Is Kimahri really needed?

Kimahri did always strike me as weak. The only reason I used him was to gain access to ultima and use a black magic sphere / friend sphere to transfer the skill to Lulu. Same for Holy. Other than that, he never saw the light of day.
I'd consider him worth training up. Okay, so he doesn't have a set path... but he starts out with a good offensive, so I always take that into account by either putting him on Wakka's or Lulu's sphere grid.

However I normally ensure that he lands on Auron's at some point, primarily for the Biran and Yenke fight, in which I find more use in physical strength over magic. Even though Demi is pretty useful in such a fight...

His Overdrives were pretty damn good, too. I loved using Fire Breath, Nova, and Stone Breath.

I don't think I'd ever consider him useless. I actually enoyed trying to get all his Overdrives.
I really don't use Kimahri all that often. Ok, so, he CAN be good in combat and he CAN be pretty darn useful depending what path you chose for him (W. Mage, B. Mage, Thief, Warrior ect...) and he does have some pretty spiffy overdrives if you can be bothered to get off your ass and get them all (I've just done Yunalesca in my 4th game and I have all overdrives so far except Supernova, suprisong really since I don't use him that much. :)) but KImarhi is just one of those characters that I fail to use in battle that often (I swear, I have one in EVERY multi-character game. XD).

Role wise, I thought Kimahri was a great character, I loved his harshness towards Tidus at the begining and his comforting, proctiveness towards Yuna. And don't forget how cute he looked when he smilied! XD
well nearly every character is the same once you max their stats
the only difference is the overdrives in which kimarhis are 1 hit only
I thought this Tread was dead and buried :lol: Gabranth, you say maxing out stats like it's an easy thing ^_^
well nearly every character is the same once you max their stats
the only difference is the overdrives in which kimarhis are 1 hit only

Well sure, just like no one would be caught dead using Vincent after level 50 or so, but I still admit to using him in my main party my first time through FF7.

I liked Kimahri as a storyline character, yep. But it just always seemed like there was a better choice when it came to combat.
Of all the three times i beat the game i have never once leveld him up. I had to use him for one boss battle and that was because they mad me use him ^^
kimahri was the most powerful charater in the game for me i had killed many bosses with the swing of kimahri's mighty spear(mainly cause i brought him through the entire grid a couple of time, had to make sure i got ever thing)
see even if u dont spend time using him hes still valuable since he can copy technique that mean an automatic overdrive on some enemies
well didn't he help auron in the mountains after braska defeated sin?
And he brought yuna to besaid
Kimahri is one bad charcter!
No need to hate on him. His character is very interesting.

He also boosts the storyline and he has very major part of the game.
He is also strongly attached and devoted to Yuna.
That said, it gives him his major part!
Um.. No character is useless. Its like FFXII, FFVIII, FFVII, and FFVI. You can modify your characters to your liking. My buddy actually just ditched Lulu, and taught black magic to Yuna. His Yuna ended up being his best character; doing about 60,000 points of damage with each cast of Flare, and with double cast (now at 120,000 HP of damage per round) and One MP Cost, he could've ran through the rest of the game, soloing it with Yuna.
Kimahri was a major character in the story line, plus I probably couldn't have finished the game the first time round if it weren't for him
i was stupid and went straight through running from all my battles ( i made a new game half way through and did it properly) there was a time when i couldnt play RPG's
I think he was the worst character in the game. Also, there seems to be a a pattern of blue mages being the worst characters overall.