Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

I hate this topic. And abortion.

Who are we to decide what other people should do that we don't even know?? How can we even comprehend their situation when we've never experienced it? I just don't see the point in limiting someone's rights when we have no right to do so.

Nothing wrong with this topic, even if there have been one or two stupid posts here, we are here to simply discuss something, we are not world leaders, we can´t decide to ban nor legalize gay marriage even if we wanted to, so what harm do we make by posting our biased opinions here?

We are free to discuss, free to give opinions, liberty of speach, right? If you don´t like it here, then don´t post here period
We are free to discuss, free to give opinions, liberty of speach, right?

Now and days, in the US, you don't have freedom of speech, press, or anything that his country was built on. If i was at a speech by the president, and i said "I wish this guy would die", there is a VERY good chance i would be arrested, ignoring basic arrest procedures set by our government, kept against my will, questioned, and let back into society as they see fit. All in all, you have no rights in this country.

Back on topic.
Homosexual Marriage, IMO, is nothing wrong. I noticed a earlier post saying it was illegal, it was also illegal for women to vote, or have jobs. Should we have womens rights removed as well as the rights of a homosexual couple? There were MANY mistakes made in the past, INCLUDING banning Homosexual marriage. Doing so takes away one of the few things that people are actually able to do freely, choose. Your taking away peoples ability to choose for themselves. To put it in another perspective, If you were involved with another member of the same sex, and you were being told you cannot be married, how would you feel? You would feel like you are being told that you cannot live your life the way you want, and that is bullshit. Taking away another's ability to choose has also happened in the past, and it was called slavery. Although we are not forcing them to do things for us, we are not giving them the ability to have their own choices, which is the SAME as slavery.. I don't know about you, But I do not want to be a contributer to slavery, in ANY way.....
My RE class and I have been discussing this, thanks to me :P Here I go again:

Well, we all know that many people are against the very idea of Homosexual Marriage, but the topic that we were discussing was the concept of a homosexual couple adopting a child - should they be allowed to do that?

Well, why not? Is it fair that these two people are in love, want to have a family, but can't, because the exploitation of our society prevents such things?
A given answer: Well, they physically can't have children anyway, so if nature intends it that way, they shouldn't be allowed to adopt.
The retort: If either a man or a woman in a relationship are sterile and can't have children, would it be fair to say that THEY couldn't adopt? Just because it's sexually impossible to have a child does not mean that they should not be given that right.

On this matter ... I'm borderline. I see nothing morally wrong with it, but I would always be concerned for the child. Inevitabely, the child(ren) would suffer nothing short of ridicule, courtesy of our (excuse the language) shitty, hole of a society. It's ridiculous to say that the world we live in is a perfect place and that this child wouldn't be teased. I also feel that both a mother and a father bring certain parenting qualities into a family and that a child needs both to live normally. I'm not at all saying that anyone without one parent is going to be ... anti-social, or more likely to be imprisoned - more that they will be deprived of the qualities which either the mother or father brings.
Back on with the marriage thing and if it's "wrong" or not. As I've said, quite clearly before, I'm not bothered by it. However, contrary to that, if I walked down the street and saw two men kissing and holding hands, my natural instinct might be to look away and say "Ew." or something. I can't help that - it's how I feel; seeing it makes me uncomfortable. But, as long as you are not infringed upon, why should anyone have anything at all to do with it?
My opinion is that I do agree. Marriage is suposed to last untill death do us part but the divorace rate is very high somewhere in the 90 percentage if i'm not mistaken sorry if I am. My point is that Marriage and life is very different to what it used to be, so I see no reason why it can't be allowed as it hurts no one.

The main reason i'm for it is that I don't think an action which does not hurt anyone should be baned. I know it happens a lot but in this subject I just can't come up with a reason where two men or women are hurting anyone by geting married.

Even though this is not on subject I also agree with them being able to adopt. The only have one type of parent male or female and not having the other one is not a great reason in my opinion. There are lots of children who have to grow up with one parent(due to divorace/death) and I don't think that hurts them of course I can't say for sure but this is just my opinion.
Silver, those quotes seem a tad ambiguous to me. To have brought a debate this far with religion, someone has really been trying hard to do so. Nothing is mentioned directly, however, until practically the last two or three lines. And, yet again, only -SEX- is mentioned.

And I suppose that marriage has nothing to do with sex? Listen Riku I haven’t been trying to bring religion over and over again, as I stated before I think that the religious argument is a weak one, however I am a Christian Catholic and I have an extensive knowledge about my religion, some people here seemed to have doubts about if Christianity condemned or not homosexuality, someone even asked for evidence of this and I quote

Can you guys provide what your church says about homosexuals? I mean like official teachings, bible verses, ect.

