Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

Maybe I used the wrong choice of wording when I said 'unclean', I just don't know how to express that I think it's wrong. Homosexuality may be a way of keep population down, but just because it helps for awhile, doesn't mean it's good.

And about my religion, I'm that way BECAUSE those are my thoughts of life. I wouldn't be a Christian if I didn't actually believe in the things I follow. I've always thought that a marriage should be between one woman and one man. Not any other way.
^Point is that if you can't explain why you feel that way why should anyone else take your defense seriously...including yourself? If you can't answer at least to yourself why you disagree with it dosen't that mean that you, yourself don't know why you don't agree? That it might just be society dictates that mold your thinking and take away your free thought?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with same-sex marriages. Two consenting adults should be allowed the rights of any other, regardless of gender.

Btw, Garnet, many men (and women) come from entirely "normal" homes with both a mother and father and still end up homosexual. Thus, that theory is nulled. Anyone who becomes homo-bi-hetro based on such things as that are only kidding themselves.
I have no problem with gay mairage. These people didn't chose to be gay, it is not a choice. Physical attraction is something you are born with, and most people are attracted to the opposite sex, some towards the same.
I can't see how a homosexual marriage could ever be beneficial to the human race in the long run. It's more harmful than it is beneficial. It's an impotent union. Impotent as in dead; there is no life. If there is no life in such a union or the ability to yield life, it's dead. So what good is there of something dead or having the inability to yield life?

Homosexuality is more of a sexual preference. A homosexual just prefers to have sex with his/her own sex though truthfully, they could have intercourse with the opposite sex.
I honestly don't see too big of a problem with homosexuals being married. I believe that just because we're letting homosexuals be married means we're eventually going to have no more children being boring.

Heterosexuality greatly out numbers homosexuality for one. And there are tons of babies out there that don't even have parents. The homosexuals could adopt and then those poor children could have a home.

As for my religious beliefs on it, I have no problem with it whatsoever. I use to be catholic but I decided to stop reading a book for it to tell me what right and what's wrong. There's no way in hell I'm going to let a book tell me that.

So even though the bible says that "sexual deviancies" will take you to hell, I don't believe that. There is nothing wrong with a person who is homosexual.
^I think you hit the nail on the head, dear.

can't see how a homosexual marriage could ever be beneficial to the human race in the long run. It's more harmful than it is beneficial. It's an impotent union. Impotent as in dead; there is no life. If there is no life in such a union or the ability to yield life, it's dead. So what good is there of something dead or having the inability to yield life?

First thing: learn statistic before forming an opinion. Otherwise people won't take you seriously.

Our world is actually dangerously overpopulated. Within a hundred years or so if we foolishly continue to dump kids into the earth there will be massive famine and disease because the world cannot contain the amount of people living here. Homosexuality may in fact be the answer to the danger of overpopulation. In some sense we should be grateful that there are homosexuals out there. They may be what keeps our world from destorying itself.

But in the end that's actually not the point. People don't always have sex to produce children--in fact I dare say most of the time they have sex is for pleasure. So if that's the case what does the fact that it dosen't produce kids mean? It can only reduce the need for contraceptives actually.

And lastly, and most importantly, it's not your right to force your beliefs on others. Nobody's making you into a homosexual. Likewise you have no right to force people to be hetrosexual.

Homosexuality is more of a sexual preference. A homosexual just prefers to have sex with his/her own sex though truthfully, they could have intercourse with the opposite sex.

Wrong. Learn first, okay? Homosexuality has not been proven to be either hardwired in the brain or a preference--that's still debated in the scientific community. And even if it is a preference what difference does that make? Should we alter your preferences because we don't like them? Should I force poeple not to eat cheesecake because I think the stuff tastes awful?

In other words it's not your place to say how people should live their lives no matter why they are living it.
^I think you hit the nail on the head, dear.

First thing: learn statistic before forming an opinion. Otherwise people won't take you seriously.

Our world is actually dangerously overpopulated. Within a hundred years or so if we foolishly continue to dump kids into the earth there will be massive famine and disease because the world cannot contain the amount of people living here. Homosexuality may in fact be the answer to the danger of overpopulation. In some sense we should be grateful that there are homosexuals out there. They may be what keeps our world from destorying itself.

But in the end that's actually not the point. People don't always have sex to produce children--in fact I dare say most of the time they have sex is for pleasure. So if that's the case what does the fact that it dosen't produce kids mean? It can only reduce the need for contraceptives actually.

And lastly, and most importantly, it's not your right to force your beliefs on others. Nobody's making you into a homosexual. Likewise you have no right to force people to be hetrosexual.

Wrong. Learn first, okay? Homosexuality has not been proven to be either hardwired in the brain or a preference--that's still debated in the scientific community. And even if it is a preference what difference does that make? Should we alter your preferences because we don't like them? Should I force poeple not to eat cheesecake because I think the stuff tastes awful?

