How many times have you played FFVII?

I have played FF7 35 times, gotten every item, mastered all materia including Knights of the Round, gotten all Master Materia, and also defeated both Emerald and Ruby Weapons. Plus I have gotten everyone's limit break, including Aeris, in the same saved game.
35 TIMES!!!!!!!!! you must really be a true FF fan, i must play more FF!
Played it 5 times I would play it again but the cds don't work
once...:( coz i made a decision that i'll probably regret for the rest of mylife... coz when i sold my ps1 i made a deal to include all my ps1 cd's.. so i bid farewell to all my ff cd's of ps1:(
6 times :D, i have had the game many of times, i complete it then i go through it to check i have everything, i also like playin the other versions in the final fantasy series.:D
Many times.
First time i got so wrapped in the story i finished it without doing the secret stuff.
Secondly chocobo breeding and other sidequests.
Thirdly finding secrets, building character to 99, getting ultimate weapons, limit breaks, GF's (Doing this let me summon knights of the round table like 4 times every move :P)
And various other times because i have a stupid memory and forget the plot. :P
I don't wanna sound like I'm making myself out to be "super-fan" or something but theres no way I could count how many times I've played through it. Well over 20 anyway. (I know I know). Its the same with the other FF's, I just can't get enough!
all the way through....umm like 6 times...might be more than that..i dont count..i try to play it once a year
Must've been well over 20 by now. I'm currently going through all the FF's in order so another playthrough is definitly in the works.

probably between 6-8 times complete, only twice did i do everything, and only once did i spend the time to get Aries lvl 4 limit break. I never got her to level 99 though. (without cheats)