Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

I'm perfectly okay with that. It's their choice whether or not they want to raise a child - it's a lot of responsibility and a huge step. If they just want to be together, that's a very respectable option.

Just as I expected, that was your opinion after all.

What is so bad about being attracted to the same sex?
Is unnatural, is not the way that things are suppose to be.

To me, as long as the child grows up with a good head on their shoulders, what does it matter which orientation their parents were? Heck, maybe a homosexual will discover a cure for cancer, or on a smaller scale, help you with your homework. Just because they are attracted in the not-so-common way doesn't mean they're badly influenced. What is this bad influence you speak of?

You didn't read what I wrote, basically I wrote "Gay parents increase the odds of kids to be gay" you can re-read it if you want.

QuickSilverD, you seem very traditionalistic to me - 1950's type of thought, no? Tell me if I'm right when I say: you believe men should be at work and provide for the family, be the one "wearing the pants in the family." Women stay home and make tea, look after the children, do laundry, and greet her husband with a kiss as he walks through the door after a long day, providing dinner and his newspaper, right?

You are right about me, I'm a traditional person, and I was raised in a traditional family, and all this women rights movement is all overated, you see, because women wanted to do everything that men do, they decided that they wanted to work too, now what's the deal, oh nothing much exept childrens are now home alone because both their parents are working, that or they are with a babysister intead of with their mothers.

That ideology has long since passed. Why? Women got pissed off because they were slaves for their husbands, with no voice of their own. As the economy changed, women needed to work outside the home, and even then they retained the previous duties as house and caretaker. You know all this I'm sure, the women's rights movement and all. But even then, men are higher up on the hierarchy than women. I hate it, but most men think of women as weaker individuals. May I ask your view on this? (This question's relevancy will become clear in one of my later posts.)

The choise.
From Wikipedia. There have been studies published which have shown that once variables have been removed, pay for experience & education is virtually identical for men and women. This has highly advanced the argument that the pay disparity exists due to different choices and values that men and women consider in their career - men routinely accept more dangerous and higher paying careers than women while women typically choose to devote a substantial amount of their career path time to families and parenting (mommy track).

This is the point of view espoused in "The Wage Gap Myth" and in a recent installment of John Stossel's "Give Me a Break" and described in more many detail in the follow-up reference "'Gender Pay Gap' is pap".
The 'choice' theory is explored from a practical point of view in Warren Farrell's book "Why Men Earn More" (The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap - and What Women Can Do About It). Farrell has advocated the idea that "the power of money is not in its earning but in its spending", and has thus emphasized the fact that American women account for 80+% of consumer discretionary spending, which points to the existence of a massive transfer of wealth from men to women that is entirely over-looked by all studies based only on the analysis of wages -- in fact, it's obvious such a transfer is only sustainable if men earn more to begin with.

If you agreed with me on the previous paragraph, this next question is somewhat the same so ignore it - but if not, what gender roles do you feel are the 'correct' ones to be coming across?

OK, but take into consideration you asked for an opinion here:
Housekeeping, child education, men and women are expected to wear different clothes, males are expected to offer assistance to stranger females, the opposite is supererogatory, is the man who propose marriage to the female, and so others I guess I could list

But how do you know you're speaking for the majority of homosexuals? Do you personally know a homosexual couple to accurately reflect on their ideals, or are you taking a wild stab at what you think they're going for?

I telling you something basing myself in what I know and understand, and how I would expect them to act, regarless of their actitude but their orientation, which one way or the other will come to the table as soon as the child gets sefl awareness.

Yeah, they have 'gay pride' parades sometimes. A gay friend of mine thinks the whole thing is blown out of proportion, and he'll never be seen at one of those things. It just goes to show that again, not all homosexuals make their sexuality this central thing in their life - they're just people like we are.

I have not much against your friend then, but those who go around literaly screaming all out are ******.

Do you mean you're fearful that homosexual men will make women see you as a bit more feminine?

Well you could have found a nicer way to say that.

If two wo/men raise a child, the child will learn from their gender and their ideas - and even then can choose to reject or accept it as their own. Just because their dad isn't 'super macho' and encourage little Johnny to work with the power saw doesn't mean little Johnny won't get interested in power tools *chuckles* Likewise, dad could be a handyman and the son decide it's just not what he likes to do. Many women adore shopping, but a sizable amount can't stand it. Some women drink beer and obsess over cars - There are a lot of defiances to the general stereotypes - the child will react to the gender displayed.