I am not attacking your faith or anything. Heck I am a Christian(Roman Catholic to be exact) too, and not just in name. I do go to church every sunday.

I was just clearing those doubts, I really have no intention to use my religion as an argument, I will not discard it though

Now and days, in the US, you don't have freedom of speech, press, or anything that his country was built on. If i was at a speech by the president, and i said "I wish this guy would die", there is a VERY good chance i would be arrested, ignoring basic arrest procedures set by our government, kept against my will, questioned, and let back into society as they see fit. All in all, you have no rights in this country.

I guess we don’t have the right to disagree with homosexual marriage then, besides there is always freedom of speech and libertinage, we tend to classify as morally wrong some of our expressions, like words of insults and racial discrimination, the word “Fuck” is banned in many forums for example.

In the example you gave is perfectly logical that you get arrested if you hint that “the president must die” while he is giving a speech, this is suspicious enough to warrant you an arrest and if I were a cop I would arrest you for it, also I would be on my “right” to call a black person a “Negro” yet the use of that word is considerate offensive and people are expected to not use it, this is what we call censorship and is not always a bad thing, cause many people use the excuse of freedom of speech to insult and show no respect for people.

Now as long as we “keep it civil” I see no problem with discussing in this thread at all, this is a discussion board, if we all would agree we wouldn’t really be discussing, right?

Homosexual Marriage, IMO, is nothing wrong. I noticed a earlier post saying it was illegal, it was also illegal for women to vote, or have jobs. Should we have womens rights removed as well as the rights of a homosexual couple? There were MANY mistakes made in the past, INCLUDING banning Homosexual marriage. Doing so takes away one of the few things that people are actually able to do freely, choose. Your taking away peoples ability to choose for themselves. To put it in another perspective, If you were involved with another member of the same sex, and you were being told you cannot be married, how would you feel? You would feel like you are being told that you cannot live your life the way you want, and that is bullshit. Taking away another's ability to choose has also happened in the past, and it was called slavery. Although we are not forcing them to do things for us, we are not giving them the ability to have their own choices, which is the SAME as slavery.. I don't know about you, But I do not want to be a contributer to slavery, in ANY way.....
It is illegal to kill people too you know, and in old Rome I think you were in your right to kill someone if it was for vengeance (if that person killed your brother or something), as we all know laws change with the times, if something is illegal now it could be legal in the future, and the reason of why Homosexual is illegal in some parts of the world is principally because it is considerate morally wrong and disgusting, even Riku has admitted that the thing is disgusting.

And I don’t get the whole “we love each other and want to get marriage stuff”, last time I checked you didn’t need to marriage someone in order to love them, live with them, have sex with them, etc, so the only reason that I see for getting marriage is starting a family, have kids, give then your last name legally and stuff. If two teenagers get drunk and have sex, and a child comes from this mistake there is only one of three things that could haven, 1) The child get aborted or put in adoption, 2) The father runs away and you never hear from him again or 3) in the slight possibility that the father takes responsibility for his actions the couple will get marriage

Oh and if I were gay and I would live in a place where gay marriage is illegal, I probably wouldn’t care cause as I already said marriage is not to love each other, is the base for the foundation of a family

My opinion is that I do agree. Marriage is suposed to last untill death do us part but the divorace rate is very high somewhere in the 90 percentage if i'm not mistaken sorry if I am. My point is that Marriage and life is very different to what it used to be, so I see no reason why it can't be allowed as it hurts no one.
Is a shame but is true, if only people wouldn’t rush to marriage, I’m sure that is people would keep a relationship for at least two years before getting marriage, the divorse rate would be a lot lower, I mean if you are suppose to be tie to each other for the rest of your life, what difference would one or two years of sex outside marriage would do?

The main reason i'm for it is that I don't think an action which does not hurt anyone should be baned. I know it happens a lot but in this subject I just can't come up with a reason where two men or women are hurting anyone by geting married.
Smoking marijuana or Cannabis doesn’t hurts anybody, in fact normal cigarettes have higher toxicity lever, yet is banned in most countries.

Even though this is not on subject I also agree with them being able to adopt. The only have one type of parent male or female and not having the other one is not a great reason in my opinion. There are lots of children who have to grow up with one parent(due to divorace/death) and I don't think that hurts them of course I can't say for sure but this is just my opinion.
The lacking of one of the two parental figures can hurt a child, not saying that a kid with only one parent will grow up as antisocial or criminal, just saying is better to have both a maternal and paternal figure.

And as Riku pointed out kids with gay parent would be discrimitate and bullied for it
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And I suppose that marriage has nothing to do with sex?
Fundamentally, no, it doesn't. It's about declaring your love for one another, about showing the other person how much you love them and legally binding yourself to that person. Who are we to say that two people aren't allowed such happiness?

