Just Beat The Game... Very Dissapointed!


ShinRa Guard
Dec 2, 2006
In short...

The game wasn't long enough, the storyline bored me, the final boss is ridiculously easy, and there is no character development.

7.7 / 10
Hey, everyone's entitled to their own opinions and I know I certainly have my share of complains about a few FF games, but if you get the chance, try checking out the internet or by taking a deeper look into the FFXII plotline of how everything is connected. See how the Gods, Esper's Sun-Cryst, Dr. Cid, etc are all tied together, extremely important, and play a pivitol role in the fate of Balthier, Ashe, and Basch especially.

By playing through the second time I picked up on those minor details I overlooked about the Occuria, King Raithwall, Balthier and Reddas' past, and sooo much more. The plot line picks up at the end very nicely, but it is not going to be handed to the gamer on a silver platter this time. It's aimed at a more mature audience and will take some thinking through to fully grasp it.

Great story in the game. Characters could have used a bit more backstory to them, but that's my only main complaint. Congrats on finishing the game. ^_^
Same complaints again. Even for someone who hasn't played it, I saw lots of character development. Maybe the storyline bored you because it wasn't a regular FF one?
Yeah the ones that tetsuya nomura direct tend to be more simple than events in the Ivalice world. You really have to thinjk in order to grasp the story fully. and maybe you just didn't do that.
Well, I thought FF IX, for instance, made you care about almost every single character. This one was a lot more plot-focused. That was nice, but it really left me feeling like, "I'm hanging out with these characters....WHY??!!" Vaan, the princess Ashe, etc. just aren't all very likeable or interesting, IMHO, though I still thought this was a very awesome game; one of the best I've played. But I can see feeling it's a little "short."
In short...

The game wasn't long enough, the storyline bored me, the final boss is ridiculously easy, and there is no character development.

7.7 / 10

I agree. I agree. And I agree.
I could have beat the game in less than 30 hours, however I was so infuriated that there was nothing more to it than that...I just sat my controller down, turned it off, and resumed playing the old FFs.

The characters have like no bondings whatsoever! o_O
No emotions towards one another!
Ok, just because someone didn't like your favorite game doesn't mean they didn't understand it. It just might not have been their cup of tea.
I thought it was great and as for length sure the story part wasnt too long but with side quests and everything you could easily spend a good 80-100 hours on the game and the secret bosses and final hunts are very challenging, the optional espers are pretty fun to get too even if they are pretty useless.
Same complaints again. Even for someone who hasn't played it, I saw lots of character development. Maybe the storyline bored you because it wasn't a regular FF one?

i'm with lisa on this one.

no character development complaint again? no story? *sigh* i just don't get it.
80 hours of sidequests doesn't do justice to the Final Fantasy series.

Anyone say amen?
The characters have like no bondings whatsoever! o_O
No emotions towards one another!

The characters work as a team, they get along - isn't that enough? Sure, they're not all pally pally, but, they still interact.

80 hours of sidequests doesn't do justice to the Final Fantasy series.

Anyone say amen?

Nope. Doesn't do justice to the FF series? This is probably one of the few games where sidequests are a big part of things - we complain when we don't get enough sidequests, and then we complain when we get too many.:P
In short...

The game wasn't long enough, the storyline bored me, the final boss is ridiculously easy, and there is no character development.

7.7 / 10

well if you hadn't noticed, most final bosses in the FF series are easy. for example. FFVII:AC the last boss was easy, FFX easy, FFX-2 a little challenging... well not really FFVII, a little hard for those that didn't train
Same old complaints. Maybe you guys should try to play it over again. I mean...honestly. Do you want a soap opera or an engaging story full of maturity that makes you think? Hmm. If you said yes to the soap opera option, then my guess is that 12 is not your cup of tea, and you probably dig 10 more.

The story line is just boring. I know the characters interact, but there's no emotion whatsoever. The only emotion you see is between Ashe and her husband's spirit...
I really think this should have just been an online game like wow or FFXI.
This game is so far off track from the originals.
The story line is just boring. I know the characters interact, but there's no emotion whatsoever. The only emotion you see is between Ashe and her husband's spirit...
I really think this should have just been an online game like wow or FFXI.
This game is so far off track from the originals.

it's almost like you need a love story to show "emotion", since you mentioned that there's no emotions except between ashe and rossler. i think you missed out on tons of emotions and story while you were looking for the love story.

12 is a very mature story. full of decisions, war, politics, deceit, murder, betrayal, etc. it's amazing how well written the story was. and for once the text didn't bore the crap out of me. they really used the english language well in this game. i still give it praise.
Yes XII was very short. What is the point of being able to go to lvl 99 when you can beat the main storyline boss at lvl 40? Honestly I think they just threw in the hunt system because they knew that it all ended far too soon.
80 hours of sidequests doesn't do justice to the Final Fantasy series.

Anyone say amen?

AMEN! I got so sick of doing sidequests to get a bunch of junk that wasn't useful I just finished the game and I haven't played it since. And I never complained about sidequests before. I thought X started to have too many. Getting the celestial weapons was ridiculous. VII, VIII, and IX all have good amounts of sidequests (as well as previous ones).

I think that character development and interaction and the emotional side of the game is what differentiates FF from other RPGs. There are plenty of games with great graphics and good gameplay and in depth stories, but the characters are what attach people to a game.
I've never complained about having too many sidequests. In fact...FFXII's 80+ hours of sidequests would have been perfectly fine so long as there would have been more actual required gameplay hours than sidequest hours. o_O

FireZ is right.
Final Fantasy is all about emotion and deep plots. This story had no romance to it...and I don't just mean love-romance. It reminded me a lot of Vagrant story...a game that I love...but...it shouldn't have an FF title.
You need character interaction and development because you need to care about what happends to these characters. This is one of the issues I has with X. And we have to remember, this is a video game before a story.

I shouldn't even be commenting on this thread... Maybe when I get around to playing this one this thread will have lowered my expectations and I'll end up really enjoying it. I think I went into X with my expectations way to high.