than because they're gay. Me and you should be friends.

What about me? :(

Christian who attends mass every sunday and all for gay marriage.
I think that it is there choice not ours and as for religous beliefs if they arent christians why should they have to abide by christians beliefs its quite simple they should'nt have to its a free country you can believe what you want and it does'nt really harm anyone at all.
Doesnt affect me as long as gay men dont hit on me they can get married as much as they want I really dont see what the big deal is anyway
Not all marriages are christian marriages.
There are non religious ceremonies which bind two people legally in this day and age. Marriage is a legal statement, not a fairy tale fantasy.

If marriage is non-religious and simply a legal statement then I don't see how it would be legal for gay marriage to be prevented by any sort of religious opposition. I was under the impression that the term for such "marriage" (non-religious) was civil union.
If marriage is non-religious and simply a legal statement then I don't see how it would be legal for gay marriage to be prevented by any sort of religious opposition. I was under the impression that the term for such "marriage" (non-religious) was civil union.

It's only illegal (in most states) for marriage to be sanctified under a specific religion. The reason, obviously is because christians (and some other religions) follow the bible detail by detail and take every word literally. I understand that the bible says only a man and a woman should be wed, and that's fine.
And also in that tense, I don't understand why a homosexual would choose to be christian, seeing as that it preaches against their beliefs. If there are any gay christians here, please explain this to me.

No matter which angle you look at it, the argument just doesn't make sense...
It's only illegal (in most states) for marriage to be sanctified under a specific religion. The reason, obviously is because christians (and some other religions) follow the bible detail by detail and take every word literally. I understand that the bible says only a man and a woman should be wed, and that's fine.
And also in that tense, I don't understand why a homosexual would choose to be christian, seeing as that it preaches against their beliefs. If there are any gay christians here, please explain this to me.

No matter which angle you look at it, the argument just doesn't make sense...

There are some gay christian churches that will argue that the bible can be interpreted to support homosexuality. Here are some websites if you are interested in what they have to say.

Idk. There are so many different branches of christianity, it's ridiculous.
IMO, people just alter christianity so that they can live their life in satisfaction without feeling guilty.
Everyone interprets religion in their own way and preaches it just the same.
Which is precisesly why christianity is so highly mocked.

Now there's a homosexual christianity??
I'm feeling in a really debatable mood, so I'm making a few debatable threads ;)

Do you agree with homosexual marriage?

Im a bit shocked by some peoples comments on here, but we are all entitled to our opinions.
Im not gay but I have alot of Gay friends. 2 of whom are married they fought through hell to get to where they are, their families have disowned them (which is disgusting, gay, straight, black, white, disabled, able bodied - whatever ... at the end of the day your family is supposed to stick by you) but theyre in love. They arent breaking any laws, they are not doing anything un natural in ANY religion and for those that think they are then I feel truely sorry. The religious leaders of past have admitted that these were not original writings in any testiments but added by the churches etc to outlaw it when they had no parliaments.
Being Gay is no different to being coloured, or being female as opposed to male. Everyone is entitled to be who they are and the only thing that is certain about religion/life/fate is that everything is here for a reason, which means there is a reason for everything to be as it is.
We are not cavemen any more and I think people need to stop the narrowmindedness. Its time for "straight" men & women to stop thinking that a "gay" male or female is going to be trying to "bed" them. Gay people are free to do what they want , or would be if straight people would get over themselves where gay lifestyle is concerned. There is enough badness in the world through racism and sexism, with murderes and terrorists WITHOUT being unfair to people who are just trying to live their lives as is ordained for them.

Sorry for the rant, but it reminds me of the old argument "should a white girl be allowed to marry a black man & vice versa" its shallow, its pointless and its just wrong !
Damn, I've missed a lot.

QuickSilverD said:
Who am I? I am someone who can use simple logic to see things as they truly are

What you think is logic, I find to be downright stubborn belief in traditional and stereotypical presets. There's quite a difference between the two.

Yet you didn't adress what I said about the kids, and since you didn't contradicted me that means you are with me on that one.

I didn't address the fact that children are home alone or with a babysitter now that women are out of the house more, as I thought that was quite obvious. But alright, I'll acknowledge the line, and add this: it's not as if the child doesn't see their mother anymore. And anyway, it's idiotic to say that that was the only result of the women's rights movement.

nowadays if a woman and a man have the same job, it is up to their individual skills and productivity that determinates their salaries

In a Utopian mindpath. There's still inequality in this field, that's my point. Women are still generally viewed inferior.

OMG! you are writing in past tense!

...Yeah? Thank you for that observation...? Read it again and you'd know why I wrote in past tense. I spoke of the root of the problem, which requires past tense, as it happened in the past. Farrell was making up a modern excuse to grant women less money, which conflicted flat out to the root - therefore, his little justification is basically worthless.