Listen Riku I haven’t been trying to bring religion over and over again, as I stated before I think that the religious argument is a weak one, however I am a Christian Catholic and I have an extensive knowledge about my religion, some people here seemed to have doubts about if Christianity condemned or not homosexuality, someone even asked for evidence of this and I quote
Marriage, to me, has nothing to do with Religion, I've just been curious as to what the Bible might actually say, so I could comment on it. I'd never want to argue over the Religious views on Homosexual marriage, because it would inevitabely lead to discussing the existence of God.

It is illegal to kill people too you know, and in old Rome I think you were in your right to kill someone if it was for vengeance (if that person killed your brother or something), as we all know laws change with the times, if something is illegal now it could be legal in the future,
Of course laws will always change, it's a fact. Maybe one day, society will realise what they've condemned Homosexual people to and cause for a change in the law.

and the reason of why Homosexual is illegal in some parts of the world is principally because it is considerate morally wrong and disgusting,
A couple of things here to pick up on. Firstly, I've never heard of H.M being illegal at all and, if that actually does happen in some places, I find that deplorable. See my argument in sterile people, above.

I consider Dictatorships morally wrong. I consider Communism morally wrong. Should that be illegal? Don't answer that, because it leads to an entire different debate, but I'm using hypothetical examples to demonstrate how preposterous that comment was.

even Riku has admitted that the thing is disgusting.
Ah, technicalities. I haven't admitted that H.M is disguisting. I can't admit anything, because it's not fact, it's opinion. I didn't admit anything, because I gave my opinion. You see the difference?

And I don’t get the whole “we love each other and want to get marriage stuff”, last time I checked you didn’t need to marriage someone in order to love them, live with them, have sex with them, etc, so the only reason that I see for getting marriage is starting a family, have kids, give then your last name legally and stuff.
We'll see if you say the same thing if you ever wish to marry someone.

If two teenagers get drunk and have sex, and a child comes from this mistake there is only one of three things that could haven, 1) The child get aborted or put in adoption, 2) The father runs away and you never hear from him again or 3) in the slight possibility that the father takes responsibility for his actions the couple will get marriage
I almost can't believe the total narrow-mindedness of that comment and stereotypical analysis that you just made! How, in good grief, can you even ATTEMPT to classify such situations into three distinct possibilites? My God.

Oh and if I were gay and I would live in a place where gay marriage is illegal, I probably wouldn’t care cause as I already said marriage is not to love each other, is the base for the foundation of a family
If you were gay and lived in a place where Homosexuality is illegal, I think you WOULD care, when you are put in prison O_O

Smoking marijuana or Cannabis doesn’t hurts anybody, in fact normal cigarettes have higher toxicity lever, yet is banned in most countries.
What world do you live in? Drugs don't harm people? Woah. *facepalm*

And as Riku pointed out kids with gay parent would be discrimitate and bullied for it
Not because H.M IS "morally wrong", but because of this "shitty, hole of a society" that we live in.

Fundamentally, no, it doesn't. It's about declaring your love for one another, about showing the other person how much you love them and legally binding yourself to that person. Who are we to say that two people aren't allowed such happiness?


Marriage, to me, has nothing to do with Religion, I've just been curious as to what the Bible might actually say, so I could comment on it. I'd never want to argue over the Religious views on Homosexual marriage, because it would inevitabely lead to discussing the existence of God.
That's Fine for me.

Of course laws will always change, it's a fact. Maybe one day, society will realise what they've condemned Homosexual people to and cause for a change in the law.

A couple of things here to pick up on. Firstly, I've never heard of H.M being illegal at all and, if that actually does happen in some places, I find that deplorable. See my argument in sterile people, above.
Oh is true, HM and Homosexuality for that matter is illegal in some places, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_laws_of_the_world

I consider Dictatorships morally wrong. I consider Communism morally wrong. Should that be illegal? Don't answer that, because it leads to an entire different debate, but I'm using hypothetical examples to demonstrate how preposterous that comment was.
Aren't they?, well Cuba? I think they are letting it be just to use it as an example

Ah, technicalities. I haven't admitted that H.M is disguisting. I can't admit anything, because it's not fact, it's opinion. I didn't admit anything, because I gave my opinion. You see the difference?
if I walked down the street and saw two men kissing and holding hands, my natural instinct might be to look away and say "Ew." or something. I can't help that - it's how I feel; seeing it makes me uncomfortable.

We'll see if you say the same thing if you ever wish to marry someone.
I don't see why unless that I fall in love with a nun, literaly

I almost can't believe the total narrow-mindedness of that comment and stereotypical analysis that you just made! How, in good grief, can you even ATTEMPT to classify such situations into three distinct possibilites? My God.
What with it? what else could happen?

