How often do you swear?

I think I've made an improvement since last time I posted in here.

I'm replacing swear words with words such as 'gosh' and such.

It's getting easier and a lot more pleasant for everyone. >.<

I'd hate to have kids and be the worst example for them in that area. It's such a bad habit.
Probably about 30-40 times a day, a mixture of online and off (though I try to do it while not in front of people). It's a handy means to relieve aggression.
I was once called a pirate due to my cursing habits. I have curved myself so as not to curse that much anymore. I do tend to swear when I am angry, but otherwise, I dont curse unless I am angry or trying to make something sound funny.
:lew: Far too often. My Mum's side of the family swore a lot more than my Dad and he got corrupted a bit. :wacky:
I was just brought up with my parents saying things like "Oh the movie was shite" etc etc. It's kinda been passed on. :lew: My room mates make fun of me when I say "Oh that's alotta pish" and stuff. :sad3:

I only swear with people that I know well enough so that they realise that my swearing isn't in a vulgar way or meant to be offensive (if you get what I mean), it's just the way I am and it's just a laugh. Apart from that I'm pretty clean.
Some say swearing shows a lack of vocabulary but sometimes there's only one way to get your message across, especially when said message is to some idiot who won't stop bothering you etc. :ffs:

And I only use the 'bad' ones when I'm... intoxicated or angry.
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I tend to hardly ever swear unless of course I am quoting from someone that involves swearing in it. My brother always regularly swears for very little reasons, and I prefer to polarise myself from his behaviour as much as I can mostly because we don't really get along :wacky:

If I am angry, I limit myself to mild vulgarisms. If I'm shocked, I tend to say "What the hell?" or "Oh my word" rather than throw in the f word every sentence. I have sworn out of extreme shock and fury before. And trust me, you'll have to do a good job to make me openly swear.

My grandparents are Christian so they always tell me not to swear anyway. Obviously the message was lost somewhere when they told my brother.

Actually come to think of it, has anyone seen me use swear words on this forum before?
I only swear with people that I know well enough so that they realise that my swearing isn't in a vulgar way or meant to be offensive (if you get what I mean), it's just the way I am and it's just a laugh. Apart from that I'm pretty clean.
Some say swearing shows a lack of vocabulary but sometimes there's only one way to get your message across, especially when said message is to some idiot who won't stop bothering you etc. :ffs:

I think I'm pretty much the same tbh, though it's more to do with appropriate situations. I wouldn't swear at my manager and I try not to swear when I'm at work but folk always walk in when I'm saying naughty things. As for the "bad" ones, well, I don't differentiate. If you accept one swear word, you accept them all and if you don't like that then it's tough tits 'cause I use 'em all.

I also agree with Ewan's last comment. Sometimes you can be so frustrated or angry you just HAVE to swear, even if you're the most literate cunt on the planet.:wacky:
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Yeah, I forgot to mention appropriate situations as well. Even if I was friends with my lecturer I wouldn't swear around him.

"The assignment? Oh shit, sorry about that. I couldn't be fucking arsed to be honest."

Actually, Im not sure I would even tell him I couldn't be bothered. :hmmm:
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I swear a great deal when I'm frustrated, but very little otherwise. Quite often I find myself invoking the names of deities from the series of books I've read, though...the phrases rub off on me and I find myself saying them in place of swearing without thinking about it. XD
I've only lately become aware of how frequently I swear these days. Even in work I'm dropping the quiet "oh bollocks" and such, which is grossly unprofessional. Granted you've got to make exceptions when colleagues are genuinely frustrated; we're only human after all, so that's very much tolerated in most circumstances. That doesn't permit casual use however.

In general conversation though, it's quite common for me to utter a varied expletive or two, depending on the conversation and my opinion concerning it etc. Online I seem to be a little more reserved than in person (goodness knows why), so I really need to step back and work on that. But as others have said, it's mostly circumstantial and I don't even consider swearing around certain types of people, or anyone I'm trying to introduce myself to (unless it's blatantly in joke format).
I do not swear nearly as much as I used to. I've become more aware of what words since I started field work because saying certain things can get me in trouble. I also have several nieces and nephews now so I don't want to use certain words around them.

