I know people who have quit

1) Characters more interesting.
2) Different storylane
3) Good ol' moogles back...

Did you miss the Moogles in the game or something? Because they were in, with more of a mention and showing, and they were more important then ever before, plus still they were cute.
What do you mean by a different storyline...? This storyline was different, there was nothing too bogged down by romance, plus it wasn't a generic save-the-world-from-destruction saga.

Megalo - Why replace Fran? She was important enough to be storyline based. Doesn't make any sense to put Montblanc in, seeing as he was just a minor character.

S - it was confirmed already that Balthiers father was Cid, there was enough hints anywho.

Kourtney - Ghis was male. Drace was the one you were probably on about, the female judge.
~ The relationship between the party would be closer. In other words, more scenes.
~ There would be no Magick Lag. I can't stand how it laggs.
~ License Board would have less freedom. It's too easy to get everything you want. In a way, it's makes the game boring.
The relationships and interactions between Balthier, Ashe and Basch were full enough. Fran had a good relationship with Balthier and started to develop a stronger one with Ashe as the story progressed. Penelo had Vaan and she also interacted greatly with Larsa. You can't ask for much more, really. As for the licence board, that's just blatantly wrong. The only things that you could get when you wanted them were the Augmentations. For everything else, you needed to purchase whatever you wanted to use from the licence you activated. Go on, try activating the licence for the Zodiark Spear and we'll see how easy it is to get it from there. :neomon:

- The Espers should be made more interesting. I never really used them much
- The technicks should have been made more interesting too. I didn't use much of those too.
Both of which are unbelievably useful if they suit your strategic manoeuvres. Would you rather every possible move that you can make is necessary all of the time? They're only useless if you do not or cannot make good use of them.

2) Different storylane
3) Good ol' moogles back...
Creating a different storyline makes Final Fantasy XII into a different game entirely. As for the moogles ... hahahahaha. What was Montblanc, the leader of Clan Centurino? Who sold you maps? Who teleported you all over Dalmasca? Who rented Chocobos to you? Who wandered around Airships and various other spots in the game? Who were in the opening FMV, in the parade?

The moogles, that's who. :wacky:

1) I'd prefer that Vayne was the most powerful opponent in the game - as with any final boss, I believe they should be the most powerful. By the time you've completed all of the sidequests, it's almost impossible to lose against him.

2) I feel that a great window of oppurtunity was missed with the Judges and the tyranny that they were supposed to bring to Ivalice.

3) Have a legal ban on ignorant n00bs from leaving such ridiculous comments on an otherwise wonderful game. :wacky:

The third one is a bit cheap but I'm okay with it.
1) Sidequests that give you something good - take the Earth Tyrant sidequest, you defeat him and get nothing
2) Some sort of weapon mastery system when you equip certain type of weapon
3) Ultima spell :D
If i could change 3 things in FFXII it would be

1. Change Vaans Voice cause it annoys me

2. get rid of the Boards and have a grid a bit like FFX which is a good ides

3. Finishers should have its own bar and not take all the MP off you cause u need MP in Most Boss Battles and once its gone your screwed against the Espers

1.) I would make Vaan and Penelo a bigger asset to the storyline. More interaction with the party, and more impact on the timeline of events instead of having everything revolve around Ashe. I felt as if Vaan should have been the main character, but he wasn't utilized correctly at all.

2.) More movies! I loved the graphics on those short movies like when Balthier/Fran rescued Vaan in the beginning, and when you first arrive at Nalbina Fortress. I feel as if there should have been a better balance between the cutscenes and the FMVs, although the cutscenes they did have still had pretty good graphics.

3.) I'd emphasize the importance of summons more. There wasn't enough backstory to all of the summons you were collecting aside from a paragraph or two in the Primer. Everything about them was too straightforward and just unimportant, which is why everyone liked Quickenings so much. They were effective and straightforward, but they didn't require a backstory for you to enjoy them. :P
3. Finishers should have its own bar and not take all the MP off you cause u need MP in Most Boss Battles and once its gone your screwed against the Espers
It's called a challenge. :wacky:

I would also have a Certain Person that can Summon instead of having to learn them to different PPL
You're supposed to like the flexibility. Of course, you can still make one person learn every Esper, if you so desire.
I'm going to take Final Fantasy XII for what it was; a story about the world and not its characters.

