Hottest FF Guy

My vote goes for Rufus ShinRa.
I don't know why, but there's something about that pristine white coat and double-barreled shotgun that I just find hot. xD

He's a total scoundrel too. Paying off AVALANCHE in the hopes of them killing off his father was perfectly cunning.
No prizes for guessing who I voted for...:D

Though I have to say Zack, Balthier, Auron and Basch are really hot too. I like the unusual characters the best, be they funny or just downright weird.
I cant believe no one else voted for Squall!

Squall is the hottest...cause of that hair, those beautiful beautiful eyes...and who doesnt love that chain? lol...and of course he wields the gunblade! :D
Weiss and Sephiroth are sexy....
Vincent and Reno are hot,
Zack and Squall are cute.
Quina! I strongly disapprove of "IT" being left out of the poll! He/She needs his/her love'n too!!
I cant believe no one else voted for Squall!

Squall is the hottest...cause of that hair, those beautiful beautiful eyes...and who doesnt love that chain? lol...and of course he wields the gunblade! :D

Squalls too emo :monster:

I would have to say Cloud, Zack, and Vincent could all be up there but i'll have to go with Kuja.. Hes just a sexy beast.
I'm participating in this!

Based off of the game and a plethora of FF8 fanfics, I say Zell. Zell, Zell, Zell.

Though I was tempted to say Queen Brahne... what? ^ _ ^;;
I have to go with Rude/Rufus/Reno.

I love his red flame hair, the cool attitude and comical style.

Definately beats so many others.
Rufus Shinra is THE hottest, imo. :inlove:
Great attire, calm and composed as hell, not afraid to fight, fecking hawt, elegant, cunning, and badass.
I'd so hit it.

My far seconds are:
Squall, Reno, Yazoo, and FFVII Sephiroth.

Seconded. I've always thought Rufus was hot as hell. xD
Agree with what you said, if he were real, I'd hit it like the fist of an angry God.
...I just hope a good cosplayer comes my way. XD!
I like Reno the most, I love his fun personality and the way they brought him to life in Advent Children made me like him even more, he's the kind've guy that would have me laughing forever, definately the kind've guy i'd go for.

Irvine for me would be the best looking and I like his style in clothes and Auron somewhat has that sexy mysterious appeal to him and I love his voice.

The rest annoy me. :P
Seconded. I've always thought Rufus was hot as hell. xD
Agree with what you said, if he were real, I'd hit it like the fist of an angry God.
...I just hope a good cosplayer comes my way. XD!

z0migash, I didn't think I'd find anyone who would agree with me on this. XD For some reason, Rufus is unpopular -- the reason is beyond me. :P

Good Rufus cosplayers are rare... Most of them are fat. Yuck. I want to see a good cosplayer, though.
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I can't answer definitively because there's too many guys who I think are number 1.

And in terms of the FFVII game, because there are so many spin-offs, you could Cloud from the movie Advent Children is hotter than Cloud from FFVII the original game.

As well, Kingdom Hearts with with various FF character cameo appearances have a difference between the characters from the original game context.

Look at Setzar: you could say is KHII form is hotter than is FFVI form.