Just Beat The Game... Very Dissapointed!

so because you were confused makes it a bad storyline?

the story in 12 is incredible. so mature and, well, just plain cool.
Maybe people weren't used to the type of language used in it? o.o
Some of you are being way to defensive over this game. Some people just aren't going to like it. It's not because they didn't understand the story, or have short attention spans, or just wanted romance. Some just won't like it. Heck, there is people out that that don't like VII. (And unfortunantly, you practically get murdered for saying that)

And looking at previous posts.
VII and VIII were something different from previous Final Fantasies too. They were actually more Sci-fi than fantasy. (And they both lose points in my book for not technically being fantasy)
X even did something new.
I'd say VI and VII had mature storylines too.

And defending complaints against the game:
VIII did not have good character development. Heck, Quistis, Selphie, Irvine, and Zell were hardly needed for the storyline. But I still liked this game.
I would say that the only Final Fantasy that had exceptional character development was VI.

VIII did not have the best story too. The entire story for the second half of it was "save Rinoa"
X's story had problems too. So many things were never followed up upon. Like Yuna getting married to Seymore. She actually did marry him, but no one said a word about it after the fact.

And I already commented about the romance in Final Fantasy in a previous post.

As soon as I play this game I will write my pros and cons for it. This thread is actually making me excited for playing it.
first of all yes i liked the game because of the gamplay but the storyline was horrible for reasons i cant explain

yes i guess the starting part was fine but later on it gets so crazy and confusing

the music was fine there was nothing wrong with the music i actually liked it

The music was good but it was almost too subtle. While I enjoyed almost every tune, I don't think there are any that are really memorable.
everybody has there own opinion and my opinion is that the game had a bad storyline and theres nothing you all can do to change it
In short...

The game wasn't long enough, the storyline bored me, the final boss is ridiculously easy, and there is no character development.

7.7 / 10

12 was to buy time for 13...dont worry about it. it'll make up for it. I felt the same way....
What makes you think FFXIII will be sooo much better then XII? When people use FFXII like that as an excuse for FFXIII being great, it's pretty annoying.
well over here in the uk my friends are talking about ff13 even though ff12 isnt out yet!
What makes you think FFXIII will be sooo much better then XII? When people use FFXII like that as an excuse for FFXIII being great, it's pretty annoying.

I saw the preview for FFXIII, and I really wasn't impressed with it. It looked like a game where everybody looks cool and acts cool. Looked a bit cheesy to me.

With people hyping it up, they could be very disappointed with it.

But maybe it will be a great game. I don't think people should already be praising it like it's the greatest game ever.
i dont think that 13 is going to be better than 12 i guess they both will be on the same position
The thing about FFXII is that it was made as a buffer for final fantasy fans that are waiting for the next gen final fantasy. It seems there plans for this game is to satisfy there fans because they only made 1 FF game for the PS2 in the 6 years that they PS2 reigned. So they really didnt want to take a chance on it and use up ideas that they can use for future games. However they did chance some things to see how the fans would react to it. So I am going to say that FFXII is a testing game so that Square Enix can improve on the next gen games. Plus I find it one of the worst FF ever made

Why this game is average to other FF games:

1. The diversity in the character are weak. They pair up for instance Vaan/Penelo, poor people(which is a great background for a co-main character) Bathier/Fran pirates, Ashe/Basche(Knight) Has to do with royalty Plus they are all humans except fran and they all have the same tone in there voices.zzzzzzzz boring
2.The musical scores are weak and do not go out on the limb like tactics did.( Im not sure if the same composer did tactics did XII)
3. Unlike almost every Final Fantasy game...for what i played of XII there is not a significant plot twist.
4.All the major cities look the same and are boring. Unlike every other FF i enjoyed going to a new city cause each one has its own uniqueness.
5.The villian is non existant through the game. He doesnt emit the same badness and not memorial as previous villains in FF games(Sephiroth, Kuja, Kefka, Seymour) I cant even remember his name he sucks so much
6. The storyline seems forced most of the time and doesnt flow smoothly
7.The license system was complex and quite irritating most of the time.(Like hey i got a new sword, but i cant even use it til i spend hours accumulating license point just to use it.)
8. The hunting system is heavily use as part of the main game play more so than a side quest. Plus they ripped the hunting stuff off of the Arc the Lad Series which are very good games and i recommend them
9.The battle system was boring because it was like an ATB but u can move ur characters around the enemy in circle w/o the chance of dodging them
. I found it very unattractive and it wouldve been better just to use ATB like previous final fantasy's or a real time system like star ocean series.
10. Money in this game frankly pissed me off. You never have enough of it. So you go to a new city and got to the shops and see the next step in weapons/armor advancement. It would take me hours battling/selling items ,that are barely worth anything, just to equip my party properly.Not to mention buying items, magic, tecniks, and gambits.
11.The majority of the time in this game isnt wrapped up in story line. It is actually wrapped up in dungeon crawling because the dungeons are really really long. Because there are no transition time between battle, Square found it necessary to add a ton of enemies on the map. Plus since money is rare ,to buy enough potions, after fighting a couple of enemies u are forced to run around in circles to replentish MP so u can heal ur characters which wastes time.