If you were gay and lived in a place where Homosexuality is illegal, I think you WOULD care, when you are put in prison O_O
nah I'm too good for that

What world do you live in? Drugs don't harm people? Woah. *facepalm*
I, like you, gave a hipocrital stament, and I wasn't talking about drugs I was talking about Marijuana, yes it is a drug, but is not as bad as other drugs, in fact many cultures use it for medical porpuses, many people use it for medical porpuses, and its lever of toxicity is lower than normal cigars, ever heard of anyone diying for Marijuana overdosis? maybe exatis, or alcohol but probably not marijuana

Not because H.M IS "morally wrong", but because of this "shitty, hole of a society" that we live in.
Must be really "shitty" if it has homosexual people wanting to marry each other
Having sat here for the last hour and a half or so, and read this thread, I can honestly say, I have seen a lot of silly, hurtful remarks made about gay people.

In my humble opinion, I cant see any problem or reason as to why gay men and women should not have a marriage or, as they are called in the UK, a Civil Partnership. If a gay/lesbian couple have been together for a long time (and I mean for several years) then why should they not be able to make some sort of formal commitment to each other.

Prior to Civil Partnerships (aka gay marriage) if you were gay/lesbian and your partner died, you had no rights to benefit from their estate unless it was specifically established in a will. With the gay marriage/civil partnership, these rights have now been granted to a longterm partner (assuming they have had the civil partnership/marriage.)

As for using religion to provide arguments as to why gays cant marry etc, I strongly believe that the bible is open to different interpretations. What one person reads from a given chapter and verse, is not what another person may read from that very same chapter and verse.

Im not a christian any more, my faith was broken around 3 years ago, but even before, when I was christian, I still supported gay marriage.

Several of my closest friends are Gay, and I believe in my own heart, they have just as much right to have a legally binding marriage as the next person.
Must also be really shitty if we have prejudice still floating around.

Just thought I'd let you know - do you actually think the vast majority of kids these days are getting bullied because of having homosexual parents?

To my knowledge, there are many more issues which are at the heart of bullying, and homosexual based reasons/causes don't rank high on the list.
Must also be really shitty if we have prejudice still floating around.

Just thought I'd let you know - do you actually think the vast majority of kids these days are getting bullied because of having homosexual parents?

To my knowledge, there are many more issues which are at the heart of bullying, and homosexual based reasons/causes don't rank high on the list.

There are a lot of reasons of why our society is "shitty" I was being a little hipocrital in my last post, but my point is there is many ways to interpretate "these reasons", \

bullying is wrong, I know that, you know that, but that doesn't delete the fact that for having gay parents a kid would be bullyied, even if is not the main reason is still a reason
I don't really think there's anything wrong with gay marriage. If the world was run by gay people, and they said straight people can't marry each other, would you think that's fair. People are all born different. Are all of you convinced that if gay people can't marry that they'll just go away? No, they're here to stay. Leave'em alone, let'em get married. If you don't like them, don't talk to them, but let them do what they want as long as they don't wanna do it with you.
What a wonderfully compelling argument.

Aren't they?, well Cuba? I think they are letting it be just to use it as an example

What with it? what else could happen?
The mother could be kicked out of her parents house. She could have a mis-carriage and suffer from depression. The father could drop out from school and be forced to work at a very young age, with no education. The baby could suffer from a genetic mutation. You see?

nah I'm too good for that
Arrogant and condescending, much?

I, like you, gave a hipocrital stament, and I wasn't talking about drugs I was talking about Marijuana, yes it is a drug, but is not as bad as other drugs, in fact many cultures use it for medical porpuses, many people use it for medical porpuses, and its lever of toxicity is lower than normal cigars, ever heard of anyone diying for Marijuana overdosis? maybe exatis, or alcohol but probably not marijuana
Ah, so what you're saying is that something good can actually come from something considered "morally wrong"? ;)

Must be really "shitty" if it has homosexual people wanting to marry each other
Narrow-mindedness, arrogance and cynicism don't help much, either.
We are free to discuss, free to give opinions, liberty of speach, right? If you don´t like it here, then don´t post here period

Exactly and that's just what she was doing. Do me a favor QuickSilver and please don't psudeo mod again. She is perfectly well allowed to post any opinion she may have no matter how much she detests it or not. Also, if you psuedo mod again, I will issue a warning.

