I know people who have quit

I've been playing this game off and on for the past year.

I keep on coming back because I like the combat, but I stay away cause of the story, characters, and running a million miles to get somewhere.
The only thing that turned me off this game, was when i had only Ashe, Balthier, and Basche in a Dungeon, no way out of it, and Basche and Ashe had Mirror Mail on. Now, When ever i got into a battle, they would hurt Ashe and Basche and then id have to take the mirror mail on and off. So it drove me crazy and i thought there really was no point to all this. Also when i fought the boss, ever 2 seconds i had to take it off and on to heal. So i gave up.
longest i go without playing it is a week then i play about 3 hours a day during the time i can play it
The only thing that turned me off this game, was when i had only Ashe, Balthier, and Basche in a Dungeon, no way out of it, and Basche and Ashe had Mirror Mail on. Now, When ever i got into a battle, they would hurt Ashe and Basche and then id have to take the mirror mail on and off. So it drove me crazy and i thought there really was no point to all this. Also when i fought the boss, ever 2 seconds i had to take it off and on to heal. So i gave up.

You know, I'm using Mirror Mail on all my characters right now. Whenever I seem to go into battle, I don't have any issues with removing the Mail constantly. You must need to power up your characters more.

Anyway, the political theme was pretty awesome. When I heard that the whole storyline wasn't generic crap from before, I was totally pumped up for it. Loved the game thoroughly, even more then titles like VII. I though it kicked VII's arse in every way. You don't like that? Bite me. Seriously. It's just me, I think like that!

I miss hard last bosses like in IX and X...

Woah - hard last bosses in X? 10's last bosses were comprised of your old Aeons, and some stupid bug like thing which was your very last boss. Which had very low HP for something so final. They were terribly easy - not hard xD

Agree with IX's though. Necron was a biatch. But hardest boss battles? Final wise?

Well...VIII was tough. Toughest I can remember tbqh. It was a matter of luck getting past Grievers Shockwave Pulsar then facing it up against Miss Blast-your-magic-away Ultimecia.
The only thing that turned me off this game, was when i had only Ashe, Balthier, and Basche in a Dungeon, no way out of it, and Basche and Ashe had Mirror Mail on. Now, When ever i got into a battle, they would hurt Ashe and Basche and then id have to take the mirror mail on and off. So it drove me crazy and i thought there really was no point to all this. Also when i fought the boss, ever 2 seconds i had to take it off and on to heal. So i gave up.
That has nothing to do with the game itself, though. It's your own fault for not being strong enough to withstand the physical attacks and not having a back-up set of armour. xD

Woah - hard last bosses in X? 10's last bosses were comprised of your old Aeons, and some stupid bug like thing which was your very last boss. Which had very low HP for something so final. They were terribly easy - not hard xD
As much as I love X, I have to get involved in it's criticism, here. While that's true, Lisa, remember that you also have Auto-Life constantly upon you. After you defeat Braska's Final Aeon (which can be accomplished purely with Delta Attack/Oblivion) it's impossible to lose.
This game is best described as....boring. Yeah, I got bored of it pretty quick. I played for 20 or 30 hours hoping it would get exciting but it never did. I might pick it up again one day if I get bored enough, but as it stands I lent it to someone indefinitely. Vaan I didn't mind so much, as a character there was nothing that made him likable or interesting, but I didn't hate him. He was just kind of there for the ride. Maybe Square tried not to give him too much personality on purpose, in the spirit of the game's over-abundant player freedom, to make the player feel like he had a character in the group. The tediousness of the game is what got me, far too much grinding. The game put me to sleep, and unless you're playing a difficult boss you don't even have to wake up for the battles. Sure the world's big, but the world is also repetitive. How man times have we passed that sand dune, or that block of buildings you can't enter and have no purpose whatsoever? At first the license system seems great an everything, but then you figure out everybody just ends up the same unless you purposely specialize them.

What was the little special thing? Oh yeah, quickenings. Quickenings were a pretty lame gimmick if you ask me. Oh sure, get them early and learn to string together a bunch and you can oneshot any boss or group of enemies you encounter. It's even easier than setting gambits! Eventually, they become next to useless though. Taking them out wouldn't effect the game much, why have them in there? Just to put some pretty animations in the game?