there is many more reasons y i do not like this game. But i do not want to write anymore. I kno im ranting on but i need to get this off my chest. So this is kind of a theraputic session. Feel free to disagree and comment because im quite interested in ur opinions on the points i made
The thing about FFXII is that it was made as a buffer for final fantasy fans that are waiting for the next gen final fantasy. It seems there plans for this game is to satisfy there fans because they only made 1 FF game for the PS2 in the 6 years that they PS2 reigned. So they really didnt want to take a chance on it and use up ideas that they can use for future games. However they did chance some things to see how the fans would react to it. So I am going to say that FFXII is a testing game so that Square Enix can improve on the next gen games. Plus I find it one of the worst FF ever made

A buffer game? Here we go yet again - someone who seems to imply that is just some crappy game biding time for FFXIII - sure, hate the game if you want, but don't use it as an excuse for FFXIII being a more superior title. Of course I am biased, but I'm trying not to be.Here's a fact: SE are running out of useful ideas for FF games. They're bringing back crystals again in XIII - hardly a unique idea eh?

Why this game is average to other FF games:

1. The diversity in the character are weak. They pair up for instance Vaan/Penelo, poor people(which is a great background for a co-main character) Bathier/Fran pirates, Ashe/Basche(Knight) Has to do with royalty Plus they are all humans except fran and they all have the same tone in there voices.zzzzzzzz boring

Let me give you a rundown of characters from the FF's

FF1: Generic humans
FF2: Humans
FIII: Haven't Played
FFIV: Humans
FFV: Humans, mostly - you have one Lunarian
FFVI: Mostly humans, apart from Mog. Umaro if you want to count him
FFVII: Mostly humans - Red XIII and Aeris not.
FFVIII: Humans?
FFIX: A mix
FFX: Humans, apart from Kimahri
FFX-2: Humans

FFXII is no different from any FF in terms of character races in your main party

As for voices:

Fran has a monotonic voice, as it's basically how the other viera speak
Basch and Ashe have strong royal like tones
Vaan and Pennelo have the accent of the people from the common areas of Dalmasca
Balthier, sounds a bit posh, but at the same time, his voice holds some sort of cheek to it.

^ Main cast covered. Do not get me started on the rest =P

2.The musical scores are weak and do not go out on the limb like tactics did.( Im not sure if the same composer did tactics did XII)

They're not weak - they're just not memorable - in your eyes. "Weak" to me, seems as if they haven't been composed properly XD

3. Unlike almost every Final Fantasy game...for what i played of XII there is not a significant plot twist.

There wasn't one for VII and X-2. I think anyway. Need to think on the rest

4.All the major cities look the same and are boring. Unlike every other FF i enjoyed going to a new city cause each one has its own uniqueness.

Can't comment on that, haven't seen any in detail

5.The villian is non existant through the game. He doesnt emit the same badness and not memorial as previous villains in FF games(Sephiroth, Kuja, Kefka, Seymour) I cant even remember his name he sucks so much

Oh please, just because he isn't some rampaging bad guy does not mean he isn't a crap villain. LOL.

Vayne was a cold, cruel calculating person. He kept very calm in what he did - he knew how to get what he wanted - he assasinated his own father, prevented himself from being arrested, and took down the senate so they posed no threat to him. Vayne is a very realistic villain. As for Kefka - big rampaging showoff. Sephiroth = During the main game, I'm still deciding whether Jenova or not actually controlled him. Aye, Seymour I liked I have to agree.