Please continue with your discussion.

edited to add:

And I don’t get the whole “we love each other and want to get marriage stuff”, last time I checked you didn’t need to marriage someone in order to love them, live with them, have sex with them, etc, so the only reason that I see for getting marriage is starting a family, have kids, give then your last name legally and stuff. If two teenagers get drunk and have sex, and a child comes from this mistake there is only one of three things that could haven, 1) The child get aborted or put in adoption, 2) The father runs away and you never hear from him again or 3) in the slight possibility that the father takes responsibility for his actions the couple will get marriage
Last time you checked? Are you even married? You don't get the whole "we love each other and want to get married" stuff? I don't understand you at all here. Marriage is more than just some legal contract, starting a family, having your name changed, etc... I am a happily married woman and it means so much more to me than the way you just put it. IMO I don't see a damn thing wrong with homosexual couples getting married if they're truly in love with one another. I married my husband because I wanted to be bound to him for the rest of my life. Marriage runs alot deeper than the reasons you just posted which I think are shit. Homosexual couples are no different than us. They just want to be accepted and I think it's crap there are so many prejudiced people out in this world who look down on them because they want to be happy. They have every right in this world to be just as happy as us who are married and heteros. By the way, I don't like your usertitle. I find it to be very offensive to us who DO have children. My son is 3 and I have to say he's acting a lot better than what you are right now. You seem to be extremely arrogant.
I think that gay ppl should just go back to being normal who the hell will ever wanna be a homosexual that is really gay and the fact that they are always kissing in front of other not gay ppl that just makes me really sick cause i don't want my future children walking around and seeing another man kissing another what we need to do is kick all gay ppl and send them out of the county and send them to another place like making them a new island or state and they should remain there forever until they are either homosexuals or just enjoy being real gay.I really hope that in the future of time this should really stop cause eventually if everyone starts to become gay the world will end real soon with all these homosexuals around and i am pretty sure that none of u guy want to have gays around u all the time cause i remember my friend had always been single(Not Gay) until the day that a gay person came to school and then my friend started hanging out with him and then had eventually became real gay.So the best way to prevent from ever turning gay is to stay away from other gay ppl or homosexuals so i really think that the point of this is try not to become gay cause pretty soon ppl are going to wanna be gay and then what the whole world will be over soon.

So my awnser is I don't not agree with Homosexual marriage cause now i see gay ppl are starting to adopt other kids and make them there own what they should do is make adopting kids only for a man and a woman since that is the only way that is ever going to work out for everyone then ppl will then all become happy.

I think that gay ppl should just go back to being normal who the hell will ever wanna be a homosexual that is really gay and the fact that they are always kissing in front of other not gay ppl that just makes me really sick cause i don't want my future children walking around and seeing another man kissing another what we need to do is kick all gay ppl and send them out of the county and send them to another place like making them a new island or state and they should remain there forever until they are either homosexuals or just enjoy being real gay.

Wow, talk about a run-on sentence. I hardly understood a word you said. A homosexual that is really gay...homosexual and gay means the same thing dear. Homos are not always out in about kissing each other in front of people. You don't see homos making out right in the middle of the mall or WalMart everywhere you go, do you? The most you might see is them holding hands or their arms around each others' shoulders as they walk. You want to kick them? How about you get kicked for making a post that hardly makes any sense? Moving homos to an island? So you want to isolate yourself from anybody who might be attracted to the same sex? That's just stupid and condescending.

I really hope that in the future of time this should really stop cause eventually if everyone starts to become gay the world will end real soon with all these homosexuals around and i am pretty sure that none of u guy want to have gays around u all the time cause i remember my friend had always been single(Not Gay) until the day that a gay person came to school and then my friend started hanging out with him and then had eventually became real gay.So the best way to prevent from ever turning gay is to stay away from other gay ppl or homosexuals so i really think that the point of this is try not to become gay cause pretty soon ppl are going to wanna be gay and then what the whole world will be over soon.
LOL again, another run-on sentence. You really have to stop with these, you know. Homosexuality is not a disease and doesn't spread like one either. Your friend maybe he had been keeping his sexuality a secret, was in denial and chose not to tell anybody because of the FEAR that he's going to be looked down upon as you seem to be doing now. Ever think of that??? Just because you hang around homosexual people doesn't mean you're going to "catch" their homosexuality. :rolleyes: How will the world be over if there are homosexuals? Not everybody is homosexual and I have quite a few friends who are gay. Not once have they turned me towards liking the same sex and I'm a happily married woman with a young son. Your statement is completely irrelevant.

So my awnser is I don't not agree with Homosexual marriage cause now i see gay ppl are starting to adopt other kids and make them there own what they should do is make adopting kids only for a man and a woman since that is the only way that is ever going to work out for everyone then ppl will then all become happy.
Still again with the run-on sentence...I could hardly even understand this statement. Homosexuals are no different than us when it comes to heartfelt feelings and emotions. It's not their fault that they feel the way that they do. That stuff cannot be controlled. Call it their destiny. Oh yeah, and start making posts that actually make sense so people can understand you.