Exactly what do you mean by "weaker" if we are talking about the phisical, then yes, if we are talking about who has more power in nowadays society I'll say they are most likely even.

I ask of how you view women, QuickSilverD - not what you think society has going for it now. Are you better than women?

To tell you the thruth someone just asked me, wich gender roles I thought should be kept, I gave my opinion and just my opinion about that.

Indeed you did, and I traced back to you having a problem with these gender roles supposedly not coming across clearly in a homosexual parent situation. I just proved how the gender roles have changed due to the progression of society - and whatever the gender roles are, are passed on to the children, regardless of sexual orientation. Gender and orientation are different things and related only in the sense that they help to define a person. Otherwise, they're dominantly unrelated.

I'm using logic, ever heard of that? How can you tell me it won't have any effect.

You're using hard-edged stereotyping, ever hear of that? Again, you said yourself you're judging them on their orientation and don't care about their other characteristics. That's how I can tell you it won't have any affect. I'm looking at the big picture, not a single opinionated aspect.

Wouldn't you 'scream' if you were treated unjustly?
Thrust me on this one, Not that way.

How do you know? You're not involved, so you needn't really care, right? Or at least, you can't accurately say what you'll do. Take the example of when you get pissed off beyond your level of self-control: there's no telling what you'll do. When served such an injustice, you just react: unpredictable.

Yes and no. Yes, because the child doesn't become who they are based off of the fact that both of their parents have penises or clitorides. No, because the child will develop a higher level of acceptance, maturity, and respect from growing up under the roof of a minority.
Nice answer, (YES and NO) [/sarcasm]

Well that was intelligent of you. Keep in mind the 'no' was there in a technical sense, as prior to that point in discussion we hadn't clearly talked about the whole of your question. Whole question taken to mind, I had to modify my answer. I knew you'd take the reply in the negative sense, that's predictable enough: highlight the fact that it's a positive result.

I think their are fine, every time more and more countries are legalizing gay marriage and even if some "homohater" would still do horrible things so would white people to black people, Americans to Imigrants, etc.

People is capable of evil that's a fact, homosexuals are attacked for being part of a minority.

So because it's happening to other people too, it makes it okay? I don't think so. The existence of minority groups is a sad thing on its own, and the fact that the damn government takes steps to encourage this is beyond words. No, it's not fine. Not fine at all.

Who? me? I'm not degradating I invite all homosexuals to who want to live together and do whatever the hell they like in their own private space, but may they not marriage

Yes, you. You and everyone who is against homosexuality/homosexual marriage. Look at the words you typed. "I'm not degrading, do what you wish but don't marry." You contradict yourself. Again. To hold back from full potential is devalued. Marriage is a part of life most choose to take: part of potential. To hold back from marriage is therefore devaluing.

And nature going its way meant a natural result of either heterosexual or homosexual (and other such as "bi" etc.) Thank you for agreeing with me in that one's orientation is indeed not based on outer influence. It shouldn't be. yet it looks like so many people is confuse these days

...You were saying earlier that orientation could be influenced by outer means. QuickSilverD, I think you need to figure out what you're really thinking before you type it. It appears you don't know what exactly it is you believe, or at least don't have a firm foundation for it.

I know I will take a shot in the foot here, but go to google and type "cure for homosexuality" I'm not saying homosexuality is an ill, but I have always believed that is was a mental state and thus could be changed.

lol And a shot in the foot you will take. Google, for one, is a cool search engine, but not the most accurate. Like practically everything in this world, it's a business - top results don't rise upon fact and accuracy but rather, who paid what for a higher listing. One of my personal favourites: <a href="http://www.faultline.org/place/pinolecreek/archives/002717.html">Save the Tree Octopus!</a>. Of course, people know it as a common hoax now, hence layered with comments as such, but it earned a lot of money to people easily fooled. My point here: what you find isn't always reliable. I can shove down links that enforce my side too, but don't find that too necessary. In the links you posted anyway, I think you actually need to read, as quoted from the one Britain site:

Conclusion The definition of same sex attraction as an illness and the development of treatments to eradicate such attraction have had a negative long term impact on individuals.

Other links provided are from one person's opinion, a doctor who can't "discern from this study just what 'reparative therapy' had involved" and "quite unusual or rare to change sexual orientation." The so-called therapy consists in part of actually shocking these people with electrical current in punishment for moving (being aroused by) pictures of the same sex in the hopes that it would encourage a relief upon looking at the opposite sex. What the hell is up with that...? Basically, this 'therapy' is trying to install 'self-control' in these people, merely masking their orientation for awhile. In your sources here, it says the 'therapy' wears off. In conclusion: there is no "cure" or "treatment" for homosexuality.

