Interest check - Pokemon

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I vote for four moves to start as well. It'd give a lot more variety at the start, especially if you include Egg moves (though obviously not overpowered ones). I already have in my head what my final team is going to be. If you'd like, I'll PM you the rares I have in mind so you can figure out where they'll be map-wise.
No egg moves on starters, I'm afraid. However, I wouldn't be opposed to egg moves on wild Pokemon, depending on what people had in for discussion of rare Pokemon and whatnot, I would prefer that was done via PM. I'll give people locations as soon as I decide on them...

I suppose I'll post my final team up as well, for my starter trainer at least: Venusaur, Gyarados, Metagross, Aerodactyl, Chandelure and Weavile.

The (preliminary) list of rare Pokemon is as follows. Obviously, this includes evolutions as well:


You can have up to two Pokemon out of that list, just let me know which two you want. This applies to everyone. Otherwise, you can catch whatever you want. If anyone thinks I've missed anything that should be classified as rare (or doesn't think something I've put on there should actually be on there) then do let me know.

Obviously, with the sole exception of the Team Sol personnel (who won't start out with them, but may get them, depending on how people want things to go) Legendaries are forbidden. I'm also forbidding anyone to have Wynaut, Wobbuffet or Shedinja in their team, because it's difficult NOT to power-play those. I'm also saying no to Larvesta and Volcarona for now, as well. Otherwise, people have a free reign. It's not TOO bad, right? :awesome:
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By legendary I assume Mew and Mewtwo are out

and I think Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan should be added to the list
Thats a good Pokemon list, i shall be Editing my Squad Slightly as i Don't feel the need for a Garchomp in my final Squad, i shall Pm my new Squad to you once it is complete if thats okay Leanne
Are we limited to catching 5 Pokemon, or will we be able to catch more than that and have those Pokemon stored away that we can call upon at a Pokemon Center if we want to change our teams up a bit?
I knew I'd get you in the end, Galmski :yay:

DarkPaladin said:
By legendary I assume Mew and Mewtwo are out

and I think Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan should be added to the list
Absolutely. We could possibly write them into the story, though. When I've finished writing up everything, we'll discuss it in the OC thread~

Hmm...adding Tyrogue to the list might not be a bad idea :hmmm:
I'm also adding Pinsir and Happiny. I might take Pinsir off again (although really it's just as rare as Scyther is, Scyther just has Scizor as an evolutionary form, and Scizor is broken) but Happiny is staying on there.

Noctis_Caelum said:
Thats a good Pokemon list, i shall be Editing my Squad Slightly as i Don't feel the need for a Garchomp in my final Squad, i shall Pm my new Squad to you once it is complete if thats okay Leanne
That'll be fine~

Robert_Masters said:
Are we limited to catching 5 Pokemon, or will we be able to catch more than that and have those Pokemon stored away that we can call upon at a Pokemon Center if we want to change our teams up a bit?
Oh no, you can catch whatever you like and rotate your squad as much as you like! I guess the impression was given that you'd be restricted to just six, with everyone posting up teams and whatnot. Asides from Legendaries, starters, and the Pokemon in that list (which I'll post again in the information thread, since I intend to request this thread be locked once I get the OC thread up), you can catch whatever you like. Just try to keep the power-level of Pokemon you rarely use, as well as how frequently you capture things, to a modest level.

Oh, one more thing that I'm surprised nobody has brought up yet - there will be no shiny Pokemon in this RP. Well, I MAY at some point throw one in for a random competition event between characters (it'd be a random draw as to who gets to catch and keep it) but otherwise, those are off-limits.
This RP is going to be amazing, i can't wait until it is posted, and Leanne, i have PMed you my Squad list, and the order in which i am going to be obtaining the pokemon in relevance to gym badges and Evolutions.
Concerning the capturing of pokemon, will different regions have different pokemon available for capture like in the games? Or will I be able to capture any pokemon anywhere? I haven't really decided which pokemon will be in my final squad, and I'm not sure I want to go about choosing them now. I was going to try going about this the same way you would in the games. Is there a limit to how many pokemon one can capture (that is non-rare pokemon)?
Concerning the capturing of pokemon, will different regions have different pokemon available for capture like in the games? Or will I be able to capture any pokemon anywhere? I haven't really decided which pokemon will be in my final squad, and I'm not sure I want to go about choosing them now. I was going to try going about this the same way you would in the games. Is there a limit to how many pokemon one can capture (that is non-rare pokemon)?
The former. Different Pokemon will be available in different places, so you won't be able to capture everything everywhere. It'd take me a great deal of time to actually allocate the entire National Dex across the region though, so it's likely going to be a going concern sort of thing (as in, as people get to the locations, I'll post up a list of Pokemon there) or an "ask me and I'll tell you where it is" basis.

I'm not inclined to put a limit on the number of Pokemon people can capture (unless you want the PC limit that is in the games, which is 540 Pokemon, and should be more than adequate for anyone) but, obviously, I am going to start raging at people who try to single-handedly depopulate areas of Pokemon. Either way, I'll keep a record of what people catch in the information thread.

Also, regarding something Robert_Masters brought up via PM that I thought I should post here for all to see: no psychics and no aura sensitive people allowed. We'll keep things simple and non-ridiculous, I think. Everyone knows the Aura concept is a cheap rip-off of the Force anyway. Also, unless we bring certain Legendaries into the RP, no Pokemon are capable of human speech, either.
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