Typically, not I only use a swear word if I am very angry or if I am just shocked.
I will somewhat often, not too much though. It mainly consists of the f-word actually.

[MOD Edit - Hey bud, mind explaining a bit more? How often is somewhat often to you maybe? or when are the occasions you swear the most? Appreciate it]
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Online I swear a lot. xD It's actually quite terrible sometimes, but I guess it's just expressing myself. :hmmm: It's hard to explain really. Also when I'm gaming if something isn't going right or I get killed or I'm losing HP fast, I'll curse and swear at the TV or computer screen. It all depends on what game I'm playing. :lew: Whenever Logan's around though I try and keep the swearing down to minimum. If I accidentally slip up, he scolds me and smacks my hand. :mandipandi: Then I get told I'm a naughty mommy. :tehe:

Sometimes when I'm out with Dave or something and we're waiting forever to get food or stuck in a line at the store or something, I'll get impatient and swear discreetly, under my breath to him and he'll grumble and swear right back! I think he's a bad influence on me in terms of swearing. :wacky: But I'm not nowhere near as bad as I was when I was a teenager.
I usually dont actually. Around certain people I do and it bothers me at times because I hate talking differently around different people. Usually I only do when Im mad though.
I swear probably too much. It wasn't so bad when I was a kid, but the more people started irritating me, the more I swore, and the more it just kinda stuck to me.
i used to swear regularly until i realized how much i was degrading their effectiveness :wacky: now i only swear when i need to make a point. IE constructive cursing.
i swear way to much both online and off, its since its such a big part of my vocabulary, lets say if im taking to someone close to me in a 5 min conversation i could fit in so many to count and even MORE online

however i unintentually turn it off when im taking to Grandparents and people of that sort of nature

where i swear the most you may ask:when i drive 3 hours to SuperSmashBrosMelee tournaments and get knocked out in the first round=[

atm im swearing at my friend for saying FF's shit -__-
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It depends who I'm around. At home / around my parents, I have a bit of a foul mouth, but only say minor things like bloody, shit and pissed off but I don't use any of the really bad swear words.

Around my friends and at college, I have a really dirty mouth. I was saying to Jess the other day how I was surprised how often I found myself swearing on the first day back at college, it was unreal. Every other word was fucking xD

Online, I swear if and when I feel like it. Although I'm not as bad as I am in person, I'm not one to hold back.
We swear a lot. In both real life and online. We started a long time ago (3rd grade) and we never really stopped. After a while it got to the point where every time we try and quit, we can't.

We use every swear known to man on a daily basis.
I swear too much, more so than I should. I blame two primary sources - the internet, and tennis.

I used to never swear. And then I found that the given words were a lot easier to type out than they were to say. It started with that, and gradually, my mouth reflected the things that I'd type on occasion. Eventually, it's as though cussing became a bit of a second-hand habit.

Come my experience with tennis, and it tended to accelerate a bit. It's such a frustrating sport, that really requires to give mentally as much as you do physically. Concentration and dedication are required, and as a result, you can get pretty emotional or invested on a point-for-point basis. There are times when I'll miss a particular shot, and I'd fall back on senseless cussing. You know? "---- ---- mother------ ---- ----ing ---- it." <<

But on a regular basis, I'm really not that bad. I'm not one of those "every sentence", "every conversation" people. Just when I get really frustrated or something...

I'm very appreciative of those who influence me not to.
I really only catch myself swearing a lot when I play Xbox online or during sports if i screw up, or last of all when I drink. It's not like an angry swearing, more like a "I'm running my mouth I don't know what to say so I'm gonna swear" swearing.

Overall though, I usually keep it pretty cool and mellow. Just when I get ticked off that I screwed something up I knew I coulda did better at.