Are you saying that having homosexual parents will in no way afect the way of thinking of the kid? I would like you to think that very well.

That you know of. As said earlier, many homosexuals hide it due to feeling ashamed or repressed. Fear even, because back a few decades, a homosexual was often brutally attacked or even killed. How do you feel about that?

That used to happen a long time ago, now with the law on their side there isn't much to worry about now, not saying that the discrimination has stopped but is no like if two homohaters find a gay guy they will run to him and kill him.

And what do I think of that that used to happen so long ago, well I may be against homosexuality but I'm not saying "hey! let's go out and kill many homos today" life is the most important and valuable thing, no one has the right to take that away from anyone

Agreed, we want our kids to go in what we feel is the right direction, but no one has sat down and told them which orientation to be, right? I've never heard of that being done, or a parent encouraging their little boy to look at playboy mags for the sake of enforcing a heterosexual outcome. Sexual orientation just isn't something parents think about until perhaps the teenage years, by then children are 'exploring and experimenting.' By this I really don't think the parents influence their child's orientation - the child discovers it on their own.

We don't do it, because we didn't feel the need to, we would let nature to go its way, but now a days perhas we should start doing so

Ah, the placebo effect. The mind is a powerful thing and can be fooled, but I don't think this and homosexuality can be related - to me, homosexuality isn't this ideal in your mind that fools you into merely believing one likes members of the same sex. I think this because, to believe one is gay, one has to know what homosexuality is and all or most of what comes with it. The problem with this though, is that children discover their sexual orientation early on, when they're not educated about such terms and details. They just know - have this feeling, that they're different from the current majority. Those who take placebos on the other hand, know about whatever illness or problem they have and believe the prescribed pill/injection/whatever will work.

Actually is the same thing, people who has ills think they will get better with the medicine, and sometimes they do, even when they really didn't took the medicine, the same goes for homosexual even if someone was not educated sexually in this society we life in is rather dificul to avoid that kids learn this from the popculture, the tv and what they see around them and all.

You have a point here, but even so, all may not share this point of view. Have you asked a homosexual this question - if they wanted others to be homosexual as well? And you didn't answer my question:
a lot of the people who find themselves to be 'gay' become stressed over it - wish it wasn't so - cry about it and hate themselves for it. How then is this a choice?

And what happens with these people who hate themselves for being gay, sooner or later they "come out" and have no problems with it.

Mm, I still beg to differ. The world is too complex to be broken down into merely two groups, wouldn't you say?

What is so complex about it: guy like girl, girl like guy, they come together and have sex, is not so complicated.

Equal rights is a major root in the discussion though. Those who support equal rights will support gay marriage, as all are entitled to the same treatment, etc.

I guess I don't support equal rights them. Too much Liberty is the worse thing you can give a person, there has to be order.

Well I have told you, QuickSilverD. They help out big time in orphanages and save lives that would otherwise be lost due to ignorance or the incapability of providing the needed things. That can't be related to heterosexuality, as heterosexuals are the people that put the kids there in the first place. Hence, some heterosexuals abuse the attribute they've been given
just because it 'feels good.' Homosexuals are then, in analogy, the pillows that soften the blow of the excessive misuse of intercourse.

There are many, many heretosexual couples out there who cannot have kids, they can deal with orphanages

I don't know. And no, my mother never talked to me about sex education. I got taught all that at school.

Is a shame that nowaday parents are such pussies like to talk with their kids about sex.

Er..I was on about what path they would choose, whether it be Bi, Gay, Straight..o_O

You said it yourself it is choise. at least we agreed on that one

You seem to be deciding what I will be thinking, and you shouldn't really. Ok, say my child decides to be straight, however, my child does not have any children. My bloodline will also end there. Some people today decide not to choose to have children. That could happen with any child I have. They may just choose career over kids. Personally, I'm also leaning towards that way of thinking, choosing career over kids, because I believe I am not blessed with the ability to attract a man, get married to him, and have kids etc.