Note that I used the work Confusion there. Homosexuality = gender confusion, you don't want to believe it but it is true

Homosexuality is not gender confusion. It is the attraction to the same sex. How can you possibly call it confusion?

The world is make of many people but that way that is correct is this one, I don't know why want to go against that

Again, Copernicus. Traditional people thought it was correct that Earth was the center, down with the radical badass scientist who thought the sun was, right? No. Copernicus proved what people thought was 'correct' wrong. Same here. There is no 'correct' or 'incorrect' sexuality.

But they do

Then why are orphanages flooding?

Aren't housewifes, women that stay in the home and do not work for a salary? Maybe I missed something

I'm shocked, this was right up your traditional alley. To be a traditional housewife, you would have to do the laundry, take care of the kids, have supper ready for your husband when he walks through the door, grant him a kiss and smile as you're ignored due to a newspaper in the way. You can't go out because again, you need to take care of the kids, and if your child cries and wakes you up in the night 25 million times, oh well, your husband needs rest - take care of it before he gets pissed off at you. If he invites his buddies over, you have to serve them like a waitress, and when you're not serving, get out of sight.

Wow, some of these responses really embarass me. I'm a Christian (Roman Catholic to be exact) but I think homosexuals SHOULD be allowed to marry.
Bravo, Rydia =)

Lilly said:
[man can be so arigent some times....who said that the power what ever it may be is a male!!!]

Exactly, Lilly. Males did. Christianity - an organization led by dominant white males and therefore heavily influenced by their ideals: not necessarily God's. In one of my posts a long while back, I explained how open the religion is.

Bravezero said:
i dont agree with this gay are so stupid
Sasuke-kun said:
thats true i hate them too
That was uncalled for. At least say why in your post of mindless insult.

I dont agree with gay marriages its not what god inteded !!! It was not adam and steve it was adam and eve !!!
How do you know it was God who intended it? Plus, you heard that story from oral tradition, and we all know how the "telephone game" goes. Anyway, there's discrimination scribbled all over that story, starting in one that Eve was the one who sinned: a woman, a so-called "being of evil." Thank you, middle-class white males....[/sarcasm] :rolleyes:

Finnegan III said:
I don't believe in the 2000 year old manuscript hell we're not even sure if it's truth.

Pwnage. The bible was created by mere people - these people entitled to their opinions and therefore: facts sway. You're also going from word-of-mouth to paper, error-prone. Then you're going from language to language, another error-prone area.

Cyezero said:
I don't think they should allow homosexuals to get married. Now don't get me wrong I admit that homosexuals can be together I now alot of guys that want to see lesbiens getting married just for the heck of it. But I think that it's wrong.
What's wrong about it? Why can they be together, but not 'officially' be together?

QuickSilverD said:
Funny to see how this thread has evolved since I last posted here. It when from heated discussion to religious debate to name calling to spam thread. WOW!!!
Agreed =S Where are the mods...?

SotD said:
Exactly im a christian and i was taught when i was a child being gay is not right
So you believe it merely because you're taught it, hm? Information goes in, you just accept it without question? What are your views, not other people's? Think about it.

Emerald Fire said:
Yet, if society decrees that they can't get married, then I don't see the problem. Marriage is all about sharing a name, etc. Well, if you can't get married, one of them change their last name (you can do that!)...

And I don't see a written law saying homosexuals cannot live together. Therefore you are just as good as married. It's only a slip of paper saying you are married. That's not important. And if you can't hold an actual wedding, then hold a fake one in your own backyard! Who's gonna care? You're proclaiming your love to your partner, not some moron in a religious suit.

There's my opinion! Go for it!
Hm, you'd think that with this explanation of marriage, it's not really a big deal. Makes one wonder why then so much opposition is raised when homosexuals want to get married. Why not just give them the same rights as everyone else?

SotD said:
Shut up, keep yor blasphemus thoughts to your self, their ofensive :(
=/ You shut up SotD. I happen to agree with Raptorg, and he's merely explaining the unreliability of the bible. You on the other hand, have been posting nothing but offensive, non-contributing spam, as QuickSilverD has said. Sit down.

Royd said:
Doesnt affect me as long as gay men dont hit on me they can get married as much as they want I really dont see what the big deal is anyway
This is another thing I don't understand, and a gay friend of mine takes offense to this aspect. Allow me to voice his thoughts:
"I hate it, how people think we go around and hit on every man we find an interest in. Do heterosexuals do that? No. Neither do we."
And what I don't understand is, why would you feel uncomfortable if they hit on you? Remove the labels for a second. You have someone who's found something they like in you, you get a compliment, you now have a stranger who finds you to be above average. Isn't that a really cool thing to find out?


Nice views, UltimaNatus.

Calm down dude any way continueing my argument from page 11, I think if your christian then gay marriage should not be alowd as its against the bible and its blasphumus