Text big and red enough, homophobe? :rolleyes:
who the hell will ever wanna be a homosexual that is really gay

How very perceptive of you.

and the fact that they are always kissing in front of other not gay ppl

Yet straight people are allowed to kiss wherever they want and no-one gives a damn - its something called freedom.

that just makes me really sick cause i don't want my future children walking around and seeing another man kissing another

Then shield their Eyes or dont look yourself. simple.

what we need to do is kick all gay ppl and send them out of the county and send them to another place like making them a new island or state

Discrimination much? segregation is not an answer to anything, you cannot segregate a buch of people just because they are different to you - history has taught us that - Hitler segregated the jews america segregated Black people - segregation is WRONG.

and they should remain there forever until they are either homosexuals or just enjoy being real gay

They can do that anywhere - they do not need there own special island or state.

I really hope that in the future of time this should really stop cause eventually if everyone starts to become gay the world will end real soon with all these homosexuals around

LMAO i highly doubt that a small minority of people being homosexuals will end the world - there will always be straight people to carrie on populating the earth and science is evolving - soon we may even be able to clone ourselves - the populations going no-where fast.

and i am pretty sure that none of u guy want to have gays around u all the time cause i remember my friend had always been single(Not Gay) until the day that a gay person came to school and then my friend started hanging out with him and then had eventually became real gay.

Thats stupid - have you ever wondered that the reason he might have been single is because he was secretly a closeted homosexual?

So the best way to prevent from ever turning gay is to stay away from other gay ppl or homosexuals

And now your trying to tell me that homosexuality is a disease? how incredibly ignorant of you.

so i really think that the point of this is try not to become gay cause pretty soon ppl are going to wanna be gay and then what the whole world will be over soon.

A few people becoming gay and getting married will end the world? LMAO as i said before there will always be straight people and science to inflate the population

So my awnser is I don't not agree with Homosexual marriage cause now i see gay ppl are starting to adopt other kids and make them there own what they should do is make adopting kids only for a man and a woman since that is the only way that is ever going to work out for everyone then ppl will then all become happy.

Again you are being incredibly ignorant. Has it ever occured to you that these children who are being adopted might be happy that they are even getting adopted? quite frankly children getting adopted wont really care about the sexual orientation of there new parents as long as their kind. and homosexuals adopting does work and make people happy so your theory that "if only sstraight couples adopt all will be happy" is flawed and ignorant.


I fail to see how two people getting married bothers you, it doesnt harm you it doesnt harm society and it makes people happy, so i say let them do what they want.
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Exactly and that's just what she was doing. Do me a favor QuickSilver and please don't psudeo mod again. She is perfectly well allowed to post any opinion she may have no matter how much she detests it or not. Also, if you psuedo mod again, I will issue a warning.

You are warning me? I don’t think you read her post, please play attention to the bolded part:
I hate this topic. And abortion.

Who are we to decide what other people should do that we don't even know?? How can we even comprehend their situation when we've never experienced it? I just don't see the point in limiting someone's rights when we have no right to do so.

Basically she just came here and said we had no right to discuss in this topic, you know how do they call it when someone posts in a thread and adds nothing to the discussion, they call it spamming that’s how they call it,

I see nothing wrong with what I did, psudeo mod? You’re just against me because our opinions are different

Last time you checked? Are you even married? You don't get the whole "we love each other and want to get married" stuff? I don't understand you at all here. Marriage is more than just some legal contract, starting a family, having your name changed, etc... I am a happily married woman and it means so much more to me than the way you just put it. IMO I don't see a damn thing wrong with homosexual couples getting married if they're truly in love with one another. I married my husband because I wanted to be bound to him for the rest of my life. Marriage runs alot deeper than the reasons you just posted which I think are shit. Homosexual couples are no different than us. They just want to be accepted and I think it's crap there are so many prejudiced people out in this world who look down on them because they want to be happy. They have every right in this world to be just as happy as us who are married and heteros. By the way, I don't like your usertitle. I find it to be very offensive to us who DO have children. My son is 3 and I have to say he's acting a lot better than what you are right now. You seem to be extremely arrogant.
Just for the record my usertitle had nothing to do with you guys nor this thread, for respect I will change it, and the “reasons” I gave for getting marriage are not shit

What a wonderfully compelling argument.

Sorry sir, you want me to expand, well basically you said marriage has nothing to do with sex, therefore the biblical text that I quoted which was referring to sex had no weigh, and I totally disagree with you, show me one marriage couple, just one that don’t have sexual relations.