I'm not deciding what you will be thinking, I'm predicting it, basing myself in how I know we humans think
You can't hate on gays. Gay people are the most upper-class, intellectual, good looking people around, well, the guys at least, not so much the girls. NO I'm not gay, but these people didn't make the choice to be gay. You're born attracted to either the opposite, or the same sex. Physical attraction is not a choice, it's something your born with. Why does everybody have to hate gay people, there are so many other things to worry about in this world other than people who are gay, like how shitty the USA is nowdays, and how horrible of a president we have, and the fact that he lies through his teeth about every damn thing. So please, quit focusing in on the things that don't matter, and start thinking of ways to make this a better country, you can start with accepting people who are gay.
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Is a shame that nowaday parents are such pussies like to talk with their kids about sex.

You class my mother again as a pussy again, and you will have made a grave mistake. That comment really offended me. Seriously, it did. If a child learns about it in school, I'm sure if they wanted to know more about sex education that they would ask their parents. I saw no need for my mother to explain sex education to me, seeing as I was taught it at school - end of Primary school, through my early years of Secondary. I don't see the big thing about parents having to explain it all to you.

You are right about me, I'm a traditional person, and I was raised in a traditional family, and all this women rights movement is all overated, you see, because women wanted to do everything that men do, they decided that they wanted to work too, now what's the deal, oh nothing much exept childrens are now home alone because both their parents are working, that or they are with a babysister intead of with their mothers.

So we should go back to the days of every woman being a housewife because little kids will be all their on own? Things are different now for a reason:

1- People have to earn money to survive, especially if the "man of the house" needs financial help.
2- Women have lives too.
3- Kids have to mix with other kids at a young age. If they're at home all the time with their mother, they're going to become very clingy when coming to school, and you don't want that.
4- Things are a lot more expensive these days then they used to be, another reason why women are probably earning money.
seriously though im all 4 gays man, btw im VERY straight, but hey as long as they ent hurtin no 1 or messin with any1's kids let them have their sordis fun.
1)Its positive for humanity because it means that we wont reproduse so fast, therefore presereving the planet a little longer cus two men or women cant have kids
and 2) it means more ladeez 4 me an SSJ3 wooooooohooooooooo lmfao
You class my mother again as a pussy again, and you will have made a grave mistake. That comment really offended me. Seriously, it did. If a child learns about it in school, I'm sure if they wanted to know more about sex education that they would ask their parents. I saw no need for my mother to explain sex education to me, seeing as I was taught it at school - end of Primary school, through my early years of Secondary. I don't see the big thing about parents having to explain it all to you.

I didn't called your mother a pussy twice, actually I didn't do it once. I asume you are talking about when you said your mother raised you alone and I replied to that, going back there I see I posted something about "how you don't need to get married to have sex and live with the person you love" then you replied something like "how about people who cannot have kids and how about people who raised kids without being married Let's forget about marriage all together" and then you said that your mother had raised you alone and did a good job and since I always reply to every comment I replied saying that it would have been easier for her to have a man helping her, then it when all like "Why a man and not a woman?".

And the second time I said parents now a days are pussies for not talking with their childrens about sex, I guess I could have use better words, and I'm sorry if I offended your mother, that was not my intention, I was just using two arguments (that are by the way true) with a not-so good language, you took it all personaly, but you nor you mother were the real target, I was generalising.

Anyway, I'm sorry, I'm sorry if it sounded like I was Insulting your mother, I didn't mean that. Really I am sorry for that.

So we should go back to the days of every woman being a housewife because little kids will be all their on own? Things are different now for a reason:

1- People have to earn money to survive, especially if the "man of the house" needs financial help.
2- Women have lives too.
3- Kids have to mix with other kids at a young age. If they're at home all the time with their mother, they're going to become very clingy when coming to school, and you don't want that.
4- Things are a lot more expensive these days then they used to be, another reason why women are probably earning money.
1- Many of the things we buy nowaday are so unnesesary, so many needless luxuries, and so bad familiar bugets nowadays, is not about income, but to know to handled income

2- So a women that is a housewife has no life, uhm... ... ...nah

3- And if their mothers are at homes then they can't go out?

4. Read number 1
Anyway, I'm sorry, I'm sorry if it sounded like I was Insulting your mother, I didn't mean that. Really I am sorry for that.

