I know people who have quit


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
Okay, I havent plaed 12 since last October and thats because I jump between games and then got a 360 and cant be arsed hooking my PS2 up again till I move house lol.

But I know people at work whom have stopped playing this game all together. One said he couldnt stand the strong politics of it and found it to be very off putting. Another stopped because once she stopped playing for awhile, she couldnt be bothered getting back into the stroyline as there was so much to remeber and found it confusing. One stopped because he really couldnt take Ashe anymore, which I found amusing because I thought of our old advert on here!

So, was this game a complete turn off for many people? A big disapointment? Ive told pepole to give it a chance, but its like Ive ignored my own advice and chosen not to play it for a good few months.

Weve had people voicing in threads that it let them down. Alot as far as I remember.
I found myself not playing it for a few months, because I simply wasn't having fun with it, I was underleveled, underequipped, and had no idea what I was doing. The game doesn't exactly make it easy for you, you can fuck up right from the start.

However, after talking about the game more with people, I got back into it, learned what to do, and now it's one of my favourite FF games ^_^

You just need to give it a chance really.
I agree that at first I didnt have a clue. I have the walkthrough also and I just couldnt be bothered reading all of it. I mean its a good couple hundred pages or something crazy along those lines.
I quit for 3 months after Judge Ghis killed me the first time, I just couldn't get my head around the battle system and that really wound me up. I did get back into it and eventually complete it but I found the story to be quite 'meh' really, it didn't seem to get really interestiing til near the end

Once Id actually got used to the battle system I did find it really quite convienient but it just seemed to be one stretch of land/sand/dungeon after another. It just bored me a little

I agree that at first I didnt have a clue. I have the walkthrough also and I just couldnt be bothered reading all of it. I mean its a good couple hundred pages or something crazy along those lines.

Yeah, I think Ionly glanced at mine once while I was looking for Gilgamesh and now it's just sat there looking like a bloody big encyclopedia
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Glugh, yes... there are just to many walkthrough pages.... Leki tried looking for ONE simple hunt guide.....and wound up with the 'encylopedia' as Bambi put it. XP

And sadly... since playing this game, I've been falling out of my FF craze.... I have started the game twice, and always ended up stopping around the Lhusu mines. The Nidhogg got me the first time, and the second time... I completely lost interest. And I want to start again, 'cause there is already so much I forgot... but, then I'd have to go through it all again.... bleugh. Y-Y

Sadly, I'm starting to think they should just stop this series, give it a breather. Their wearin' the poor dear it, and they need time to wrack up some new, fresh idears. For goodness sakes, there are over 20 games in this series, spin-offs included.
Fresh ideas? This game IS a fresh idea. It has a different battle system, a more political storyline and is harder than most FF's. However, this FF is far more flexible in gameplay, considering you can choose whether or not, to make powerful weapons earlier. If you choose to do so, the game will be easier.

Personally, I think its like Marmite. You either hate it, or love it.
I haven't beaten the game yet, but I've been told that the storyline is a lot more mature than the usual "save the world" scenario.

That of course can be good and bad. There are people who don't want to think too much about the storyline and just understand enough to enjoy the game, and I am like that, but at the same time, it's not so bad to appreciate the story that incorporates the characters that your playing as.
Nam-Yensa Sansea. Thats a pretty good reason to snap the disk in half. The thought of crossing it just makes me shudder.

Probably the most boring place in all the final fantasy games.

Oh god that place did my head in, it just stretched on and on.

Nothing compares to the Pharos though, that was just floor after floor of repetetivness. I think the sizes of the areas are what bored me to death & it's the thought of hitting that place again that's really putting me off playing XII again although I know I really should now I have a better undestanding of the battle system, I just can't motivate myself >_<
There's not a lot in the game that made me move away from it for a duration of time, though other factors might've forced me to put it to one side. However, I will note the lack of cutscenes and general interaction between the party and other NPCs throughout, making it very much as 'free roaming' as a game can get.

Freedom's nice... but eesh, unnecessary much?

The lack of difficulty was disappointing, but not enough to make me want to put it down. The aesthetics was sufficient enough for me to stick with it until completion.
Last time, I got distracted from it, but I played it almost to the end last time.
It's a great game, but it can be hard and daunting due to its sheer size and complexity. I'm having no problems with getting through it this time.

A little too much choice, agreed... wanted a proper classes system.
The game is just. Way. Too. Long.

If I didn't get so sucked into the side quests, the game wouldn't be so long, but in order to be at any decent levels, you have to do the side quests.

I haven't even beaten it yet. =/ I need to, but I'll admit, it just doesn't have the pull like many others do. [Maybe...it's because I ruined the ending and watched the FMV before I played the game. xD]
I over played it in the first 3 - 4 weeks I had it. I got to like 90 hours then stopped. I couldn't play.

Then around 3 - 4 months later I started playing again. Played a further 60 hours before finishing. Yes 150 hours.
Favorit FF, i absolutely love the in depth politics and the new fighting system, i beat it in a week but now i have to backtrack and kill the eight dragons. SCREW YOU YAZMAT, SCREW YOU!
I pretty much quit playing this game. I just did not find it interesting or intriguing at all.

Might as well have been a Star Wars game TBH.
At first, I was actually really into the game. I couldn't stop playing for a few weeks, even if the storyline bored me a bit due to the fact that some parts were just too confusing for me. Then I stopped playing for a few months...not because I found it lacking in any way, but because like you, SapphireStar, I got interested in other games.

When I finally did get back to it, however, I found that I became a little more disappointed in the game overall. I'm not sure why. It's as if I was forcing myself to finish the game already and be done with it - hence, the lack of enjoyment.

I still appreciate the game though. I just think that previous FF series were better than XII.

If you ask me, I say to give the game a chance. It's different for many people - I just happen not to like it as much as the other series.
Personally I love it, but I agree with the overmuch freedom granted and a not-well defined class systems.
Plus the last boss was a real let down, did anyone else think that?
First playthrough I beat him at level 48...
that was way too easy
I miss hard last bosses like in IX and X...
Ok not hard, but better...
I'm taking a break from it right now to play FFIX, but I know I'll get back to it soon.. I'm too close to the end to just stop playing completely. O_O That'd be craazy.

It's an awesome game, people just need to give it another chance. :D
I havent played this game for at least 6 months ! cant seem to get into it enough . i start to play but just get bored after 30 mins ! might try it once more maybe ?
For me the combat was boring and the story was crud. Its not about the politics but there werent any events to keep me intrested. That and Vaan being Vaan, I hated that guy