How often do you swear?

At least once a hour. If people try to talk to me when i'm asleep, i cuss them out apparently, they tell me this when i wake up :monster:
Depends on what my mood is, usually i don't swear much but i have been too much as of late. I'm going to tone it down, i myself don't like doing it either. I just picked up on it when i was a kid because i didn't know better or thought it was wrong.
It all depends on who I am talking to.

I usually don't do it in public because there could always be a little kid around, and I wouldn't want them to hear it and then repeat it. I rarely even say swear words out loud. If I do, usually I only call a person a name and put my -.- face on.

Online, I really only do it when I'm talking to close friends. It usually all contributes to a good laugh so it isn't all that bad. If I'm meeting you for the first time, I probably wouldn't cuss at you. Once I get closer to you I might let a word slip.
It all depends on who I am talking to.

Uh-huh. ^^

Online, I really only do it when I'm talking to close friends. It usually all contributes to a good laugh so it isn't all that bad. If I'm meeting you for the first time, I probably wouldn't cuss at you. Once I get closer to you I might let a word slip.

Uh-huh. ^^

I still don't like to cuss online unless I'm either pretending to be shocked about something to add that emphasis factor, or if I'm actually pretty...angry (although that's quite rare too). I think that's why when I do cuss online, it shocks a lot of people because they rarely see me do it. I don't really like hearing or seeing it too often either especially if mentioned in anger by anyone and I will be sure to let them know, but if it's in a joking and playful manner, I don't mind at all.
I cuss all the bloody f'ing time. In multiple languages too.

In fact, I cuss so much that you can tell what kind of mood I am in based on how much I cuss, combined with how harsh the word is, combined with what language it's in.

If I cuss in Japanese, my main foreign language, you know full well that I'm just messing with you. Which comes from a weird thing where I can speak Japanese pretty well for absolutely everything, except cussing. I have never figured out why I have a hard time cussing in Japanese, but I can talk normally as if I've been speaking it over half my life.

English, I bounce all over the bloody place. Even going from American, to British, and the next sentence back to American.

Russian... Run away.

"Curious how we revert to our native tongue in moments of extreme anger."
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Im terrible for swearing. I swore ALOT in high school, got me into lots of trouble. Nowadays when something pisses me off I start to swear. The more angry I get, the worse the words. Not very ladylike I know, but everyone swears XD
I swear the most when I play a video game or if I'm on the road. No, I don't swear like a sailor at other drivers, but if one cuts me off, I get mad. Any honest-to-God New Jerseyan knows what i'm talking about. I swear casually sometimes too. Put it this way: I'm not a foul mouth, but my language is pretty seasoned.
It depends really. I never swear in front of my parents or people I don't know. With people I don't know, I never want to offend them, so I wait for them to swear, then it'll open the flood gates for me. :wacky: I don't feel right swearing in front of my parents. Even though I'm 27 years old, I feel that I'll get in trouble, even though I'm pretty sure they won't care. The flood gates never opened.

As for everyone else, I will swear with some frequency. I suppose I don't really swear a lot more or less than anyone else, but I do swear a decent amount. As much as I talk about sexual things in the ShoutBox, I'm not that bad in real life. But honestly, I'm not afraid to talk about such things. I even make people I work with uncomfortable from time to time. :mokken: But I don't go as in depth as I do on the internet.
The only word I generally use is bloody, but otherwise I never do. Unless I do real bad on a game, in which case I swear to myself. Never to anyone else.

You see, I'm nice :p
I cuss alot actually, not my fault my mom cussed around me when i was a kid I blame it all on her. I can hold my cussing if I have too, so I try to do it only when neccesary but in some places I just cant help it sometimes xD
If you were to ask me this 10 years ago, when I was a rebellious teenager...

Now, hardly ever. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a saint, but it's more in a casual and "once in a while" sense.
I swear in most sentences I use, as do most people I know

It has gotten to the stage where swears are so innocuous in our culture that they are used regularly, as thinking sounds almost. For example I would often say something like

"Ah you know what I mean, the fuckin fuckin fuckin fuckin fuckin fuckin fuckin fuckin fuckin fuckin fuckin fuckin biomed lab, like"

Using "fuckin" here, rather than hmmmmmmmmmmm

Cunt is also another big word, I would call my pals this a lot of the time or even refer to a person who is not there as 'that cunt'

Most curses have been incorporate into everyday language
:hmmm: I do not swear too much. I swear when I am angry though. My favourite thing to say when angry is "mother fucker" and I don't really know why they are my words of choice :hmmm:

"man you're a mother fucker" I'll say if someone annoys me or just mumble 'Mother fucker" under my breath if I'm silently pissed off.

I often use the word shit too when trying to describe things. I am able to hold a conversation without using a swear though :)
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I swear all the time, it's not becaus I'm mad at anybody, it's because I've heard cuss words so much, I use it all the time.

My personal favorite is usually "Mother Fucker" or "Son of a Bitch"
I try not to swear often, I find it to be in bad taste and I don't think I need to swear at all to make a point or put emphasis on anything. There's better ways that don't make me sound like I'm an idiot.
That's just me, though. Swearing is unnecessary. Even if sometimes it does slip out. Those are embarrassing moments for me.
Well not as much as before, i used to swear pretty much all the time before. My first swear word was fuck, i remember saying it all day in 3rd grade the whole day because i was fascinated by how it sounded for some stupid reason. I got suspended but i didn't care, this lasted until i found out about the swear word asshole.
About 10 year ago or so every other word I used to say was a swear. :wacky: Nowadays though I've really calmed down. While I do still swear, it's only occasionally. "Damn" or any of it's variations is my most common swear though I do use others they are just not as common.