It's ok..I kinda overreacted I guess. =/

1- Many of the things we buy nowaday are so unnesesary, so many needless luxuries, and so bad familiar bugets nowadays, is not about income, but to know to handled income

I suppose there is that to consider, but things in general are expensive. Especially if you have more then one child, a woman may have no other choice but to work, especially if she lives on her own.

2- So a women that is a housewife has no life, uhm... ... ...nah

3- And if their mothers are at homes then they can't go out?

I can't really explain what I am trying to say. I think I mean to say that I think housewifes would like to work outside the home, unless it's something they really want.

It's something I'm going to have get back to you on. Or back to you in PM anyway, as this is going way off topic now >.o
^^^ yes is true, we are getting too far away from the starting point, LoL, I would like you to PM your opinion on that other matter, or make another thread to disscuss that if you want. ;)
OOC:In future, make more unecessary comments like that and you will be earning more warnings.
ohh dont hate them.....hate is what strarts problems like slavery insted see them for what they are, acknolge them you dont have to like them beleve me i think its creepy but thats there bessniss so let em be and live your on life you have so much ahead of you dont waist it on hate.
oh and you cant help who you love.... as my thingy says the gratest thing in life is ...love dont forget that!
see ya sir black knight
QuickSilverD said:
Is unnatural, is not the way that things are suppose to be.

Who are you, or anyone for that matter, to determine what's supposed to and not supposed to be?

Gay parents increase the odds of kids to be gay
Does scientific proof back you up?

all this women rights movement is all overated, you see, because women wanted to do everything that men do, they decided that they wanted to work too, now what's the deal, oh nothing much exept childrens are now home alone because both their parents are working, that or they are with a babysister intead of with their mothers.
The deal? You miss the fact that women have become less of a slave and more of a person. Men looked down upon women and kept them in the house because 'all they were good for was raising children and keeping house.' Women have made men eat their words and some have even proved themselves more competent than men.

men routinely accept more dangerous and higher paying careers than women
That's comparing apples and oranges. I'm talking the same job. You can't deny that women were payed less than men for doing the same thing - even the history books say it.

Farrell has advocated the idea that "the power of money is not in its earning but in its spending", and has thus emphasized the fact that American women account for 80+% of consumer discretionary spending, which points to the existence of a massive transfer of wealth from men to women that is entirely over-looked by all studies based only on the analysis of wages -- in fact, it's obvious such a transfer is only sustainable if men earn more to begin with.
Well that's a nice little way to try and justify what's clearly in-the-wrong. Might I point out that Farrell is basing his conclusion on modern stats - but to diagnose the problem you need to look at the roots. Men had possession of basically all the money, hence once accounted for 80+% (higher even) of "consumer discretionary spending." When women took on the same job, they immediately got paid less - how in the world then could this theory be applied when women weren't spending nearly as much as the men? Farrell now looks on modern times and comes up with this whacked idea to try and justify stiffing the women their money.

Myself said:
I hate it, but most men think of women as weaker individuals. May I ask your view on this?

In other words, I asked you if you thought of women as weaker individuals.

QuickSilverD said:
Housekeeping, child education, men and women are expected to wear different clothes, males are expected to offer assistance to stranger females, the opposite is supererogatory, is the man who propose marriage to the female, and so others I guess I could list

And you're saying these ideals won't come across if the parents are homosexual? Most of them do, you know. "Housekeeping" is something that's somewhat odd though, because the more traditionalistic form of that doesn't exist anymore besides in a maid/nanny type job. Some others are defied by heterosexual upbringings - such as men and women expected to wear different clothing. Personally, I don't blame the female for wanting to wear what's considered 'masculine' clothing - I couldn't imagine wearing jeans that are vacuum-sealed to your legs lol. It's a comfort thing. And as for 'males expected to offer assistance to stranger females' - hell, I don't see that happening too much anymore. The traditional gender roles are deteriorating, but it's not because of homosexuals - its because of life itself.

I telling you something basing myself in what I know and understand, and how I would expect them to act, regarless of their actitude but their orientation, which one way or the other will come to the table as soon as the child gets sefl awareness.
So in other words, no, you're not speaking from personally knowing a homosexual couple - rather, reflecting on the ideals of others through media and falling victim to the conformity of the harsh stereotyping of homophobic peoples. You just said yourself that you don't care what kind of person they are - they're homosexual and therefore they must be a certain way.