1. More of a back story for Fran, Ashe, Balthier and Basch. Ashe and Basch especially. They could've been pivotal to the storyline about the world itself. They could have done more with those characters, adding in some side stories. And they should've made Vaan develop more as a person. I didn't mind his simple back story since he was just an orphan, and that was explained. But the game was a real chance for him to develop, and he didn't develop much at all. As for Penelo... Well, she should've had a more active role in the development of the game. She was only necessary for the first 5 hours.
2. I would've made the beginning more engaging. The first 3 hours were sooo dull, and I had such a hard time in the mines. It was almost impossible to level up and not die without spending all the money on potions and cure.
3. I would've added more FMVs. ^_^

Flying around on the airship, as suggested, would've been cool but somewhat... well, I don't see how it could've worked. Unless you flew from one location to the other. There's the city in the middle of the sky; name?
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They are just fine.

I think the characters in FFXII are just fine! I am so tired of people saying that they did not like the characters or they should play different roles.

First of all, I don't know what standard you pessimists are running the charactors by, but ALL the characters are GREAT!

Vaan and Penelo:
What they say - Annoying and has nothing to do with the story.
Alibi - They are young! And I'm sure everyone who's anyone went through a stage where they looked old but had a young voice. No, they are not that big of a role in the plot. They are just an ordinary person in Dalmasca being opressed by Archades. They are just like you and me. whats so bad about being ordinary? WE are ordinary. And I think their point of view is important to showing us how terrible it is to be served on a golden platter to another country.

What they say - Shes such a jerk, and shes lame and is a wanna-be Vayne.
Alibi - She is the princess of a beautiful and prosperous country that was taken by the selfish hands of another county and turned into a dog pound. Her uncle pronounced she was dead thanks to the lies of Vayne, so now she has to go hide so that her uncle wont be called a lier and the resistance will stay hidden. If that happened to me, IDE BE PRETTY PISSED TOO!!! A wanna be Vayne? Yes, she is. She searches for power in the way Vayne has it. But she overcomes this, and does things right. For her country. I'm sure no one here would lay down their life for their country willingly. But she risked her life for her country.

The others arnt really picked on. makes sence, Balthiers HOT and Fran is SEXI and Basch is cool. Stop pickin on the other three! its realistic!
its realistic
its called Final Fantasy
it shouldnt be divorced from reality, but when its a fantasy game, realism shouldnt be the most important characteristic of the storyline of character.

Vaan and Penelo:
What they say - Annoying and has nothing to do with the story.
Alibi - They are young! And I'm sure everyone who's anyone went through a stage where they looked old but had a young voice. No, they are not that big of a role in the plot. They are just an ordinary person in Dalmasca being opressed by Archades. They are just like you and me. whats so bad about being ordinary? WE are ordinary. And I think their point of view is important to showing us how terrible it is to be served on a golden platter to another country.
Squall is 17, same age as vaan, but squall is an infinitly greater character than vaan, im sorry, but the fact that they are young doesnt excuse their lack of relevance to the plot, all penelo does is make the party go to bhujerba, which isnt the greatest effect on the plot, really she doesnt need to be their, or make her more interesting.

Im ambivalent towards Ashe, because to me Vayne is an anti-hero therefore, to me, Ashe is somewhat of an anti-villian.
But you are right, Ashe does have good reason to be mad at vayne and archadia for what they did to dalmasca, but all's fair in love and war right?
I think that Vayne's goal is a better one then Ashe's, which is a bad bit of work by SE as therefore I want Vayne to suceed at the expense of Ashe, but its a tricky thing to do, we either sacrifice Vayne's noble (imo) goal for something more cliched eg world domination which therefore make Ashe a hero at the expense of Vayne's character.
3. I would've added more FMVs. ^_^

Flying around on the airship, as suggested, would've been cool but somewhat... well, I don't see how it could've worked. Unless you flew from one location to the other. There's the city in the middle of the sky; name?

Point 3 - Completely agree. Either that, or replace some cutscenes with FMV's.