The mother could be kicked out of her parents house. She could have a mis-carriage and suffer from depression. The father could drop out from school and be forced to work at a very young age, with no education. The
baby could suffer from a genetic mutation. You see?
Exactly what I said, option 3, just a little darker

Arrogant and condescending, much?
I was meaning two things here, 1) I could not be gay, not a chance and even if I were would chance it so I could be heterosexual, and 2) Even in the remote possibility of me being gay I would never get arrested for it as I wouldn’t go around using female clothes or acting weird

Ah, so what you're saying is that something good can actually come from something considered "morally wrong"? ;)
Well yes, but not that all morally wrong things can be good in a way, you must first judge the situation and get all facts

Narrow-mindedness, arrogance and cynicism don't help much, either.
Look, we people look the world in different ways, what is bad for you could be good for me, what is shitty for you could be perfectly fine for me and vice versa, though the way I put it may have been too offensive for which I apologize to the gay people here.

I think that gay ppl should just go back to being normal who the hell will ever wanna be a homosexual that is really gay and the fact that they are always kissing in front of other not gay ppl that just makes me really sick cause i don't want my future children walking around and seeing another man kissing another what we need to do is kick all gay ppl and send them out of the county and send them to another place like making them a new island or state and they should remain there forever until they are either homosexuals or just enjoy being real gay.I really hope that in the future of time this should really stop cause eventually if everyone starts to become gay the world will end real soon with all these homosexuals around and i am pretty sure that none of u guy want to have gays around u all the time cause i remember my friend had always been single(Not Gay) until the day that a gay person came to school and then my friend started hanging out with him and then had eventually became real gay.So the best way to prevent from ever turning gay is to stay away from other gay ppl or homosexuals so i really think that the point of this is try not to become gay cause pretty soon ppl are going to wanna be gay and then what the whole world will be over soon.

So my awnser is I don't not agree with Homosexual marriage cause now i see gay ppl are starting to adopt other kids and make them there own what they should do is make adopting kids only for a man and a woman since that is the only way that is ever going to work out for everyone then ppl will then all become happy.


[FONT=&quot]What do you think Lady Aerith? Is he perfectly well allowed to post any opinion he may have no matter how much he detests it or not?[/FONT]
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You are warning me? I don’t think you read her post, please play attention to the bolded part:
I see nothing wrong with what I did, psudeo mod? You’re just against me because our opinions are different
You're damn right I'm warning you. You told her not to post in here, that my friend, is psudeo modding. I'm not against you because our opinions are different. I don't work that way. Keep up your smart ass attitude with me and you will be infracted. Simple as

Just for the record my usertitle had nothing to do with you guys nor this thread, for respect I will change it, and the “reasons” I gave for getting marriage are not shit
How are they not shit? You basically stated that is the only reason people get married. I AM a married woman and that isn't why I got married. My husband is a member on this site. Would you like me to bring him on and explain to you what real marriage is all about? You need to be schooled in that obviously.

What do you think Lady Aerith? Is he perfectly well allowed to post any opinion he may have no matter how much he detests it or not?
[/FONT]You know something kid? You really need a fucking attitude adjustment and I'd appreciate you not mocking me either. I never said this person wasn't allowed to post and I posted my opinions to each of his "jumbled" statements. You've already walked right into your warning. I suggest you cool it with mocking me and having an attitude with me.
Okay, lets just start this off in saying that who cares? I mean if people of the same sex want to be together and get married, adopt children, whatever then they should be allowed to. Who's to say that a gay couple couldn't raise a child or children just like a hetero couple. Now there are things that I do agree with like homosexuals having a public display of affection, but they might have the same thought about seeing me making out with my wife. So, if I was to see something like that then the adult thing to do is to turn my head and look away. It's not like they bound, tie, gag, and hold our eye lids open to make us watch them display their affection. But for anyone to hate or discriminate against gays is the same as discriminating against any race and as for you Christian people correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it wrong to hate? Isn't it wrong to discriminate at all? And I also read in here somewhere something about terrorists being gay. Okay, lets think. Humm . . . Terrorist is derived from the word terror. A terrorist can be looked at in many ways and forms as long as they create terror. So thinking of this you could call street gangs terrorists. So are you saying that they are also gay? What about the Al Qida? The Mafia? To whom ever said this here is a fact, YOU'RE WRONG!!!! There is no difference between gays and straights being terrorists. Actually, there is no difference between gays and straights asides from their sexuality, beliefs, and way of life. Every one bleeds just the same. But it's natural for people to discriminate because discrimination and hate is brought out in people who are either scared or that don't understand. Through out all human history there has been discrimination in one form or another. So are all you haters wrong, no, or just being a clone of everyone else, jumping on the bandwagon and continuing in this worlds down fall. All that anyone in life wants is to be happy. And if people decide to be gay in order for their happiness, who cares?
I think that gay ppl should just go back to being normal
I think that you shouldn't have such a thin view on things.

who the hell will ever wanna be a homosexual that is really gay
I believe someone who IS gay would want to be gay. Although, I'm just brainstorming here. Nah, my idea is TOTALLY preposterous.

and the fact that they are always kissing in front of other not gay ppl that just makes me really sick
Fact, or fictional, biased opinion, made up on the spot to back up your weak argument? I'll go with the latter.

cause i don't want my future children walking around and seeing another man kissing another
I don't want my children growing up in a society where such pathetic persecution still occurs, topped with some arrogance.

what we need to do is kick all gay ppl and send them out of the county and send them to another place like making them a new island or state and they should remain there forever until they are either homosexuals or just enjoy being real gay.
Good grief. Can someone warn this guy, please?