In other words it's not your place to say how people should live their lives no matter why they are living it.

Statistics? Ummm...maybe you should open your eyes and see that there are large areas that are not densely populated as others. This world is not "over-populated" in a sense because if we could just spread out and learn how to live in certain areas such as desert areas and heavily forested areas. Also, technology of this age could also allow us to live just about anywhere if most of the advanced technological discoveries weren't suppressed.

Also, you are a very sick person in thinking that homosexuality is another effective population control design. What would keep this world from destroying itself? To educate the mass and enlighten them, to make them see that color is just an illusion. You're a very sick man if you truly believe homosexuality as a viable population control solution.

Dragonsoul, when I made my post, I was concentrating on the word "marriage." Key word to this whole thing: MARRIAGE. I don't think there should be any homosexual "marriage." If they, the homosexuals, want to live together, then so be it but never call it a marriage or a union. Yet I am also aware of humanity having sex for pleasure other than procreating. Heck, dolphins have sex for pleasure too did you know? So what's the point, they are giving up natural relations for unnatural ones. A man will always be a man and a woman always a woman. The exception is when they have a sex change which would be a perversion and for another thread discussion.

Well you are some-what correct for saying that it is not just a preference. I believe it goes down deeper than just a preference though I'm sure it is a sexual preference among some homosexual. Other homosexual are much more interesting and this takes us into psychology. Sometimes, people think they could find unconditionally love through sex. Sex may bring about a sensation of love though I'm sure it's not the one they are looking for. A temporary love in a sense. But still, this is just one aspect in this whole issue of homosexuality. There's many case studies out there. It's interesting but for the most part, I see homosexuality as a preference and not hard-wired. If it was hard-wired, wouldn't that be cause by an imbalance of hormones? Would not this imbalance show itself during the adolescent years?

And Mew-mew, I disagree with your last sentence. Some homosexuals do need serious help because they are lost within themselves trying to find out who they really are.
Statistics? Ummm...maybe you should open your eyes and see that there are large areas that are not densely populated as others. This world is not "over-populated" in a sense because if we could just spread out and learn how to live in certain areas such as desert areas and heavily forested areas. Also, technology of this age could also allow us to live just about anywhere if most of the advanced technological discoveries weren't suppressed.

If. If. If. Problem is that's not likely to happen as past experiences have shown us. China is so overpopulated they have a restriction on how many children you can have and that's just one case. Sure if we could spread out the people we could better manage our resources but do you honestly see that happening? And in the unlikely happenstance that society changes enough to do so what difference does it make? Delaying the inevitable another hundred years? We're back to square one with the foolish ideal of making as many babies as we can and ultimately destorying our planet with our ceaseless hunger for spreading our seed and our ambition to control the planet.

Also, you are a very sick person in thinking that homosexuality is another effective population control design. What would keep this world from destroying itself? To educate the mass and enlighten them, to make them see that color is just an illusion. You're a very sick man if you truly believe homosexuality as a viable population control solution.

How is it "sick" per say? It's only on observation. I never said it was a "viable population control solution". I only said that it might end up saving humanity in a very unusual way. You've yet to come up with a adequate answer as to why it's "sick".

Let it be said for the record that I in no way advocating homosexuality for the sheer purpose of population control. It's only an interesting and fortunate result.

Dragonsoul, when I made my post, I was concentrating on the word "marriage." Key word to this whole thing: MARRIAGE. I don't think there should be any homosexual "marriage." If they, the homosexuals, want to live together, then so be it but never call it a marriage or a union.

Different word; same concept. You've no right to dictate what another person does with their life as long as it dosen't anyone else. How does the fact that Jack and Joe want to be an offiical married couple any of your business? How does it hurt you in any way?

Yet I am also aware of humanity having sex for pleasure other than procreating. Heck, dolphins have sex for pleasure too did you know? So what's the point, they are giving up natural relations for unnatural ones. A man will always be a man and a woman always a woman. The exception is when they have a sex change which would be a perversion and for another thread discussion.

Yes, I knew about the dolphins thank you. What makes homosexual "unnatural"? And who cares if it even is? It's two consenting adults choosing to be together. It's none of your business.

Well you are some-what correct for saying that it is not just a preference. I believe it goes down deeper than just a preference though I'm sure it is a sexual preference among some homosexual. Other homosexual are much more interesting and this takes us into psychology.

What? How are homosexuals "more interesting"?

Sometimes, people think they could find unconditionally love through sex. Sex may bring about a sensation of love though I'm sure it's not the one they are looking for. A temporary love in a sense. But still, this is just one aspect in this whole issue of homosexuality. There's many case studies out there. It's interesting but for the most part, I see homosexuality as a preference and not hard-wired. If it was hard-wired, wouldn't that be cause by an imbalance of hormones? Would not this imbalance show itself during the adolescent years?

