Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

I disagree with Homosexual marriage.
Since I'm a Christian, I believe in God's belief.
Marriage is for all-men, all-women.
Meaning, Marriage is only applicable to those opposite sex and not the same sex.
Here's a history lesson for you. Mariage was invented before Christianity.

Here's a religious lesson for you. The bible never actually condemned homosexual LOVE, just homosexual SEX. And even then, that was only the stance expressed in the OLD Testemant. If you are going to base your views on things in the old testament, then you are going to have to condone animal sacrifice, the killing of non-religious worshippers, and God killing people for the fun of it.

So all your bible bashers out there. Actually sit down and read your bible before you preach from it. This religious belief that homosexual marriage is wrong is nothing more than zealotic preaching bullshit from zealotic priests. When they're not busy feeling up children, of course.

This is a debate I've been involved in a hundred times before, despite it being the most pointless debate possible.

Should there be homosexual marriage? Yes, of course there should. Everyone is deserving of the same right as everyone else, be they black, gay, Jew, or whatever the hell else.

And if you think homosexual sex is wrong... Well, I'm glad I'm not an insecure pubescent teenager whose afraid of seeing another man's penis like you are then.

Marriage is a legal process, which doesn't require the church's consent, at least in most country. Of course, as long as we have homophobic fuckwits like George Bush in office, America is not going to get LEGAL gay marriages anyway.

Anyone here know of the singer Darren Hayes, by any chance? Used to be the singer in Savage Garden, and a solo singer for the last couple of years. He was finally able to marry his boyfriend after year's the law telling him he could. The only problem? He had to go to England to do so.

England are at least trying to motivate this stage. So is France. I just hope other countries have the decency to follow suit soon.
Canada has. ^_^

But yeah, I feel there needs to be a lot less ocastraziation of homosexuality in general. What they do in bedroom (or wherever) isn't any of our business. There still a lot of awkwardness and downright discrimination based on something that is totally irrelevant. Denial of the right to wed is just one such discrmination.
All people have the right to carry out the choice of marriage, regardless of sexuality. It does not infringe on the lives of anyone else, and so how can any non-despotic society outlaw it?

By the way, brilliant post, Words of Ivory.
I have suddenly fallen in love with you :cool: How much would you believe this is my EXACT view?

It's horrible, but it's true. That's the kind of society we live in.

Yesss!!!! finally some sane people! I am Christian and straight, but i agree with same sex marriage. If it is a sin for me to agree, then, lol, i really dont care. if someone loves someone, no matter what gender, let them get married. as it has been said, who are we to say what people can and cant do? and also, isnt it considered discrimination?
Here's another reason to disagree with the "religion" argument.

Take the episode in Friends, "The One With the Lesbian Wedding", where Carol and Susan are getting married.

The minister, female, says this: "We are gathered here today to celebrate the loves of Susan Bunch and Carol Wilick. Nothing makes God happier than when two people, any two people, come together in love."

Do you think they'd be able to get away with saying that, if it wasn't true?
The point of the matter is that it's no one's business. How exactly does the fact that two consenting adults wish to get married? Are we now gonna prevent people of different religions, races, etc. to get married? No? Why then do we single out homosexuals? As long as the two people are of sane mind and are willing who cares?
i dont think 2 people of same sex should be together
but if they want to be together real bad, then let them go be gay
if people want to be gay let them be
One woman and one man have the right to unite in marriage, therefore why can't a man and a man unite together in marriage, or a woman and woman? We are all equal in society, therefore one can not decide what is right and what is wrong. We are each our own person. So, if a homosexual couple want to get married, then let them. Just because they love someone of the same sex, how does that make them deserve less right than a hetrosexual [I think that means man and woman >.<] couple?

There's all this bullshit about putting a stop to prejudicism and discrimination. Yet these people are contradicting themselves by saying that gay/lesbian marriages should not be allowed, they're making themselves look complete idiots. [Unless the people who want to stop prejudicism and discrimination do support homosexual marriages]. It sure sets up entertainment.

I am not homosexual, but it annoys me greatly that homosexual couples can not marry in the majority of places. It's not against anything that would concern you. Perhaps if gay/lesbian marriages were allowed then there would be less of the so-called 'disgusting behaviour' that homophobics hate so much. [Like couples of the same sex kissing in the street]. Why are you allowed to express your love for your significant other when someone who is homosexual can not? Who or what puts you higher than them in society?

Since when did we have to live our lives by a set of rules? Surely most of us live our lives exactly as we want to? Why can't homosexuals do that too?

I understand that some people are bound to religions and I respect that, but I dislike the idea of religion being so micromanaging. You don't have to believe anything, you believe what you want. Everyone can form their own opinions, you don't need a 'God', 'Bible', 'Qua'ran' or any other religious reference to do it for you. Otherwise, what's the point in living if you can't do what you want to do, but 'have' to believe something that may not even exist?

Look at it from a homosexuals point of view. I'm not saying you have to understand it, but at least attempt to see it from their perspective. How would you like it if you wanted to marry someone of the same sex as you but you were prevented from doing so due to strict laws, rules and regulations? I highly doubt you wouldn't mind if you were being discriminated against. You'd want to stand up for your beliefs, of course you would.

People discriminate against homosexual marriages because they believe they are not 'normal.' Well, what is normal huh? Can anything even be classified as normal? Who has the right to decide what normal is or not?

Anyways, to sum up then...I support it. I wont change my mind x].
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I'm fairly sure the only reason people are so opposed to homosexual 'marriage' is not due to the thought of lovers being together, but the thought of sexual interaction. It appalls people to think of what may go on. Personally, as said by others, it's none of your business anyway. But secondly, they're lovers, they have a right to express their feelings for one another. Just because it's not the dominant/common type of relationship doesn't make it wrong, so deal with it. In time, who knows, maybe heterosexual relationships will be the lesser of the two kinds.