Also, the game seemed tailored to people who use strategy guides. I prefer to play blind, at least on my first playthrough a game, especially on rpg's. So how am I supposed to know not to open a few random chests in the game? Some of the summons have pretty obscure conditions for there final attacks too, some are ridiculously difficult to meet even if you already know what they are. There are tons of secrets in the game, but a few if not a lot no human would find without a guide.

The music was disappointing to me, most of it didn't stand out and it seemed to match the mood of the game: Boring and repetitive. There are some good points about the game, don't get me wrong, but the bottom line is still the game is boring.
I stopped playing FF12 for like, few days. And thats because I wanted to complete other game and then I returned to FF12. I don't care about a storyline, politics or how long does it take to travel anywhere on foot. All I care about it is too have fun with the game, which I had. If I wanna story, I'll read a book.
The new battle system made the game much challenging cause you need to use your brain for certain bosses to beat them. For me, FF12 is my second best game :D (my first best game isn't from Final Fantasy series).
Robotic main characters (except for Balthier).

Vaan: Um what is my role in this again?

Ashe: "robotic voice" must get nethicite. must save kingdom from far better leader than me.


Even if the game is long, if the characters were developed well, i wouldn't care, but the heart of the FF franchise was not there for me.
Robotic main characters (except for Balthier).

Vaan: Um what is my role in this again?

Ashe: "robotic voice" must get nethicite. must save kingdom from far better leader than me.


Even if the game is long, if the characters were developed well, i wouldn't care, but the heart of the FF franchise was not there for me.

Truthiness has been told :pikamon:

I forced myself to play through it, and only because of the Negalmuur auto-lvl trick. The hunts and side-characters were more interesting than the main game, it was pretty sad.
I only got pissed at this game when I would runa round trying to find rare monsters in a certai area and I couldn't do it after hours of searching. As for the story, I'm complete opposite of most people.

I was HOOKED especially half-way through the game when you get to the Phon Coast and a cut-scene switches to Balthier and you are told about his past. I just couldn't put the game down, and then whent eh Undying make appearances and you learn more of Venat, the Sun-Cryst, the former judges, it makes the story more revealing and understood. I couldn't put this game down.
I was HOOKED especially half-way through the game when you get to the Phon Coast and a cut-scene switches to Balthier and you are told about his past. I just couldn't put the game down, and then whent eh Undying make appearances and you learn more of Venat, the Sun-Cryst, the former judges, it makes the story more revealing and understood. I couldn't put this game down.

The entire Occuria subplot was great, I think it's the first numbered FF to actually deal with a pantheon of gods, rather than just crystals or other things. I really, really wish they'd gone more in depth with it because it could have been epic. And reading in the Clan Primer about the rivalry between the Occuria and Espers you find out just WHY the Espers got to where they are. The history in the game is much grander than the storyline being presented, sadly. What kept me going, besides the hunts, was Dr. Cid and wanting to fill in the history of the world.
I put like 160 hrs into that game just messing around and stuff after I beaten it once but now I dont play it at all, I just didnt like the idea that they just picked some random homeless guy off the streets and made him one of the main characters, I like the FF games like FFX where the main character actually mattered and has some kind of tie to the end of the world events that are happening in the story.
for me i found the lack of interaction between the characters was a put off. The storyline was quite absorbing but it never felt like as the main charcter you were involved in the game just kind of along for the ride.
Well, I think . . .

lolz, yeah Ashe is a bitch. but thats why i liked her! I love this game. I rushed through it once, and decided to play it again because its so massive, I missed tons of stuff.

I think that people didnt like it because it doesnt have a scene every 15 minutes like in every other FF. I have to say this is the best FF yet BECAUSE I'm all about moderness. Im never going to play FFVIII (unless they remake it) because its old and ugly, no matter how many people tell me how great it is. FFXII was more like a stepping stone, just showing us how cool they can make video games now-a-days.

And as for the storyline being too polaticial, wtf! Whats wrong with a storyling about a countries freedom?! I think the storyline is very good. Not better than FFX, but good.

If I had a copy of every script for FF series and had never played before, I probly wouldnt choose this one as my favorite. No, im not a diehard FF player, but ive been around long enough to know that FFXII is a really good game, and it was, like i said, a stepping stone to better storylines and graphics. Yall dig?
^Actually, I felt exactly the same way about the older games when I first started playing FF. Then, when I got on youtube and happened to stumble across some of the AMVs, I was pleasantly suprised how nice the graphics looked, coming from a game from 1999. It really is good, and the graphics aren't that bad.

