If you could pick one FF character..


Mar 29, 2009
The Cave of Wonders
Any Final Fantasy character in the series to spend a whole day with, who would it be with and why? What would you talk about or do with that character?

Also, where would you spend that day? It must be in any location or area in any of the Final Fantasy games.

Here's an example incase you don't understand:
Spend the day with Balthier (FFXII) at Besaid Island/Spira (FFX/X-2) because "_______". We would talk about/do "_______."

etc. etc.
Moved to FFFun

Id spend the day with Auron at the moonflow, being rude :awesome:
I'd spend the day with Ultros at lake Macarena and talk about his life. I'm interested to learn about what he is and how he got how he is. Whether he was kicked out of octopus school because of his goofy teeth and if he was bullied and ended up being a nuisance because of that. Or maybe he was in a pet shop but nobody would buy him because of him being a goofy purple octopus and so the pet shop owners threw him into the sea where he got really upset and naughty. :O I'd sympathise with him and become his best friend.
Just got to spend the day with Kain Highwind, we will head out for some tea and coffee and just tell him that he is just really great cool and amazing the way that he is and that you don't need Rosa, because people already love you the way that you are Kain =3

And afterward we will like jump off buildings and stuff, having fun scaring people with the Dragoon'' jumpy-ness power '' and maybe head out and fight some monsters..
Then will ask for his autograph before he leaves..
i'd spend the day with Oaka In luca Making Loads and loads of money then I'd Go Shopping there with the money I made :D
I'd spend the day with Angelo from FFVIII because I like dogs! :D We would play at Nibelheim (before the fire XD because I really like that town) the whole day, then we would magically teleport to Besaid to watch the sunset at the beach. ^_^
Hm.... Okay okay... *Tries to behave* Either Zell and just kick some ass together with him 'cause I used to do some kickboxing myself, so it'd be fun to fight along side him.

Or... Have a heartfelt convo with Tifa =/ 'Cause... To say the least we seem to have a lot in common, and it'd be good to have someone to talk to, of course gossip all about Cloud, and god, xD That's not like me, 'cause im not a girly girl. But it'd just be really cool to spend a day with Tifa. ^^ Love heeeeeer.
Quistis from FFVIII (8). Oh GHOD yes.
What I would do to/With her in that day cannot be stated here, due to PG13 reasons ^^

Well, in all seriousness, I doubt I would ravage her right away, I'd take her on a date first ^^
I would spend the day with Yuffie in my bedroom playing "hide the materia." :ness:

But in all seriousness, I would probably spend my time with Beatrix. The location doesn't really matter, but I would find it interesting if she could teach me the finer points of swordsmanship.
Hmm... I might just spend the day eating Kupo Nuts with Moguta.
I'm not sure if my dog would get along with a moogle though. xD

"I'm Kupo for Kupo Nuts!"

That or I'd just hang out with Red XIII, maybe we'd talk philosophy or something. :)
Ahhhh so hard for me to choose! Can I pick two? LOL

Okay, my first choice would definitely be Cloud. <3 I'd ask him to take me for a ride on Fenrir because his motorcycle is amaaaaaazing. I love motorcycles in general and then I'd ask him to take me by Aerith's church so I could see the water that healed the geostigma and see her flowers as well. Then I'd have him take me to meet all of his other friends, especially Tifa and Vincent! Woot! After that, I'd want to go see (if it weren't too hard for him) where Aerith passed away and pay my respects, with flowers, for her. Then I'd want him to show me some of the sword techniques he does, JUST so I could see them in person.

If she'd never died, definitely Aerith. I'd love to spend a whole day with her! I'd want to her to take me to her church and show me her flowers. Then see if she wanted to go shopping because she seems to me like she'd be a fun shopping partner! ^_^ We could talk about both Zack and Cloud and I'd love to know more about her knowledge of the Cetra and what exactly she hears when the planet talks to her. I'd also love for her to demonstrate some of her white magic techniques. Then I'd have her teach me how she keeps those bangs of hers up because when I cosplayed her I kept having to tease and hairspray, tease and hairspray! :lol: So yeah, I suppose that'd be mine.
Yuffie!!:yuffie:we wouldn't be going anywhere particular we would just steel materia the entire day kick ass if anyone gets in our way. We would take about lots of stuff i.e Cloud's hair looks like a chocobo's butt :lolwhack:
Aww Aerith, can I come too? That sounds awesome!

I suppose I'd like to spend the day with Auron, we could get pissed together in that cafe in Luca....although I wouldn't mind drinking with Barret and Cid in 7th heaven either.

Or maybe I'd spend it with Balthier, so he could take me for a ride....on the Strahl!
I would flee with Terra to the Sealed Cave and meditate. I would learn the secrets of the espers.
I think I'd go with Edward. Maybe we'd go to the moon, for the hell of it, and we could talk about a lunar, electric-harp-playing, psychedelic hippie band. That would be great. Edward must be the only musician in FF (let's not count the FF8 crew).

My other choice would be Tifa, I think. At Cosmo Canyon, because that place is every kind of awesome. I think she's one of the better Squaresoft characters (and one of the better-looking ones, too).

Alumar Luren said:
Quistis from FFVIII (8). Oh GHOD yes.
What I would do to/With her in that day cannot be stated here, due to PG13 reasons ^^

Well, in all seriousness, I doubt I would ravage her right away, I'd take her on a date first ^^

There are real women you can do that with anytime. These are FF heroes! This is a rare opportunity here.
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I think I'd go with Edward. Maybe we'd go to the moon, for the hell of it, and we could talk about a lunar, electric-harp-playing, psychedelic hippie band. That would be great. Edward must be the only musician in FF (let's not count the FF8 crew).

My other choice would be Tifa, I think. At Cosmo Canyon, because that place is every kind of awesome. I think she's one of the better Squaresoft characters (and one of the better-looking ones, too).

There are real women you can do that with anytime. These are FF heroes! This is a rare opportunity here.

well, in a typical guy's mentality, I would say all the more reason to do so. But since I know better than that, I'd have to agree with you. Should anyone be given that opportunity, it's never a good idea to squander it.
Tifa.i would just lay with her forever.And i would not even need pillows.Maybe aerith because of her young charm.Lulu would make me go and shoot myself with her dullness.I could never tire with rikku.too many choices......
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I spend a day with Squall. But there wouldn't be much talking going on.
Wait...that sounds gay...I mean we're both pretty anti-social.
I'd spend the day in the training area of balamb garden.