How often do you swear?

The amount of profanity I ever use is dependent on the group of people I'm conversing with. If I'm around my family members then you'll probably never hear me say anything derogatory or profane around them but that's mostly because my mother would skin me alive if I so much as uttered, "What the freaking hell?" in her presence, which is, by most of my friends' standards rather tame. Speaking of friends, that's where my sailor mouth just comes out in full swing. I'll curse pretty much every other word, especially if I'm irritated or I'm about to rage on someone--every other word is just "fuck" and "bitch" and any other standard U.S. swear word or slang term you can think of. It's pretty much like I become a different person--at home I'm a dignified and scholarly girl who's humbled by her mistakes, around my friends we share in a camaraderie and let our tongues wag loosely.

But yeah I basically curb my tongue at home because I was raised to be a "proper lady" by an equally "proper" woman. Funnily enough, my mom is obviously validated to swear at me profusely when she's angry or anyone else. It's funny how us girls in the Vernon family can morph into different ladies when we're angry without shedding that dignified air about us. That said, if I'm talking to certain friends who don't curse or complete strangers, especially authoritative figures then I never ever curse; that whole "keep your back straight" and "Yes miss" and "No thank you miss" type of upbringing comes right back out of me. I basically know when to switch between seemingly flippant casualness and proper decorum when the occasions call for it. Mmm. :monster:
I swear way too much, work at a butchery and you got guys all around swearing and yelling. Hard to get away from.
I was born to curse... i f***ing curse every day, no one cares...
i curse cause i want to or it slips out, People i know dont curse nearly as much as i do:holyshit:
I swear too much, it's horrible. I never use to have such a bad mouth when I was in high school, but after I started working in a restaurant, I became a real potty mouth. Everyone I was around cussed, even my managers. It also doesn't help that my brother and sister swear a lot. My mom hates my swearing and I try to not do it in front of her, but it's become such a habit that sometimes I let it slip.
I don't really swear...If I do it's because I'm super angry, just hurt myself, or being silly with friends. I find it very annoying when people swear in every sentence.
Whenever me and my cat race downstairs to the kitchen, and I happen to bump my toe into the table I always shout "Arrgghhh! This hurts like Justin Bieber's and Katy Perry's music!".
i rarely swear, to be honest. although i usually type out profanity online, i rarely ever say them in real life.
I rarely ever swear/cuss/curse/etc. I used to be more of a "saint" back in high school, but even to this day, I don't conversationally use swear words. xD

I occasionally "cuss" (I usually say "curse") when I'm very upset or when I'm playing a game & failing horribly (ex. a fighting game, dancing game, a boss battle, etc.), but I mostly just say "Damn!" or "Crap!" I became more comfortable with swearing after going out with my ex-boyfriend. He swears for no reason, which annoys me, but mehh. -_-
I don't swear that much, but just last night my sister got pissed at me for say 'fuck' at her :sad3: Which I rarely do anyway...some people say I swear too much but I don't see that -- like at all, I mean I wouldn't curse in front of my grandparents or shit like that but I do it around my own family occasionally, I don't buy into that "Lady's shouldn't cuss" shit. It's really bullshit too me; they are just words anyway. :)

I mean I don't say nasty words like 'cunt' and crap like that (it paints a verry gross image) but...y'know there are some words I feel normal using; and that just can't be helped, so I figure who gives a damn.
I swear quite often. It's become a part of my daily speech. lol. But I try to refrain from cursing around young kids and my elders. Which I'm pretty good at except for the occasional slip up.
Alone: Like a Sailor
Friends: More than a sailor
Adults: Zero
Children: Zero

Basically ^

I don't ever use the 'c' word. I find it to be most inappropriate in every situation. The times when I curse most are when driving, or playing League of Legends. It's awful lol ):
Ehh... I do it often enough. Haha. Not so much around my parents, though.
I work at a car dealership in the middle of a crappy city, so I spend a lot of time around the scum of the earth. :P The general human populace isn't that great around me, never mind the quality of vocabulary.
I really try not to, because I don't like cursing. ;n;

And especially not in English, it has boring insults. :P
I add swearing to my diet everyday if I'm frustrated or nervous or wanting to crack a gag at my friends. I tend to use asshole all the time to describe someone of a foolish nature or was left behind or someone who is quite dickish. For example:

"She left me to go see the concert along with her girlfriends without telling me and I ended up waiting outside her house like an asshole, fucking heat as well included."
You know, it's funny, my whole family swears, with my mom being the worst. Growing up, she said a swear in every sentence she said. But if I were to swear, everybody would probably freak out. Why? I'm not sure. Anyway, no I don't swear around people. I do swear quietly to myself when something goes wrong, but that's it really. :)
I hate swearing I'm pretty sensitive to that stuff. So, never on purpose. I once said s*** because I was mindlessly repeating what someone else said. I was so embarrassed XD
I swear quite a lot. Since I have a family of swearing people, it rubbed off on me. I used F*** when I can think of an adverb or adjective that I'd like to use at the time.

F*** is my primary swear- usually in the form of "F***ing A$$whole!"

Nevertheless, I've turned it down significantly since I entered college.