"Issue" of homosexuality. It's either a preference or something within the brain, neither of which has anything at all to do with psychology. You can see what you want to see but until you can prove it that means nothing. If it's hardwired that doesn't necessarily mean there's an "imbalance of horomones". It could simply be a preference kind of like how I hate cheesecake...Does that make me "imbalanced"?

Some homosexuals do need serious help because they are lost within themselves trying to find out who they really are.

I met some pretty fucked up homosexuals and fucked up hetrosexuals. You have no point here.
Personally, I don't think the government should have a say in gay marriage. If a church/religion doesn't believe in gay marriage, then that's fine, don't marry homosexuals.
I have nothing against homosexuals. I'm not against homosexual marraige either. Correct me if I'm wrong marraige is uniting two people who love each other right? Then who cares if the two people happen to be of the same sex?

I've read a few post in this topic not all, and most of them talk of homosexuals as if they were an entire sub-species of human.....I don't know why some people are so homophobic they are people like you and me with differen't preferences. It's like judging someone because they like chocolate icecream more than vanilla.
Sweet heyzues, thank you U-Neek. Someone with sense.

Sins of a Fighter said:
who says i like homosexual marriages?
just because i don't like to judge those persons about that,doesn't makes me one of them

"Doesn't make me one of them?" You speak as if you're above homosexuals. Why?

Juke, how in the world is homosexuality a harm to society? You basically say 'because they can't reproduce' - well okay then, kill everyone who can't reproduce. It appears like you along with a few others think the only reason one lives is to have sex and reproduce. So kill everyone who chooses not to have sex too, because according to you, they're useless and have no point in existing - harmful to society. And anyway, it's not like homosexuality will completely replace heterosexuality. You're acting as if that will be the case. No. So with a mix of both orientations, the human race is absolutely fine and does no harm to you. If anything, it's beneficial, as finally the orphanages will decrease in population and have homes with parents to take care of them.

Juke said:
Homosexuality is more of a sexual preference. A homosexual just prefers to have sex with his/her own sex though truthfully, they could have intercourse with the opposite sex.

Homosexuality - not a preference. It's not an "I think I'll have jelly on my toast instead of butter" thing. You don't choose it. Preference would mean you've tried both and decided you liked one better than the other. I don't see that to be the case. And yeah sure, a homosexual could have intercourse with the opposite sex, but that's not being true to themselves. You could eat a box of butter plain, but would you? You could kill another individual - but would you? That's just insane. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should or have to do it.

Juke said:
Dragonsoul, when I made my post, I was concentrating on the word "marriage." Key word to this whole thing: MARRIAGE. I don't think there should be any homosexual "marriage." If they, the homosexuals, want to live together, then so be it but never call it a marriage or a union.

...Well why not?

Juke said:
It's interesting but for the most part, I see homosexuality as a preference and not hard-wired. If it was hard-wired, wouldn't that be cause by an imbalance of hormones? Would not this imbalance show itself during the adolescent years?

A different level of hormones than a heterosexual, yes. There are tests that may be done that do indicate this.

Dragonsoul said:
"Issue" of homosexuality. It's either a preference or something within the brain, neither of which has anything at all to do with psychology. You can see what you want to see but until you can prove it that means nothing. If it's hardwired that doesn't necessarily mean there's an "imbalance of horomones". It could simply be a preference kind of like how I hate cheesecake...Does that make me "imbalanced"?

Erm, psychology is the study of mental processes and behaviour, so if you're thinking it may be 'hard-wired into the brain' then psychology certainly plays a role for you. Scientific research though has disassociated homosexuality with mental disorders and emotional/social problems. A cause for homosexuality is linked more closely to the biological side (probably not the sole cause, I'm sure many factors contribute as well), with a variant level of hormones. So again, no, it's not a preference - I can't stress that enough.

Juke said:
Some homosexuals do need serious help because they are lost within themselves trying to find out who they really are.

...What are you trying to say? Because the way I took that - Is that not one major proposition on the topic of "what is the purpose of life?" Doesn't most everyone seek to find their true selves? To discover who they really are: their interests, career choice, personality, and yes, orientation too? It appears to me that you're shifted because of the nature of the subject rather than its principle.
...What are you trying to say? Because the way I took that - Is that not one major proposition on the topic of "what is the purpose of life?" Doesn't most everyone seek to find their true selves? To discover who they really are: their interests, career choice, personality, and yes, orientation too? It appears to me that you're shifted because of the nature of the subject rather than its principle.

I was talking about sexual appeal in a way. Sorry if I'm not clear on things because I type it out as I go.

