Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

please dont fight!!!!!
we all have our thuots .....you cant forse some one to beleve you no matter how hard you try ....SO SOTD belive what you want and dont give a d*** what other people think! same to you R-S but most of all.....dont F****** dis other people!!!!
signed peace keeper tigerlilly.

We're not fighting, we're debating.

If I called one of them a nazi, that would be fighting.
lollol....not funny debating is fine.....BUT CURSING AND CALLING EACH OTHER NAMES IS NOT.....its called fighting.

look at there butt!
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ok.........i'll keep a keen eye on you two hmmm......!
thank you!..my name is flowergirllilly and my bank is Midgar Bank.......
what a sweet heart ;-)
go back and read the other post i left for SOTD......i dont like hate!
I don't think they should allow homosexuals to get married. Now don't get me wrong I admit that homosexuals can be together I now alot of guys that want to see lesbiens getting married just for the heck of it. But I think that it's wrong.
Funny to see how this thread has evolved since I last posted here. It when from heated discussion to religious debate to name calling to spam thread. WOW!!!

Anyway returning to the topic “Gay marriage” in case some of you have forgotten, we were discussing whenever or not we agreed with it or not, and in the middle of that we were also giving arguments of why and why not.

For the sake of those to lazy like to go the beginning of this thread and re-read every post I’ll made a little resume of all what was going on here. To put it simple there were three parties: 1) the ones that were in favour, 2) the ones against it & 3) the ones that didn’t even care about it.

The ones that were in favour were calling human rights and how even when you are gay you should have the same rights as someone who’s hetero and blah, blah, blah you can’t help with who you fall in love with blah, blah, etcetera, etcetera…

The ones that were against it (Me one of them), well yeah, there were some citing the bible and religion crap, I for my part were calling other points, the base of my argument were the children, see my point was that if people of the same sex were allowed to marriage then they would also be given the benefits of the union recognised by the State and then they will take and raise children (as they cannot have their own) now, What’s wrong with that? Don’t hustle with that, I’ll explain later in this post.

And finally the ones that didn’t care were the ones that didn’t give anything substantial to the discussion; they were only saying that they didn’t care.

My point of view (against Gay parenting)

The controversy generally concerns whether or not there will be consequences for the development of children raised by same-sex couples. Specific questions include the potential for gender confusion, biased sexual orientation, or the general well-being of such children.

Some opponents of adoption by same-sex couples question whether same-sex households provide children with adequate gender roles. The underlying sentiment is that, without both male and female role models, children may develop in such a way that they are unable to fulfill traditional gender roles in future heterosexual relationships

I guess I could go on, but I’m really short of time now.
lollol they prob think the same......and if they do who could blam them?