I have not much against your friend then, but those who go around literaly screaming all out are ******.
Wouldn't you 'scream' if you were treated unjustly?

Do you mean you're fearful that homosexual men will make women see you as a bit more feminine?
Well you could have found a nicer way to say that.
There's not really a nice way to say it though - the truth is harsh. So I guess when I asked you earlier how you viewed women, I think it's clear you find them to be weaker individuals. This conclusion is further enforced when you called parents who didn't educate their children about sex 'pussies.' Your sexism contributes to your opposition to homosexuals.

Are you saying that having homosexual parents will in no way afect the way of thinking of the kid?
Yes and no. Yes, because the child doesn't become who they are based off of the fact that both of their parents have penises or clitorides. No, because the child will develop a higher level of acceptance, maturity, and respect from growing up under the roof of a minority.

That used to happen a long time ago, now with the law on their side there isn't much to worry about now, not saying that the discrimination has stopped but is no like if two homohaters find a gay guy they will run to him and kill him.
But the law isn't on their side - they're being denied rights that other individuals possess without the blink of an eye. Plus, you'd be surprised what 'homohaters' still do.

life is the most important and valuable thing, no one has the right to take that away from anyone
Apparently they have the right to degrade and devalue it though.

We don't do it, because we didn't feel the need to, we would let nature to go its way
And nature going its way meant a natural result of either heterosexual or homosexual (and other such as "bi" etc.) Thank you for agreeing with me in that one's orientation is indeed not based on outer influence.

Actually is the same thing, people who has ills think they will get better with the medicine, and sometimes they do, even when they really didn't took the medicine, the same goes for homosexual even if someone was not educated sexually in this society we life in is rather dificul to avoid that kids learn this from the popculture, the tv and what they see around them and all.
But it's not the same thing - homosexuality is a permanent status, not an illness. You can't be 'cured' from it, regardless if you want to be.

all may not share this point of view. Have you asked a homosexual this question - if they wanted others to be homosexual as well? And you didn't answer my question:

a lot of the people who find themselves to be 'gay' become stressed over it - wish it wasn't so - cry about it and hate themselves for it. How then is this a choice?
And what happens with these people who hate themselves for being gay, sooner or later they "come out" and have no problems with it.
I'll take your silence to my first question as a 'no,' and your continued non-existent response to my second question as "well I guess it's not a choice."

"Sooner or later they 'come out' and have no problems with it" -- are you serious? What have you been watching on tv to come to that conclusion? Some end up killing or doing bodily harm to themselves. The struggle is far from problem-less.

What is so complex about it: guy like girl, girl like guy, they come together and have sex, is not so complicated.
... ... ... You're failing to acknowledge so many people. The world isn't made up of just heterosexual people. There are mixes. Gay men, lesbian women, bi, straight men, straight women, drag kings, drag queens, butch, femme, masculine females, feminine males, and so many other categories! Your mind needs to open up to the world as it is, not how your traditionalistic mind wants it to be. Consider Copernicus - proposing that the center of the solar system was the sun and not the Earth. It went against traditional values and he was viewed as the minority - the wrong, eccentric, what-the-hell-is-this-guy-on-about whackjob. Yet this supposed 'whackjob' that the traditional people thought him to be was right. Truth, science, was held back because people were just too damn stubborn and closed to new ideas. We wouldn't get anywhere in life if we were unaccepting like that. Hence where we stand now - a majority of people being closed and downright opposed to homosexuality.

I guess I don't support equal rights them. Too much Liberty is the worse thing you can give a person, there has to be order.
Then let's take away some of your rights, so we can 'keep order.'

There are many, many heretosexual couples out there who cannot have kids, they can deal with orphanages
But they don't.

1- Many of the things we buy nowaday are so unnesesary, so many needless luxuries, and so bad familiar bugets nowadays, is not about income, but to know to handled income

2- So a women that is a housewife has no life, uhm... ... ...nah
1 - Yes there are a lot of luxuries, but you need some of them to, well, be sane. There needs to be a little bit of fun in life, otherwise it's consumed with work, and to me that's no way to live. But when taxes are skyrocketing, national debt is increasing, the cost of a roof over your head goes to $500,000 and a car, which has become essential these days, to what one would earn in a year (assuming they didn't spend money on food and other necessities) - I'd say yes, the income is important. The average woman has to work, otherwise families would just go down.