I can see why people would stop playing this game because it is so LONG! If you don't have 4 hours everyday to spend on this game you most likely will never get through it. It took me a whole year to complete it because I had school and after school activities to do, and didn't have time to spend on it.

As for political issues with the game, I honestly can't remember alot of the storyline, seeing as how I would leave it and come back to it. I didn't think there was anything offensive in it, and I seriously doubt there is. People will find something to hate about almost every good thing though.

As for Ashe, I thought she was a really great character. Actually, I thought she was what saved the game, because Vaan was a very crappy character, and I thought about quitting a few times because of him. At least she had more character development then him and had an interesting backstory.
Yes . . . Yes!! [AKA Length]

Wow, you can really put things in perspective. Also, as to Cubes and Lightningstorms note about playing 160 hours/1 year/4 hours ect. a day, I recently noticed . . . VERY recently, as in like last night noticed, that I'm going to be playing for a lot longer. I play every night that I don't have school the next days, for about 8 hours.

I completed the Pharos lighthouse in the middle of January, and ever since been doing things like collecting weapons, hunts, training levels and licences, and all those other little annoying things you don't want to do but do because it completes the game more.

I am still doing all of the above, just got done doing everyones Licences (thanks Golden Amulets since Eruyt Village) I'm only level 64 average, and I've been doing some research. 144 hours so far, and I'm told Im halve way there. What!? No fair! No wonder people quit, I almost did last night, but its too addicting lolz. Theres a site (can't say which one, out of respects [AHEM google FF Checklist AHEM]) where you check everything you've done and it tells you how much more you have left. I'm at 56%. I only have 1 hunt left. So yeah, massive game definatly. If it didn't take so long to walk (sprint, whatever) somewhere, mabey I wouldn't feel so futile.

I need to finish this thing by spring break. Im missing some killer parties.
^ Good Luck trying to finish it by spring break because you still have a long way to go lol If you decide just to do the storyline, it's possible because it's all the extra stuff that kills your time.

Have you gone after the sun sword yet? Because that was a major pain in the butt. It took me forever to gather all of the things you need to make it. It was definately worth it though because it made the last few bosses easier.

Sun sword? omgsh I have no idea what that is. Ill definatly be doing some research on that one. Sounds idyllic.

I'm getting the number 1 crossbow with Rare Enemy Trophies.

I found the number 1 gun a long time ago, was very happy, in Lushu Mines on a hunt. (Powerful! I was hitting 4k before I was level 50.)

I was given the number 1 hand bomb (Not very reliable, but good max hit) from a hunt.

You see, for awhile I had this big ego-tripping idea that I would be all range. Whoo! Pre-emptive battles! Well, I figured out they go much slower, don't have too many bonuses (except for ammo extras), and I have no agility or evasion in battle, because no one has shields or swords. Sucks for everyone except Balthier and Fran. I know how to get number 1 bow, so yea for Fran, because she gets first dibs on bows being a viera and all, and Balthier is incomplete without his gun.

So I guess I havn't been too concintrated on finding weapons because I sacrifised logic for symetry. In other words, I don't feel right unless EVERYONE has a range, EVERYONE has a 2H, or EVERYONE has a sword and shield. I need to get over it, because it will not work out well if I think that way.

So . . . I guess I got some work to do weapon wise. And I think I missed out on most of my chances to get good weapons, but I'm not sure. Hopefully not. I accidently opened one of the "4 no-no coffers" so bye-bye Zodiark Spear (But I found a way to get everyone a Zodiark spear, e-mail me for more info if you don't know it yet).

Honestly, I don't even know where to start. Guess I'll figure it out eventually.
KourtneyVT09 and lightingstorm13, stay on topic, if you wish to discuss where people are up to, do it via PMs or in another suitable thread. Stop spamming and going off topic.
Played 12 For 5 Minutes Last Night And Turned It Of Cuase It Lacked The Pull Of The Other Games In My Collection Plus I Need I Really Need Multiple Hits And 18%, 9.65 & 7% Are Just Not Goood Enough Dammit!!!!!