6. The storyline seems forced most of the time and doesnt flow smoothly

Explain =P

7.The license system was complex and quite irritating most of the time.(Like hey i got a new sword, but i cant even use it til i spend hours accumulating license point just to use it.)

Something I gotta leave out again

8. The hunting system is heavily use as part of the main game play more so than a side quest. Plus they ripped the hunting stuff off of the Arc the Lad Series which are very good games and i recommend them

It may feature a lot, but it doesn't have to be - you can leave the sidequests be.
No, they are based on similar hunts from TA - just obviously different in terms of gameplay. If Arc the Lad is good, why haven't I heard of it beroe =P

9.The battle system was boring because it was like an ATB but u can move ur characters around the enemy in circle w/o the chance of dodging them
. I found it very unattractive and it wouldve been better just to use ATB like previous final fantasy's or a real time system like star ocean series.

It's more realistic then the run of the mill random battles, and having your characters wait in the same position all the time to attack.

10. Money in this game frankly pissed me off. You never have enough of it. So you go to a new city and got to the shops and see the next step in weapons/armor advancement. It would take me hours battling/selling items ,that are barely worth anything, just to equip my party properly.Not to mention buying items, magic, tecniks, and gambits.

So it makes more sense to have monsters drop money? Monsters are made of money aren't they lol.

11.The majority of the time in this game isnt wrapped up in story line. It is actually wrapped up in dungeon crawling because the dungeons are really really long. Because there are no transition time between battle, Square found it necessary to add a ton of enemies on the map. Plus since money is rare ,to buy enough potions, after fighting a couple of enemies u are forced to run around in circles to replentish MP so u can heal ur characters which wastes time.

there is many more reasons y i do not like this game. But i do not want to write anymore. I kno im ranting on but i need to get this off my chest. So this is kind of a theraputic session. Feel free to disagree and comment because im quite interested in ur opinions on the points i made

I've made points. I could say more, but I don't have the game yet. All I can say is that I disagree with almost everything you said, but, this is me, and I'm pretty much pro FFXII 8D

*my stuff is in bold*
Dude, don't spam. I'm here to argue, and I'm ok with people having opinions. If it sucks so much, why do so many other people like it? It's like every other FF - some hate, some do not.
I think what Yuri is trying to say...is that the game (being as short as it was) lacked in plot emphasis.
Vayne shows up for 2 minutes in an FMV sequence and then next thing you know, he's the final enemy?? =x
Lisa: I wasn't spamming. I was speaking my mind. =)

Ok, I lied.

OMG Steph, you ruined it for me!

Oh wait...I'll never finish it. =D
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the game has some problems with the storyline but why do peaple keep concentrating on the weaknesses look at the strenghts like the gameplay was so good the music was exellent according to what i think this game was one of a kind it was short and lacked some things that the old ff titles had but it was good it was really different wonder why people look at the old ff games to judge a new one
I really can't decide if I like this game or not, lol. Actually no, let me re-phrase that. I really can't decide why I like this game, while other days I sometimes don't. That's coming from someone who hasn't finished the game, so maybe that's why?

Anyway, some of the reason why I don't like it is that the way they talk and explain things are kinda confusing. I'll be sitting there, watching them talk for quite awhile, and in the end I'll be like, "What?! What are they talking about?!" =/ And then I'd get annoyed at myself for not understanding, therefore I'd also get annoyed at the game for not making me understand. Lol.

Yeah, so that's just me. Maybe I'm daft for not understanding, so I suppose it's my fault. >.< Oh well. I was just so used to simple lines being said, and not the usage of big vocabulary words and fancy lines. Oh and Vaan! He is the only character that I really don't like in the game. Annoyed me to pieces.

Other than that, I think the game is pretty good so far. I mean the elements are obviously different, but I'm still cool with it because I can appreciate a change. The world is big, graphics is good, and there's lots to do - mainly the hunts, which I find quite enjoyable. Collecting loots and selling them is quite amusing for me, because I'd always take a guess at how much I think I'd get before I sell them all. :)

Hmm, now that I think about it, I actually don't hate any of the FF games at all. I love every single one that I've played because of the fact that it's Final Fantasy and done by Square. Sure, there's a few dislikes here and there, but that doesn't mean I think the game completely sucked overall. I embrace all the Final Fantasy that comes in my way, despite of whether people say it totally sucks or not. :)
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