I'll explain my reasoning. Some people, as I have talked to, are not really homosexual nor are they heterosexual because their level of sexuality is dull. What I mean is that they are not as sexually attracted to the opposite sex nor does the opposite sex appeal very much to them. They are not asexual because they can't self-reproduce. Because of this, these people are confused as to what they really are. Are they really a man or a woman and vice-versa.

To some, it is a search for who they are.

As for the hormones, what I meant was that if there really was an imbalance of hormones, a would boy become physically more woman-like or a girl become physically more man-like. That was what I really wanted to say. (I was also reflecting upon hermaphrodites when I wrote that.)

I still see it as a preference be it consciously or unconsciously.

As for having a homosexual having sex with the opposite sex. You have missed my point entirely. A man will always be a man and a woman a woman. The rest you were talking about morality as some have been posting.

And as for marriage, I believe I made myself clear on that one.

How you present yourself, I don't really see what you are getting at. Maybe it's because I once saw that way too and it's no longer able to get to me.

Well, I posted what I think and what I believe. Thank you for the nice debate. We can't get no where because it turned into if you don't support than stay away thread or that's what I feel. Your insights are poor I would say. Not really interesting because I've heard it before. Basically, offer me something that truly stir up my mind and peak my interest a little.
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My insights are poor? How do you figure? What I stand for is the rights of all individuals. Equality. I support the minorities and will do all I can to make their words heard. If that makes me poor, dull, and boring, then so be it. My words though, are not meant to attack. It gets heated as yes, it is a debate - but I'm afraid you don't provide any fact or support for your opinion: rather simply restate your opinion and leave it at that. I've heard your weak state of mind countless times over, so alright, I'll let you sit there with no strong argument and no explanation. If someone digs up some sort of real defense to their opinion of your side, I'll listen. But until then, unless you can back up why you feel the way you do, don't bother posting.
Juke said:
They are not asexual because they can't self-reproduce
Asexual, referring to humans, means that they do not have any sexual orientation.

My insights are poor? How do you figure? What I stand for is the rights of all individuals. Equality. I support the minorities and will do all I can to make their words heard. If that makes me poor, dull, and boring, then so be it. My words though, are not meant to attack. It gets heated as yes, it is a debate - but I'm afraid you don't provide any fact or support for your opinion: rather simply restate your opinion and leave it at that. I've heard your weak state of mind countless times over, so alright, I'll let you sit there with no strong argument and no explanation. If someone digs up some sort of real defense to their opinion of your side, I'll listen. But until then, unless you can back up why you feel the way you do, don't bother posting.
Your post reminds me much of a dear friend who has this exact same view. Respect +10.

I think it was Juke who wrote something along the lines of the following [I can't quite remember who, mind-blank] and it really grates on my nerves when people say such things in debate forums. It was "It all comes down to the fact that if you don't support the view then don't debate". This is a debate forum and the entire point is to have an argument, if you will, but with no flaming. Why bother debating if you don't want to stay and argue your point?
Homosexual marriage?, No I don't agreed at all, with homosexuality and much less with them getting mariage. The way I see it whole point of marriage is to have kids (of your own) a heterosexual copuple for example could be sexualy active, but if they want to have kids (as a consient desition) they would have to marriage.

Before anyone acusess me of being religious, let me tell you know I'm not, and my views are no way affected by it.

One other thing I disagree about same-sex marriage is well "the kids", image a kid that grows up under such a parenting, that is no way good for them.

I agree 100% with what Juke has said so far
Some people, as I have talked to, are not really homosexual nor are they heterosexual because their level of sexuality is dull. What I mean is that they are not as sexually attracted to the opposite sex nor does the opposite sex appeal very much to them.
This is very much true. I call such people "idiots", "poseurs", and "wannabes". I fail to see what this has to do about the people who really are homosexual.

To some, it is a search for who they are.
So what about those who aren't "searching", but are homosexual, and are certain of it? What is your viewpoint on them?

I still see it as a preference be it consciously or unconsciously.
Did you completely fail to understand what "unconsciously" means?

"The division of the mind in psychoanalytic theory containing elements of psychic makeup, such as memories or repressed desires, that are not subject to conscious perception or control but that often affect conscious thoughts and behavior."

By the simple act of being unconsciously gay, there is no way it would possibly be "a preference". Those who "choose" to be gay are kidding themselves, and are not actually sexually attracted to the same sex. Take it from a man who knows a thing or two about liking other men.

And as for marriage, I believe I made myself clear on that one.
The only thing you have made yourself clear about is your bigotry, picking and choosing who deserves what instead of giving everyone the same rights.

Last time I checked, the legalisation of gay marriages in the legal sense has not "harmed" any countries that is has been introduced in. When you actually find some proof that is has actually harmed society, come back and show it to us.

Basically, offer me something that truly stir up my mind and peak my interest a little.
Or we could just use... I don't... facts, which are a little more important than "stirring your interest".