[Interest Check] Persona RP

I'm currently playing through Persona 3 right now so I guess I could maybe try this? I've never done an RP before, though, and I'm not exactly sure how they work >_<
I also think we should probably stick to Persona from the games; at the very least, we can re-design them and maybe fiddle with their abilities but we should stick to what's in the game.
I call the Priestess then :] But perhaps we're better off just creating a character, selecting a Persona and THEN determining what kind of Arcana that character represents.

Also, I think someone should do a good review of the P3 plot for those of us that haven't played it.
lol. Persona's are all catagorised into Arcana's already.

Like Thanatos is in the Death Arcana, so you would be instantly in that Arcana should u choose Thanatos. In reality, by picking your Arcana, you slot in a set choice of persona you can choose.

Ill see if i can contribute to the plot cap
Yeah but from what I see, some Personae have been switched around some times. Off the top of my head, I think Isis was at some point an Empress Persona but in Persona 4 she was a Priestess.

And perhaps for personal Personae we could allow a degree of freedom as long as it remains within the established canon of mythologies. If someone comes up with an original persona it'd have to be categorized.

I think another big question is, what do we do with the Wild Card ability that the protagonists have? Who'll have that, IF we use it at all?
I dont think 4 would come into play since Stevie said its going to be based on 3, but thats to be seen.

Personally, id rather we negate the wild card (or let Stevie have it).

As for people coming up with their own personas.... i hate to say this but probably some poeple gonna just shoot out the most OP personas as a starter. Plus, a lot of the persona's overlap in arcana so how do we determine which arcana it belongs to? But one important thing is that the Arcana reflects the person itself, so what arcana and which persona we choose all fall down to the character personality.

If we gonna make our own persona's we need to make restirctions and guildlines on a lot of things
And perhaps for personal Personae we could allow a degree of freedom as long as it remains within the established canon of mythologies. If someone comes up with an original persona it'd have to be categorized.

I think another big question is, what do we do with the Wild Card ability that the protagonists have? Who'll have that, IF we use it at all?

1.) I think this (within reason) would be pretty cool. But the person who chooses another persona (has to already exist in mythology, to prevent people from running wild) will have to fit them into a respective Arcana and not only that, depending on the strength of the persona, would not be able to access it until the plot advances where that kind of power can come into play.

2.) Don't know if you read my post last page, but I shot out an idea where depending on who you foster a really close relationship with, you can choose some characteristics from that person's Arcana to impart on your own. It wouldn't quite be the Wild Card ability, but it would allow you to create a persona that can be functional outside of their normal field of expertise.

but wouldnt skills then get rather muddled?

like, i know there is a skill number limit, but its ahrd to determine how friendly or well we are getting along with others.

On your first point, that is what im worried about. People overpowering their first persona. And im no exception. I know well and truly when i write bios, i can get over my head, so we need guidlines and stuff like that.

Also, in my previous post said, who will catagorise which arcana an original persona would go into? I dont think the bio maker should ahve the final say, but rather have other rpers come to a collective agreement so we dont have some persona in a arcana it doesnt quite mesh when it should be in another all because the bio maker decides so.
Yeah I thought about the skills getting muddled myself. If anything I think it would be best to do away with the Wild Card ability. Since this is not a video game, a central main protagonist isn't required, since everyone is pitching in a part to create the story. No need for someone to be clearly superior to the rest.

As for categorization. We'll start from the latest Persona 3 (Persona 3 Portable) or Persona 4 Arcana guidelines. Then when people think of a mytho being that isn't covered between those two, we'll then have someone who has some knowledge about tarot cards and what the Arcana represent for us to come to an informed decision.
Well, i like that idea. I think someone said they had exp with tarot.

But lets wait for what the others think.
Yeah I think I'm getting a little ahead of myself lol. In the meantime I think I'll compile the persona lists from each game just to have them ready if they are needed.
I like the idea...I would love to help out if I can. I can supply you with the persona lists as well
Then when people think of a mytho being that isn't covered between those two, we'll then have someone who has some knowledge about tarot cards and what the Arcana represent for us to come to an informed decision.

I'll be at everyone's disposal for that, and I'll do my best to give you helpful info. I can actually give you a little crash course about the general symbolism of the tarot and why it's so convoluted and considered so mystical.

When it comes down to it, the Tarot uses pretty classic cases of symbolic images that have many ties to psychology and the subconscious (which, if you want my opinion, has a lot to do with the Personae themselves). In fact, a lot of scholars argue that the Tarot as a concept is a kind of 'record' of a collective human subconscious, from an anthropological point of view.

Now to make a long story short, many arcana have different interpretations, but I think we're safer off if we follow the most mainstream and established 'school' of interpretation, that being the Renaissance Italian one (I will vehemently ignore Alistair Crowley's bullshit because the guy is a) off his rocker and b) a hedonistic bitch).

You might be surprised that certain arcana's symbolism and interpretation seems odd in comparison to what they actually show, while others are easy to identify. The bigger problem though becomes the underlying meanings and how you'll choose to incorporate those into your persona. I'll be there to help you out every step of the way and tell you everything so don't you worry y'all. :3
Seeing as you were who I had in mind, everything works out swimmingly :jess:

I'm working on the list now. Thoughts on leaving out Personas that are used by the main characters in the previous games?
One option is that we chould 'demote' Persona used by other characters in the games, putting them in their respective Arcana lists.

I had a brainwave the other day actually, concerning the Wild Card thing. Perhaps we could say that a disturbance in time and space has caused one person's Wild Card ability to be 'split' and parts of it to attach to others? That would enable other characters to summon a limited number (single digit, like maybe 4) other Persona of the same or different Arcana. I could be stretching it here, but it's just a raw idea.

It'd allow us to both maintain the Persona's canon skills without making a mess and still give each person some freedom. We could even say that which other Persona one can summon is determined by whom they hang out/interract with, like the Social Links.

I'm probably gonna be hitting P4 again when I get home :p
well, considering we have about what.... 6 people? multiply that by 4 each, we're facing about 24 personas (max) at once.

Might still be a bit muddled, but we'll have to see. Its a good idea, but implementing it seems hard. Once Stevie gets back, we can begin forming some guidlines for the ideas she accepts, but its good we're making headways.
I also wonder about the weapons--I mean, most of the series' characters are teenagers and kids, would they really have easy access to guns and ect? Unconventional or improvised weapons seem more plausible to me, but that's just me.
It would depend on the characters themselves. If I were playing myself, I could have a sword, knife or gun seeing as I have access to all three as well a number of other improvised weapons. But younger kids could get their hands on it too if daddy has a permit.

It's situational unless you put a blanket rule on it.