Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

You know Blackrose you really are not helping me here, you are only making us look like a bunch of assholes with irrational hate towards gay people, making it harder for me to give an argument that will not be ignored because of your spamming and empty responses.

At least I am giving arguments, and showing respect to other members here, but what are you doing? You are ruining my opinions by posting stupid posts like that, and thus making people ignore what I say.

So would you please stop, you are not wining anything posting like that. Next time try to extend your post to at least 5 lines maybe you'll be able to say something then
You know Blackrose you really are not helping me here, you are only making us look like a bunch of assholes with irrational hate towards gay people, making it harder for me to give an argument that will not be ignored because of your spamming and empty responses.

At least I am giving arguments, and showing respect to other members here, but what are you doing? You are ruining my opinions by posting stupid posts like that, and thus making people ignore what I say.

So would you please stop, you are not wining anything posting like that. Next time try to extend your post to at least 5 lines maybe you'll be able to say something then
ok so you love gays dont you or you respect them tell me.about you said about my post you are not some admin you know to said what should i do or something like that thats my opinion and about extending lines to say something if you do that you will bore people doing that if you know so DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO OK
go back and you see that i have its not my falt you cant mind your own d*** Business i never said not to say how you feel and am not going to STOP saying what i feel!if you feel like a irrational a**hole then your making your self feel that way....some thing i said must be right!
i cant stop my friends from thinking what they think nor do i wanna life that would be boring.....i post my thought and they post theres....if what i say makes MY friend ill i'll pat his back and say the same thing!
what i say isnt spam its what i think....so if you think what you'll write will make you look like a a** think what this makes you look like! i WILL post and i wont stop.....i wish for world peace were there is no hate and becuse of pepole like you [who dont wanna hear what other peploe have too say] i dont think that can happen.

sighn the peace keeper tigerlilly.
thank you to all my friends who say what THEY feel nomatter what!
Wow, this thread is getting a little out of hand.

I've already posted my views and I am for Gay marriage. I think that since the institution of marriage has always been changing, that it should be able to also change for homosexual couples. Since marriage is no longer about property or forming alliances and all that other good stuff, but about love, I think that two people that love each other should be able to marry regardless of gender.
true! oh so true! ....so why dont other people understand this?
oh well we cant make um!
I'm feeling in a really debatable mood, so I'm making a few debatable threads ;)

Do you agree with homosexual marriage?

yes, these are people just as you and me, they have their rights, and the right to marry eachother has to be there... there is NOTHING wrong with loving a person from the same gender, myself i'm heterosexual, and for me it's fine and nothing wrong with homosexuality... eventhough the thought of it makes me sick in my stumach... but only for myself, for others it's fine, i respect their discision...
RIGHT - this is meant to be a DEBATE area, not a SPAM YOUR HEART OUT section. Lilly and Blackrose, you will be getting warnings. Everyone else, if you cannot contribute to this thread, you will also be warned, an instant warn, NO verbals.
Wow, such a touchy topic. But well, I'll give my opinion. I am against it because of one simple reason: I'm a Christian and was taught since I was a child that it shouldn't be done. That is all.

Don't mean to offend anyone here. This is, after all, a debatable topic.
Exactly im a christian and i was taught when i was a child being gay is not right
Can you guys provide what your church says about homosexuals? I mean like official teachings, bible verses, ect.

I am not attacking your faith or anything. Heck I am a Christian(Roman Catholic to be exact) too, and not just in name. I do go to church every sunday.
ok so you love gays dont you or you respect them tell me.about you said about my post you are not some admin you know to said what should i do or something like that thats my opinion and about extending lines to say something if you do that you will bore people doing that if you know so DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO OK

No am not a mod nor an admin, Rose, but your posts were guiding us nowhere and to tell you the truth they were irritating me a lot. And no, I don’t like gay people, just ask those who were actually arguing here in some of the other pages of this thread.

However the way that you are doing it is not the appropriate one, I’m not telling you to not post at all, I am telling you to be more educate and give some arguments if you don’t people forget what you were saying and respond according to how to posted, thus leading us nowhere.

Can you guys provide what your church says about homosexuals? I mean like official teachings, bible verses, ect.

I am not attacking your faith or anything. Heck I am a Christian(Roman Catholic to be exact) too, and not just in name. I do go to church every sunday.

Well, so far I successfully avoided citing the bible for considering a weak argument, but if you ask and to prove that Christianity actually condemns homosexuality then:

Genesis 19:5 "They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them." (behaviour which allegedly contributed to the destruction of ancient cities Sodom and Gomorrah).

Leviticus 18:22, 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

Leviticus 20:13 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.(which, by literal interpretation, prescribes the death penalty for male-male homosexual contact),

New Testament of the Bible, First Corinthians 6:18: Run away from every kind of wrong sex! Every other wrong thing which a person does is done outside of his body. But the person who uses sex the wrong way does a wrong thing to his own body.

and Romans 1:27. Their men also left the right way with women. They wanted to have sex with one another. They did wrong things with other men. Their own bodies were punished because of the wrong things they did.
People should have the RIGHT to choose how they want to live there own lives ... so i fully support any one who is gay and wants to get married and im lucky to live in canada where we have the choice
Wow, such a touchy topic. But well, I'll give my opinion. I am against it because of one simple reason: I'm a Christian and was taught since I was a child that it shouldn't be done. That is all.

Yes, we know that a million people have been tainted by this "Jesus" That you speak of. But it doesn't mean that people shouldn't be able to be happy.

No am not a mod nor an admin, Rose, but your posts were guiding us nowhere and to tell you the truth they were irritating me a lot. And no, I don’t like gay people, just ask those who were actually arguing here in some of the other pages of this thread.
BlackRose, he's right. All those posts were spam. If you're going to post in a topic; Then think it over and double-check to see if it will be suitable and on topic and will contribute to the thread.

I personally am starting not to care. Gay people should just be able to what they want, doesn't matter as long as they aren't harming us, does it? Why should anyone else care about what someone else is doing with their life? If you're rejecting someone's ideals and beliefs just because they are gay; then you are wrong. Gay people are fine in my book. None of them have ever done anything to me. For me Gay people haven't done anything to deserve to be outcast and hated like freaks. You can't just hate someone be cause they're gay. That's just wrong. It's like hating me because I have a PS3 and you don't. [not that I do; I'm just putting this in simple terms.]

I hate when someone just spams a thread like this saying that: Im a chwistian. I wuz taght dat gay ppl r wong and dat it gos aginst my weligion. So dat wuz da wey i wuz brot up and cos i wuz telled iz wrong. Please don't post if you're going to say that.
Homosexuality never bothered me. Probably never will, either.

That said, I'm not sure I'm all for the concept of homosexual marriage. Partnership, sure, but marriage? The church has only ever joined "this man and woman" in holy matrimony. However that doesn't particularly influence my thoughts on the matter.

I just...mildly disagree? I wouldn't stand in the way of gay men wishing to marry, however.
Fuck it, I don't care anymore

Reply #160, This topic has really gone too far like to keep track of it any more, and I read every post here, but so far nobody has changed his/her mind, only today there was 15 replies (up to this point so far), yet we are still in the same place where we started, we all our opinions intacts.

and seriously nobody if going to actually change their believes just because something they read in a ramdon internet forum, so what's the point I ask you?

uhm, gay marriage, whatever, I don't care anymore >_<
Leviticus 20:13 'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.(which, by literal interpretation, prescribes the death penalty for male-male homosexual contact),

There you go the bible has spoken :)
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