2 - Well how about you take on the role of the traditional housewife for a bit, and tell us how it goes.
Who are you, or anyone for that matter, to determine what's supposed to and not supposed to be?

Who am I? I am someone who can use simple logic to see things as they truly are

Does scientific proof back you up?

Do they proof me wrong?

The deal? You miss the fact that women have become less of a slave and more of a person. Men looked down upon women and kept them in the house because 'all they were good for was raising children and keeping house.' Women have made men eat their words and some have even proved themselves more competent than men.

Yet you didn't adress what I said about the kids, and since you didn't contradicted me that means you are with me on that one.

That's comparing apples and oranges. I'm talking the same job. You can't deny that women were payed less than men for doing the same thing - even the history books say it.

But that's the way they compare things, they take 100 random men and a 100 random women and what you think happens, nowadays if a woman and a man have the same job, it is up to their individual skills and productivity that determinates their salaries

Well that's a nice little way to try and justify what's clearly in-the-wrong. Might I point out that Farrell is basing his conclusion on modern stats - but to diagnose the problem you need to look at the roots. Men had possession of basically all the money, hence once accounted for 80+% (higher even) of "consumer discretionary spending." When women took on the same job, they immediately got paid less - how in the world then could this theory be applied when women weren't spending nearly as much as the men? Farrell now looks on modern times and comes up with this whacked idea to try and justify stiffing the women their money.

OMG! you are writing in past tense!

In other words, I asked you if you thought of women as weaker individuals.

Exactly what do you mean by "weaker" if we are talking about the phisical, then yes, if we are talking about who has more power in nowadays society I'll say they are most likely even.

And you're saying these ideals won't come across if the parents are homosexual? Most of them do, you know. "Housekeeping" is something that's somewhat odd though, because the more traditionalistic form of that doesn't exist anymore besides in a maid/nanny type job. Some others are defied by heterosexual upbringings - such as men and women expected to wear different clothing. Personally, I don't blame the female for wanting to wear what's considered 'masculine' clothing - I couldn't imagine wearing jeans that are vacuum-sealed to your legs lol. It's a comfort thing. And as for 'males expected to offer assistance to stranger females' - hell, I don't see that happening too much anymore. The traditional gender roles are deteriorating, but it's not because of homosexuals - its because of life itself.

To tell you the thruth someone just asked me, wich gender roles I thought should be kept, I gave my opinion and just my opinion about that.

So in other words, no, you're not speaking from personally knowing a homosexual couple - rather, reflecting on the ideals of others through media and falling victim to the conformity of the harsh stereotyping of homophobic peoples. You just said yourself that you don't care what kind of person they are - they're homosexual and therefore they must be a certain way.

I'm using logic, ever heard of that? How can you tell me it won't have any effect.

Wouldn't you 'scream' if you were treated unjustly?

Thrust me on this one, Not that way.

There's not really a nice way to say it though - the truth is harsh. So I guess when I asked you earlier how you viewed women, I think it's clear you find them to be weaker individuals. This conclusion is further enforced when you called parents who didn't educate their children about sex 'pussies.' Your sexism contributes to your opposition to homosexuals.

I said already how I view women, and I don't like to repeat

Yes and no. Yes, because the child doesn't become who they are based off of the fact that both of their parents have penises or clitorides. No, because the child will develop a higher level of acceptance, maturity, and respect from growing up under the roof of a minority.

Nice answer, (YES and NO) [/sarcasm]

But the law isn't on their side - they're being denied rights that other individuals possess without the blink of an eye. Plus, you'd be surprised what 'homohaters' still do.

I think their are fine, every time more and more countries are legalizing gay marriage and even if some "homohater" would still do horrible things so would white people to black people, Americans to Imigrants, etc.

People is capable of evil that's a fact, homosexuals are attacked for being part of a minority.

Apparently they have the right to degrade and devalue it though.