I get annoyed at the religious opposition to gay marriage. As I'm atheist, I do not believe in a God/dess or Gods/Goddesses. I also won't go into much depth, as I honestly haven't read the Christian bible. You may throw lines at me from it, but I'm fairly sure I can oppose that just as well. In a very brief manner: If God created all things, why then did he create something he hated/opposed? There has also been quite a few years since that thing has been written, and it sure wasn't in English to begin with. That has left the book open to one hell of a huge margin of error: whether that be through translation, human interpretation, fudging, or whatever else. You have preachers: males with established opinions and possible prejudices (From the get-go, women are set down a notch in Christianity - so much for equality - what does this say about its accuracy on other groups and ideas?) that lead and carry on tradition: something that's not always right, but done anyway. If a god exists, you're not learning from him or her anyway. You're learning the people's interpretations.

Side note - people 'choose' to be gay as much as you 'choose' how tall you are. Therefore, denying them marriage rights could be compared to me denying you access to a bathroom because you're just too short.

Let them marry and be treated as equals. This prejudice and discrimination is ridiculous.
I must point you to my side note then. People don't 'decide' whether they are hetero- or homosexual, it comes naturally.
Also, marriage is:
A relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other
When you're pointing out extinction, it shows us that you're thinking purely about sex, Adamant.

Here is another bit of food for thought that I am passing along: the human population is rapidly growing, and is coming ever closer to its critical mass. That is to say, the natural limit where resources can no longer foster more human beings. Could homosexuality perhaps be an answer to control, where these beings can't reproduce, but take care of who is already present?

In any way, you're saying that because homosexuals can't produce a child, they shouldn't be allowed to marry? That sounds a little out there to me. That would then also mean that those who marry, regardless of their sex, and who do not have a child, shouldn't be allowed to marry as well.
I disagree with Homosexual marriage.
Since I'm a Christian, I believe in God's belief.
Marriage is for all-men, all-women.
Meaning, Marriage is only applicable to those opposite sex and not the same sex. For us Christian, it is merely a sin marrying them sex. So I disagree.


I agree with LadyAshe. I'm also a Christian, and I think marriage should be between one man and one woman. I say it's a sin to marry someone of the same sex. It makes you 'unclean'.

But, I do think it's ridiculous to treat them differently. It IS their right to choose what sexuality they are. It's their choice to choose who they love. But still, I'm not pro-homosexual marriages.
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I agree with LadyAshe. I'm also a Christian, and I think marriage should be between one man and one woman. I say it's a sin to marry someone of the same sex. It makes you 'unclean'.

How does it make one "unclean"? It's no different than hetrosexual sex...except some of the more obvious things of course. But it is no way "dirty"...any more than hetro sex is anyways.

But, I do think it's ridiculous to treat them differently. It IS their right to choose what sexuality they are. It's their choice to choose who they love. But still, I'm not pro-homosexual marriages.

Actually, I don't believe it's been scienticfically proven that's it's a choice and not hard-wired into their brain.
I am against same sex-marriage also. It is the sacred union of one man and one woman, that's it. It has always been that way throughout time, men and women were created to be attracted to each in order to reproduce.

And I firmly believe it is not "hard-wired" into somebody to be gay. My opinion on the matter is that something happens in their childhood with their main male or father figure in their life to make them more apt to seek out relationships with men rather than women.
Leki said:
I agree with LadyAshe. I'm also a Christian, and I think marriage should be between one man and one woman. I say it's a sin to marry someone of the same sex. It makes you 'unclean'.

But do you really enjoy not having your own opinion on a matter just because your religion says so? Sorry if that sounds harsh, I'm not having a go or anything. It just intrigues me that people use religion a lot as an opinion. Cast it aside for a moment, would you think differently? *Tilts head*

Dragonsoul said:
How does it make one "unclean"? It's no different than hetrosexual sex...except some of the more obvious things of course. But it is no way "dirty"...any more than hetro sex is anyways.

What they said. ^ What did you mean when you said it was 'unclean?' How is it unclean?

Garnet said:
I am against same sex-marriage also. It is the sacred union of one man and one woman, that's it. It has always been that way throughout time, men and women were created to be attracted to each in order to reproduce.

Can one really be sure to say that man and woman were created to reproduce? How can you not be sure that they weren't just created to...decorate the planet with or something?

  • [SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1][/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]
  • the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); "a long and happy marriage"; "God bless this union"
  • two people who are married to each other; "his second marriage was happier than the first"; "a married couple without love"
  • the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony; "their marriage was conducted in the chapel"
  • a close and intimate union; "the marriage of music and dance"; "a marriage of ideas"[/SIZE][/SIZE]

As you can see there are many varied versions on the definition of marriage. It's impossible to say that it's 'a sacred union of man and woman, that's it.' Sorry, the end bit kind of got to me, like you were disregarding all other opinions on the matter. Not having a go or anything, just merely getting stubborn. xD
I agree with LadyAshe. I'm also a Christian, and I think marriage should be between one man and one woman. I say it's a sin to marry someone of the same sex. It makes you 'unclean'.

But, I do think it's ridiculous to treat them differently. It IS their right to choose what sexuality they are. It's their choice to choose who they love. But still, I'm not pro-homosexual marriages.

Do you really think that, or is it purely because you're a christian, I think it should come down to how YOU personally feel, not if your religion dictates what is right and wrong.

Well that's my perspective.
That a weird subject to talk about
I think thats weird 2 people of the same sex gettin married, but hey who am I to criticize?...