I blew up my house.

I almost burnt my kitchen down whislt making mash earlier. Apparently all the water evaporated from the pan, I forgot to lower the heat. Still ate the mash though, tasted abit odd, but once Id buruied it with beans it was reet :neomon:
I almost burnt my kitchen down whislt making mash earlier. Apparently all the water evaporated from the pan, I forgot to lower the heat. Still ate the mash though, tasted abit odd, but once Id buruied it with beans it was reet :neomon:

The water evaporated because it had a mind of its own. It wanted the kitchen to burn down.

Keep an eye on any liquids in your house.
I have a habit of trying to burn my house down, i left the cooker on for 4 hours last week

And i set the chip pan on fire once, that was scary bizniss, i nearly threw water on it :wacky:
It is. I recommend opening up your cranium and placing a brick where your brain would usually be.

I did it, and look how I turned out. Heheh.
That sounds like it would be heavy to carry around D:
You can always threaten to declare war on subconscious.

Then when it is not looking, beat it to death with a wooden plank.
But if you beat it with a mace, it hurts more ;)

Unfortunately, my psychiatrist has banned me from using maces.

:confused: We started the convo with setting things on fire, then moved to destroy ones subconscious...... GREAT SPAM THREAD!!!!!! :monster: I almost burnt down my school trying to make some tacos. :D

I almost made my school explode whilst flushing a toilet.
I learned the hard way not to play with lighters and matches as a kid. I set an apartment on fire. Boy where the people who lived there pissed.

Best fire story I've heard happened at my highschool a few years before I went there. They where doing a hot air balloon experiment in the commons area and it caught on fire. So they evacuated the building and one class actualy went through the fire to get out of the building.