Who? me? I'm not degradating I invite all homosexuals to who want to live together and do whatever the hell they like in their own private space, but may they not marriage

And nature going its way meant a natural result of either heterosexual or homosexual (and other such as "bi" etc.) Thank you for agreeing with me in that one's orientation is indeed not based on outer influence.

It shouldn't be. yet it looks like so many people is confuse these days

But it's not the same thing - homosexuality is a permanent status, not an illness. You can't be 'cured' from it, regardless if you want to be.

I know I will take a shot in the foot here, but go to google and type "cure for homosexuality" I'm not saying homosexuality is an ill, but I have always believed that is was a mental state and thus could be changed.

Of course you will not agreed with me and will probably attack me on this one, but still, I did this to weaken your argument, and in case you don't want to google it, here and here and here and here are some links

I'll take your silence to my first question as a 'no,' and your continued non-existent response to my second question as "well I guess it's not a choice."

Sorry I thought that my other answer would have been enough but now I'll answer your questions:

1. Have you asked a homosexual if they wanted others to become homosexuals as well?
No, I haven't asked them, but I did give an explanation for that

2.How about people who hate themselves for being gay?, obviusly is not a choise
Uhm, I could have swear I answer that one

"Sooner or later they 'come out' and have no problems with it" -- are you serious? What have you been watching on tv to come to that conclusion? Some end up killing or doing bodily harm to themselves. The struggle is far from problem-less.

And for some reason some teens suicide, most of the time because they were confuse and not in the right direction, not necesarely for being gay, but because society or their parents/friends hates them, or so they think.

Note that I used the work Confusion there. Homosexuality = gender confusion, you don't want to believe it but it is true

... ... ... You're failing to acknowledge so many people. The world isn't made up of just heterosexual people. There are mixes. Gay men, lesbian women, bi, straight men, straight women, drag kings, drag queens, butch, femme, masculine females, feminine males, and so many other categories! Your mind needs to open up to the world as it is, not how your traditionalistic mind wants it to be. Consider Copernicus - proposing that the center of the solar system was the sun and not the Earth. It went against traditional values and he was viewed as the minority - the wrong, eccentric, what-the-hell-is-this-guy-on-about whackjob. Yet this supposed 'whackjob' that the traditional people thought him to be was right. Truth, science, was held back because people were just too damn stubborn and closed to new ideas. We wouldn't get anywhere in life if we were unaccepting like that. Hence where we stand now - a majority of people being closed and downright opposed to homosexuality.

The world is make of many people but that way that is correct is this one, I don't know why want to go against that

Then let's take away some of your rights, so we can 'keep order.'

So be it.

But they don't.

But they do

1 - Yes there are a lot of luxuries, but you need some of them to, well, be sane. There needs to be a little bit of fun in life, otherwise it's consumed with work, and to me that's no way to live. But when taxes are skyrocketing, national debt is increasing, the cost of a roof over your head goes to $500,000 and a car, which has become essential these days, to what one would earn in a year (assuming they didn't spend money on food and other necessities) - I'd say yes, the income is important. The average woman has to work, otherwise families would just go down.

Relax, I have no problem with women working, just saying that is ok if they don't and just stay at home.

2 - Well how about you take on the role of the traditional housewife for a bit, and tell us how it goes.

Aren't housewifes, women that stay in the home and do not work for a salary? Maybe I missed something
Wow, some of these responses really embarass me. I'm a Christian (Roman Catholic to be exact) but I think homosexuals SHOULD be allowed to marry. Jesus himself never preached about homosexuality and at times wanted the old laws of the old testament thrown out.

Christians have to live by what Jesus said, not by the laws the church makes up.

The institution of marriage has changed over the years. Fifty years ago it was considered a sin to have a mixed marriage.
I dont agree with gay marriages its not what god inteded !!! It was not adam and steve it was adam and eve !!!

i dont belive in god....i belive theres some thing there..[man can be so arigent some times....who said that the power what ever it may be is a male!!!] but back to the subject you cant stop some one from loving some one be it male or female...you must under stand this becuse with out understanding you get hate *exe. all people exclouding the few rare hate what scares them what they dont understand and the unknown hince why some people could see some one who is differnt they call it a wicth or beast or they hart them...or it for no reason at all....and this is what you call hate...this is how it all started war....slavery.....murder.
so i cant have anything ageinst gays...for its non of my friggen Business!!