I know people who have quit

FF12; If you could change 3 things. . .

Many do not like Final Fantasy XII because they are missing some things that the other Final Fantasy games had. So heres YOU'RE chance to speak what you think. If you could change 3 things about FFXII, what would it be?

Don't say say something stupid like "I think the game shouldn't even have been made", because it was, so just be hypothetical.

I would change these three things:
~ The relationship between the party would be closer. In other words, more scenes.
~ There would be no Magick Lag. I can't stand how it laggs.
~ License Board would have less freedom. It's too easy to get everything you want. In a way, it's makes the game boring.
- The relationships should be made closer, I agree with that.
- The Espers should be made more interesting. I never really used them much
- The technicks should have been made more interesting too. I didn't use much of those too.
I found the technick menu pretty difficult to get to in the heat of the battle. I'm not sure why they lumped it in with the magicks. I reckon it deserved a spot in the top menu.

More cut scene FMV's would be great, the proper pre-rendered type ones. In the older games you seemed to get more, I'm not sure. It seems that 12 just does the videos with the gameplay graphics which isn't that bad considering they are still appealing. It's just that when you do get treated to one of the special ones you just want more!

I wasn't too keen on the new limit break evolution, mist charges or something. The fact you had to chain them to get any effect and have you MP zero'd just seemed too expensive to me. I preferred the 7/10 limit break system.
1. i wanted the Judges to be the main antagonists of FF12

2. Basch for being the main character.

3. learning how the hell the Ridoranna Cataract formed (is it a giant ocean waterfall or something?)
1 - Actual characters --- more development .... characters leaving for reasons .... and more of your party members dying .... come on I waited the whole game to see either, Penelo (see would have had a point then), vaan and Ashe (come on both of suck) to die off .....

2 - Balthier as the main character - come on he is kick-ass sky pirate.

3 - flying around on your airship .... am I the only one to miss it ..... plus it would have looked damn awesome .... sighs*
1. Better character development
2. An overdrive system, instead of the espers.
3. Quicker leveling- not make the experience you need from level to level sooo high!
1. Make the Espers actually..USEFUL.
2. Make treasure chests...NOT random.
3. Make it so each character is actually somewhat UNIQUE in their abilities.
1) a proper interesting storyline
2) to be able to go to the place where al cid comes from( i cant remember what its called)
3) Real characters not stupid generic people with no backstory, blathier's basche's and ashe's were stupid and cliched, also the characters needed to develop, to change and mature, vaan does a bit but not much
~ The relationship between the party would be closer. In other words, more scenes.

Agreed, and I'd also like to see some ROMANCE. I was so dissapointed -_-

~ License Board would have less freedom. It's too easy to get everything you want. In a way, it's makes the game boring.

I'd of liked the characters to stick to a certain class, it did my head in that you could have everyone kitted out in the same shit

I'd like the storyline to actually start at the beginning and not at the Pharos -_-

Had X's battle system, or some kind of compromise between the realtime shizz and turn based, it was just too much for me...old dogs new tricks and all :wacky:
wtf? Please, sod romance. :O
I could so totally go into an arguement here, but I won't bother. >_>

1. More scenes with the Judges
2. Have Ghis stay alive
3. Replace some cutscenes with FMV's
You cannot judge the 'pull' of a final fantasy within 5 minutes.

And about multiple hits: are you talking about the combo rate of weapons?
1. Make Quickenings more useful
2. Make each chest have a pre-determined treasure in it, instead of a random and usually useless item or a miniscule amount of Gil
3. Make Vaan more important in the overall plot
I got this game for my birthday last year, I played it for about an hour a day (which is un like me for a final fantasy game) i honestly could not follow the plot, it was all over the place, it was as if there was a game that came before this, I know that its in teh same world as Tactics but I would assume i wouldn't need to play Tactics to understand XII. I eventually gave up after a month of playing, and I was only at level 22 I think.
I've thought about popping the game back in time and time again but I just can't be bothered, the only thing remotly Final Fantasy I found within the game were Chocobo's and a few of the enemies, and moogles. I personally have given up on Final Fantasy after XII's disgrace, there are only XI Fantasies for me...not to mention the series isn't being produced by Sakaguchi anymore!

Square needs to take a look at our forums like this. They should learn what we want, and how we want it to make a great game. You guys ALL have such good improvements for FFXII.

Square would do good to look at these, after all, without us - the consumer - they are nothing.

I think that the judges should have had more in it too, and it was sad to see Ghis die. She and Gabranth were the only good judges left. *cry*
-The Main Story/Plot
-Make Balthier the main character, he is the true main!
-Did I mention the Story/Plot?
~Better plot
~Delve deeper into character's past (is Cid Balthier's father? etc.)
~Exploration of Rozzaria
1) Characters more interesting.
2) Different storylane
3) Good ol' moogles back...
- Character development
- replace Penelo, Vaan and Fran with Reddas, Al-Cid and Montblanc.
- More imaginative villain, not Darth Sidious-lite.