I really hope that in the future of time this should really stop cause eventually if everyone starts to become gay the world will end real soon with all these homosexuals around
Not EVERYONE is a homosexual. For goodness sake, enough with the stereotypical analysis on the minority of society.

and i am pretty sure that none of u guy want to have gays around u all the time cause i remember my friend had always been single(Not Gay) until the day that a gay person came to school and then my friend started hanging out with him and then had eventually became real gay.
Did he actually change his sexual orientation, or did he just act less masculine? Was the "new person" a homosexual, or did he just act less masculine? No one is going to take you seriously if you don't answer questions, such as these, beforehand.

So the best way to prevent from ever turning gay is to stay away from other gay ppl or homosexuals so i really think that the point of this is try not to become gay cause pretty soon ppl are going to wanna be gay and then what the whole world will be over soon.
Read above. Also, what gives you the right to decide what is best for a hetersexual or, rather, attempt to dictate how homosexuals should be treated?

So my awnser is I don't not agree with Homosexual marriage cause now i see gay ppl are starting to adopt other kids and make them there own what they should do is make adopting kids only for a man and a woman since that is the only way that is ever going to work out for everyone then ppl will then all become happy.

Thank goodness, your post ends. I just about had enough of that utter nonsense - the content, and the grammar. Apologies, but you've reduced me to this: GTFO.

You are warning me? I don’t think you read her post, please play attention to the bolded part:
Yes, that was her opinion. You cannot possibly be warned for your opinion and, looking back, that is NOT why you were warned, either. Telling a member to leave the forum because you have the wrong perception of either the rules, or her post, is pseudo moderating, in any case.

Basically she just came here and said we had no right to discuss in this topic, you know how do they call it when someone posts in a thread and adds nothing to the discussion, they call it spamming that’s how they call it,
HOW many times have I used the words, "Who are we to decide?" I direct you to my explanation directly above.

I see nothing wrong with what I did, psudeo mod? You’re just against me because our opinions are different
You see, that would mean Lady Aerith is a biased Moderator, who can't distinguish her professional boundaries. This is not the case. Misperception +1.

Just for the record my usertitle had nothing to do with you guys nor this thread, for respect I will change it, and the “reasons” I gave for getting marriage are not shit
Yes, they were.

Sorry sir, you want me to expand, well basically you said marriage has nothing to do with sex,
Riku said:
Fundamentally, no, it does not.
Misperception +1.

therefore the biblical text that I quoted which was referring to sex had no weigh, and I totally disagree with you, show me one marriage couple, just one that don’t have sexual relations.
I haven't said, in any case, that marriage doesn't involve sex at all. That would be ridiculous to say such a thing. However, once again, I'll say that the topic should be focusing on whether or not Homosexuals should be allowed to join in holy matrimony, instead of their right to sexual intercourse.

Exactly what I said, option 3, just a little darker
There's no chance of putting a wedge between your narrow mind, is there?

I was meaning two things here, 1) I could not be gay, not a chance and even if I were would chance it so I could be heterosexual, and 2) Even in the remote possibility of me being gay I would never get arrested for it as I wouldn’t go around using female clothes or acting weird
Arrogance +1. I should really start keeping a toll of these things ...

Well yes, but not that all morally wrong things can be good in a way, you must first judge the situation and get all facts
Which is what we SHOULD be doing here. In case it's not obvious enough from the capitals, I'll emphasise that we SHOULD be analyising the situation, as opposed to giving an opinion straight away and sticking to it.

Look, we people look the world in different ways, what is bad for you could be good for me, what is shitty for you could be perfectly fine for me and vice versa, though the way I put it may have been too offensive for which I apologize to the gay people here.
So why are you stating your opinion in a matter-of-fact tone?

What do you think Lady Aerith? Is he perfectly well allowed to post any opinion he may have no matter how much he detests it or not?
[/FONT]I know what I think. I think that you're skating on thin ice, because you have MIS-PERCEIVED the reasons for why you were warned and now you are challenging a Moderator in public; something that I know, from experience, is also warnable, under the title of Drama. I'd guess that you're also eligable for another pseudo-modding infraction...