I beat FFX, I am disappointed (spoilers inside)


Chocobo Breeder
Jan 20, 2007
So I finally defated FFX. I knew I could do it even though my players aren't maxed out. Anyways...it was pretty easy. I've put over 100 hours into the game. I have only 3 celestial weapons (Tidus, Yuna, Rikku). I have Auron's, but I didn't get his Mars Sigil yet.

Anyways...about the ending:

Man..I think it was kinda weak. I mean...I had a feeling Tidus would die..or something. Well, granted he didn't die or anything...that disappearing deal was okay if that. The amount of video/cgi for the ending was too small and didn't leave me with a "wow!" feeling. I think the ending for FF8 was better than this one.

So...overall...FFX is one confusing story line. I don't think it was as great. I think FF7 > FF 8 FF8 is slightly better than FFX in my opinion...but I liked FF8 generally speaking. I just don't know what was up with this specific game. I guess I'll think of more points later...but right now I am a bit tired.
Heh, it was a good game, IMO. Yeah, I think you're just tired, lol.

Well, the ending was okay, I guess. I mean, I was content with it. I've heard others say it completely sucked, but I really think that Square did a great project there.
Actually, I thought the ending was kinda boring, it was alright because I did like some parts of the ending but it could have been better.
I didnt think much of the ending myself. I mean...i have completed FF VIII and XI many times just to watch the ending. I wouldnt do that with X...
If your not satisfied with the ending go try to kill nemesis in the monster arena and make that your ending
The Ending was okay, was sad because Tidus the main char dies. I prevered the FF8 ending, the FF9, and just started playing FF7 so I'll have to wait for that one
I think X is more about the gameplay and attatchment to characters and not so much the build up to the ending ?
The Ending was okay, was sad because Tidus the main char dies. I prevered the FF8 ending, the FF9, and just started playing FF7 so I'll have to wait for that one

Um, no Tidus didn't die. :huh: He was a dream of the Fayth, remember? He wasn't even born at that time when Yuna and them were alive.
Why does everyone hate the ending? I thought it was okay. I was expecting something a little more exciting though.
X is definently not one of my favorite FFs, but I did like the ending. I think that is what kept me from completely not liking this game. That and Yuna.

I just felt that X's story was weak compared to the others.
I liked FFX's Ending, but the special ending for FFX-2 totally messed FFX's up.. :P
I liked FFX's Ending, but the special ending for FFX-2 totally messed FFX's up.. :P
I strongly concur.

Anywho, It was too probable for the players to know what'd end up happening. Hell, it was even mentioned. Nothing was surprising, but nothing was MEANT to be. All it was, was a visualization of what we knew was going to happen. And for that, I liked it.

The last moment with Sin in that FMV was great, with all the Aeons. Just... boom!
From a certain point in the game it was obvious what the ending was going to be but that still doesn't mean that it wasn't a good one, plus there's an extra bit on the end of the credits.
Congrats on beating the game! It was definitely one of the most emotional games in the series especially at the ending, but that just caps off a great game with a great story line. once again, congrats! :D
Like, I enjoyed the gameplay overall. I liked the graphics, and the new battle system where I can switch any player I want and everyone can level up equally..that was just great! I don't think the cgi movies had as much action as I would have wanted. Usually what I recall from FF games are the opening and ending scenes...those are usually what sets the mood of the game. I think I'll play FFX again, but it won't be something I'd play again and stay dedicated to it. I might just continue and try to finish getting all the celestial weapons and level up my characters. Oh yeah..one more thing...I don't have auto-life but at the final battle against yu yevon/aeons, you get the auto-life automatically for everyone. Whats up with that? haha...I think if I didn't have that I wouldn't have beaten the game. So I am glad they added that, but at the same time it was a total cop-out..'cause there is no way you can loose.

You know what would have been awesome? If like Tidus suddenly became some sort of final Aeon to defeat Sin/Yu Yevon..or something like where he had to sacrifice himself to save everyone.

So whats FFX-2 all about? I have my theories that the girls go back and Yuna tries to go back to save or meet Tidus? Correct me if I am wrong.
I liked the ending. It was sad, though, because I still wanted to play, and the game was over.