Yeah, the more I think about it, I couldn't picture an airship being used. Using the Strahl too? Not much of an airship is it ;D

Understandable if it was something like the one's used in X and X-2, but not the Strahl xP
Squall is 17, same age as vaan, but squall is an infinitly greater character than vaan
..... :(

Maybe it's just because I have a passionate hatred for Squall, or perhaps because I played XII in Japanese ( where Vaan's voice doesn't seem quite so irritating ), but I can't agree with that at all.

As for my three things:

1 - I agree that the Espers could have been made more useful for battle, they were okay for wandering about whilst fighting weaker enemies but they were little to no use against bosses or stronger creatures.

2 - The License Board was a bit too open ended, like the Sphere Grid before it. The enforced class system of the International Version did sound quite good though, don't know if I want to shell out for it as such....

3 - I can't really think of one to be honest. I wish there was more of pretty much everything: Plot, Hunts, Side-Quests, Weapons.....but that's hardly a proper gripe with the game.
Id change:

-The characters of the game all together, I didnt like most of them
-Buff up the espers greatly and make them a whole lot more useful
-and add duel wield weapons!
Why dual weapons? It's not as if they've really used before in previous FF titles..
I used duel weapons all the time in FF1 and 2 , they could make it where the characters are less hack and slash and add some cool looking moves in there during battles.. and make a greater chance to increase damage rating for a fixed time or sumthin with duelies
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I think the characters in FFXII are just fine! I am so tired of people saying that they did not like the characters or they should play different roles.

First of all, I don't know what standard you pessimists are running the charactors by, but ALL the characters are GREAT!

Vaan and Penelo:
What they say - Annoying and has nothing to do with the story.
Alibi - They are young! And I'm sure everyone who's anyone went through a stage where they looked old but had a young voice. No, they are not that big of a role in the plot. They are just an ordinary person in Dalmasca being opressed by Archades. They are just like you and me. whats so bad about being ordinary? WE are ordinary. And I think their point of view is important to showing us how terrible it is to be served on a golden platter to another country.

While that may be true, I'm going to dismiss most of it. When you spend money on a fantasy game, you expect something fantasised. If you want realism ... well, you'd be as well putting a camera on your head and watching it back. Why would I pay money to watch an utterly boring character do absolutely nothing?

Your analysis of Ashe is a bit off, to say the least. First and foremost, since the release of XII, I've never seen such an 'accusation.' Secondly, she's absolutely nothing like Vayne. Ashe wanted revenge on the Empire for taking over her kingdom, for killing her husband and father and for causing misery in Ivalice for however-long. Vayne, on the other hand, wanted to rule Ivalice on his own by taking power away from the Gods, by using the power of (sometimes Manufacted) nethicite. The only correlation between the two is their desire for power. Their characterisation quite different.​
I used duel weapons all the time in FF1 and 2 , they could make it where the characters are less hack and slash and add some cool looking moves in there during battles.. and make a greater chance to increase damage rating for a fixed time or sumthin with duelies

Multiple hit based weapons are just as good :)
Plus, it's fun when casting Beserk on a character who deal multiple hits at a time :D
1. penelo and ashe when they join the party i would make them come in at different times not right after each other it makes them like 2 exactly the same characters in terms of stats and lvl
2. you can have up to 6 characters on the feild at once at some points it may be limited to just 3 such as in boss battles etc. but having 6 would make it more challenging and much more complex
3. when an esper is used instead of all characters being removed except for the character controlling the esper i would make it so that the other characters stay on the field and only the one who summoned the esper is removed so that the remaining charaters work alongside the esper. that way they will not be forced out of the battle just because one character uses an esper. in ff games like 7 the other characters remain on the feild and only the one using a summon is removed temporailly.
i quite like the game a lot tbh its quite more advanced in technology and i like the system it had especially the LP, Gambits, and real time system. however ive not played for about 8mnths but this is due to my lack of training and being stuck due to my poor level progression and the level of the levels of the enemies being significantly higher than my own. the game is a good game though i really do enjoy it as you are not restricted to a certain area and the landscape is quite vast and theres a lot which can be done, im determind to get back into the game soon when i can ive been meaning to play some more games atm but just havent had the time.