Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

who really cares if a boy/boy or a girl/girl marriage happens? so wat if their gay? why is that so bad?
the bible is old, outdated, it's something based on stuff from the time of Jezus, before and beyond, but not into our modern society, the bible should be burned, it's all wrong, times have changed and certain discisions should NOT be based on that... book

it's outdated... and nobody not even a christian can say i'm wrong because it's a FACT, this is 2007, not the year 0...

no book can remain an object of judgement for 2 millenia, not even the bible...

i'm sorry for the christians here, but this IS a fact... times change, and there's NOTHING you can do about it...
i don't have anything against reading stories from that book of fairytails... seriously i don't, but i can't imagine that one can make a judgement by reading a book that dates from 2000 years ago(approx)
that is simply wrong
^^^ LOL this is actually getting amusing ^^^

The Holy Bible is the core of all morality at least for Christianity, I'm sorry but you just can't dismiss it and burn it, after all it is the word of God (religious view) it wouldn't matter how old it is.

Either way why does every Homosexuality debate has to end in a religious one? << I know I'm the one who cited biblical text, but I only did it because someone else asked for it.

Whatever this thread has become a really entretaining one , lolz. I'll be around checking it.
i don't have to take it back, we're NOT on the religious forum, there perhaps i would have taken it back, here i can speak freely about it how i think of it, and seriously c'mon, it's just outdated... can't you christians just go with your time and let go of old habits? they told me i was a hard person to let go of mine, but you're worse then me...

times change... and the bible has always had many lies in it... and that has been proven many times...

and i don't care what the fat guy on his cloud is going to do... for me there is no hell nor heaven, i simply don't care about all the, no offence, holy crap you're going to spout at me...

and the bible is NOT the word of god, though i'm not a religious person i DID learn about it because i have been on some christian schools(because of certain circumstances) and there i have learned that the bible is a view of different prophets/persons from around the time Jezus was around about several things that happened in that time, it was THEIR view, not the view, or the word, of the so-called god...
as those people have written it and not god... i do have basic knowledge about the bible you know...

many of those people have used the bible for certain judgements, saying it was a holy book, but in fact it's a book of corruption, in my eyes, i bet if there was an afterlife, the writers are now drinking a beer and laughing at you...
sorry it had to be said...
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There you go the bible has spoken :)

The Bible is the complete truth is it? That's why EVERYONE on the planet obeys it?

No, until it is proven God does exist, and that Bible is completely trustworthy, I will, and probably always will, think freely about what is right or wrong, not look to a book for answers.
and the bible is NOT the word of god, though i'm not a religious person i DID learn about it because i have been on some christian schools(because of certain circumstances) and there i have learned that the bible is a view of different prophets/persons from around the time Jezus was around about several things that happened in that time, it was THEIR view, not the view, or the word, of the so-called god...
as those people have written it and not god... i do have basic knowledge about the bible you know...

Who is this guy "Jezus" that you keep talking about? I don't know anyone in the Bible with that name, though there is someone that has a similar name.
Looking to The Book does not make you unreasonable. Being a bible thumper, does.

(PS- Carebear! Haha... reroll horde side of Cho'Gall (US - PvP), send Atomos or Foxdie a whisper/letter ^^)
Of course I agree. It doesn't matter who you fall in love with, same gender or no. No one can help how they feel about a person. If a man happens to fall in love with another man, then they have the right to get married if they want. The feelings are real.

Yet, if society decrees that they can't get married, then I don't see the problem. Marriage is all about sharing a name, etc. Well, if you can't get married, one of them change their last name (you can do that!)...

And I don't see a written law saying homosexuals cannot live together. Therefore you are just as good as married. It's only a slip of paper saying you are married. That's not important. And if you can't hold an actual wedding, then hold a fake one in your own backyard! Who's gonna care? You're proclaiming your love to your partner, not some moron in a religious suit.

There's my opinion! Go for it!
i don't have to take it back, we're NOT on the religious forum, there perhaps i would have taken it back, here i can speak freely about it how i think of it, and seriously c'mon, it's just outdated... can't you christians just go with your time and let go of old habits? they told me i was a hard person to let go of mine, but you're worse then me...

times change... and the bible has always had many lies in it... and that has been proven many times...

and i don't care what the fat guy on his cloud is going to do... for me there is no hell nor heaven, i simply don't care about all the, no offence, holy crap you're going to spout at me...

and the bible is NOT the word of god, though i'm not a religious person i DID learn about it because i have been on some christian schools(because of certain circumstances) and there i have learned that the bible is a view of different prophets/persons from around the time Jezus was around about several things that happened in that time, it was THEIR view, not the view, or the word, of the so-called god...
as those people have written it and not god... i do have basic knowledge about the bible you know...

many of those people have used the bible for certain judgements, saying it was a holy book, but in fact it's a book of corruption, in my eyes, i bet if there was an afterlife, the writers are now drinking a beer and laughing at you...
sorry it had to be said...
Shut up, keep yor blasphemus thoughts to your self, their ofensive :(
The bible should be not be taken literally but symbolically since it has undergone many translations. The creation story itself is no where near what it originally was. And Christians and Muslims have two different versions of that story.

Ok, I realize that I shouldn't have asked for biblical evidence. I was going to debate them but then I saw that this thread is starting to get ugly because of it. Sorry about that Quicksilver.

Here's something interesting that many of you have probably already seen. Sorry if it has been posted before.

  1. Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control are not natural.
  2. Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people cannot get legally married because the world needs more children.
  3. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children because straight parents only raise straight children.
  4. Straight marriage will be less meaningful, since Britney Spears's 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.
  5. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and it hasn't changed at all: women are property, Blacks can't marry Whites, and divorce is illegal.
  6. Gay marriage should be decided by the people, not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of minorities.
  7. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are always imposed on the entire country. That's why we only have one religion in America.
  8. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people makes you tall.
  9. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage license.
  10. Children can never succeed without both male and female role models at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.
  11. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to cars or longer lifespans.
  12. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because a "separate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate marriages will for gays & lesbians.
Ok, I realize that I shouldn't have asked for biblical evidence. I was going to debate them but then I saw that this thread is starting to get ugly because of it. Sorry about that Quicksilver.

Is ok, I’m not very religious myself and wouldn’t directly use it as an argument, but if you wonder how I got the texts Wikipedia is your friend.

Here's something interesting that many of you have probably already seen. Sorry if it has been posted before.
Uhm, being sarcastic over the internet? I think is harder for most people to understand sarcasm when they are reading it and not listen it, but I could be wrong. Anyway don’t think that #9 is that far away or unreal, because people is rally crazy
so cool of you guys!!! i've been keeping an eye here but havent posted cuse of warrnings this will be the last! but thanks you guys .......YOU've made me......SO happy sniff sniif! ;-)