How old Were you

I don't think marriage is a good idea either. It's a very romantic aspect, but the only advantages are shared inurance policies, etc...
50% of marriages in the U.s. fall through...and plenty of people are too stubborn to admit that it might happen to them. You don't need to marry someone to prove that you love them enough to sleep with them.

Am I getting married?
Yes. For the free gifts and the insurance policy. =]
It's not that people get married to's that people get married when they're "unprepared". You don't just run off and marry someone who you've been dating for 6 months.
Once you live with someone, you realize..."oh...this person his a horrendous slob, and they expect me to clean up after them..."
You can't maintain a good relationship unless you're ready to give and take equally, and make certain sacrifices.
People shouldnt treat marriage as a joke, or a lie... during the marriage the couple makes a vow, then for some reason, more often than not, it turns out to be a lie in the form of a divorce... Some divorce becuse they want to be with someone else which is very selfish... I do support divorce on grounds of the husband beating the wife or assault of any kind.
I think that breaking your vow to protect your loved one in sickness and in health is just as much of a falsh promise as leaving for your own hapiness...
I'm almost 18 and still haven't done 'it'. I've never been in a relationship before, and casual sex doesn't seem right for me. I actually don't care much that I'm still a virgin and I actually don't plan on losing it anytime soon (because I don't plan on being in a relationship anytime soon).

I'm not a prude by any means, and sex is something I look forward to experiencing, but I'm really not that anxious to do it at this point in my life. I don't want to worry about getting pregnant or ruining my life with an STD (and even if I use protection, I know I'll still be paranoid because I have this feeling that something will just go wrong). I also don't think I'll get a boyfriend anytime soon...and well I'd only consider having sex if I was in a committed relationship...and even then I think it'd be hard for me to give it up. I'm not the most trusting person when it comes to men and I think if a guy is willing to stay with me without the sexual aspect, then he might truly care about me.

It's not that people get married to's that people get married when they're "unprepared". You don't just run off and marry someone who you've been dating for 6 months.
Once you live with someone, you realize..."oh...this person his a horrendous slob, and they expect me to clean up after them..."
You can't maintain a good relationship unless you're ready to give and take equally, and make certain sacrifices.

There are many things that contribute to the high rate of divorces in the United States, but getting married too soon is a factor. Not only are divorces much easier to get, but getting married is much easier as well (Las Vegas, anyone?). I don't think people seriously think about what they are getting into prior to getting married. I think most people base their decision on love and attraction, which I think is not a good idea since romantic love and sexual attraction fades over time. There has to be something else that keeps people together (same values, interests, hobbies) in my opinion.

But anyways, I think marriage is great, and I actually admire people who can wait until their married (and want to wait as well). I know you don't have to get married to show someone you love them, but I really think it helps and that it means something that someone would be willing to make that committment to you even if it fails in the end. Personally for me, I'd try my best to make sure that I am marrying the right person for me and we could make it in the long-run. Maybe it's just me, but I feel that marriage would allow me to feel more secure in my relationship (despite the fact that it is still possible to get a divorce). I wouldn't mind giving my virginity to my husband because I am the type of person who is monogamous and wouldn't mind just sleeping with one person. And it would be really hard for me if I was dating someone and slept with them only for them to break up with me a few weeks later.
I prefer the waiting until marriage idea. I don't think I'd like it too much if my wife was into casual sex before she met me. I guess it'd be OK that she has experience, but it still wouldn't sit right with me. It's like ''I f**ked various guys so I can pleasure you more.''That isn't exactly equivalent in my book. It'd probably be best to both start out as newbies and get better together.
I was 16. I thought I loved her. Then we broke up like two months later. I regret it so much. I wish I would have waited. But I mean the past is the past.
i was 17, it was actually a few months ago. i was drunk at some stupid party and i had sex with one of my friends. me and her both regretted it but she was hot and were still friends and there were no i guess i dont really regret it now that i think about it ^_^
I was at a party and droonk off my ass. I was 17 and three months when I did it for the first time. It was with an ex-girlfriend. (at the time she was still an ex) It was also the three month anniversary of the relationship I was in. The only thing I regret was that I cheated on my girlfriend and lost my virginity in the process. I made a vow to myself that I wouldn't ever cheat on a woman so long as I live and I still have not broken that promise.

Sex is a major part of any successful relationship. I don't think that it is a good idea to wait until you are married to start having sex. It would suck to get married only to find out that you don't like your new partner. still a virgin ;(

It's not that I'm waiting for marriage; I think that's a terrible idea. I just haven't...been presented a good opportunity, I guess. Or something.
i was 17, it was actually a few months ago. i was drunk at some stupid party and i had sex with one of my friends. me and her both regretted it but she was hot and were still friends and there were no i guess i dont really regret it now that i think about it ^_^

If She Was Hot, I'd Call Than An Achievement :D

I Was 16 btw. (Early This Year)
Best Decision Ever.
I was 15, with this girl i went out with for about 6 weeks. Split up around 2 weeks later.

As for people saying its best waiting untill marriage, explain why? Someone stated above, you really dont wanna go get married and realize you dont like your partner. Sex plays a major part in every relationship, married or not. Ive been with my girlfriend now a year and a half almost and if we didnt have sex i can see our relationship going very well. Not sayin we need to have it, but you need a lust for you want to keep coming back to them.

What lose your virginity your wedding night or whatever..your most likely gonna tell yourself "i wish i had done that before." And your gonna see this new you sort of thing, you could end up cheating on your partner because once you have sex it sort of becomes an addiction..not one as such but near enough..its never gonna leave you put it that way. Dont you think it's better too have your fair share throughout your life before you get married? And i'd bet if you did, and eventually found someone that you really like, having sex with them before marriage (if you marry them) would improve the love you have for them.

Almost everything these days is based around sex..even look at final fantasy lol. plays a part in everything lol.