Kei's Photoshop Works

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You know like a reflection of the sig coming out of the sig like the sig is standing on something >_> Did that make sense to you?
I think so...

Like that? :gasp:
I tried the reflection anyway it turned shit with me tbh -__-



CnC appreciated.

Might as well re-post this ._. since only Ryan is the one who CnC'ed D:

I tried the reflection anyway it turned shit with me tbh -__-


CnC appreciated.

Might as well re-post this ._. since only Ryan is the one who CnC'ed D:


HOW THE HELL, did you do that reflection thing?! I want that too!!! The signature you tried it on look really really nice. I really love the softness of the sig, I don't think the reflection turned out bad at all.

I love the brushes you used on B's siggy request, it's a real pretty sig, but same for my own go at her request, I hate pink. :gasp: xD Love the brushes you used overall.
You no how to make pop up sigs, right? :gasp:

It's the same just create a new layer when you finish your signature, place on top of the layers, edit > Apply image

After that edit > transform > flip vertical

Make sure the canvas is bigger than your sig, move the duplicate to meet end to end with the sig then use a soft brush on the sides :gasp: and lower your duplicate opacity

Also thanks for your comments ^_^

How can you say that? :gasp: It's fantastic!

The shades of purple and yellow are wonderful. The mirror is a nice effect. I like the stock placement and the border. Is that Ryan's C4D as well? You could try erasing some of it near Hwoarang's shoulder just to blend him in better. ^^

But overall it's SEXY. :gasp:
Gradient maps and C4Ds ftw! I told you they work :awesome:
It's one of your best sigs imo, the gradient maps/colour choice is fantastic, the C4D is epic, I can't really fault it :awesome:, the font is nice and simple, yet effective and the effects are great.

And you did a great job with the reflection :D I completely forgot about the tutorial x_x

Keep up the great work :D
Dude, I moved your post once, check your Inbox -__-

Don't fill someone elses thread with your own stuff
OK Bro, since you "rocks" with sig I want you to make me one, using this pic:

But I have conditions you know:
-I don't want it brown or yellow like all of your works. I hate those two colors.
-I prefer a black or gray color and you can use the blue color if you want.
-I want Squall's head to be out...yea the whole head.
-And Plz don' keep Zidane in the pic

Sorry if this is the wrong place to put this request in :gasp:

I really like what you did with this one! The reflection effect came out awesome!

The signature in general looks brilliant! The colours and the focal point is superb!

The image you've used has such a serious feel about it and the lighting on his face looks great! It looks as though those glowing little balls are shining right onto his face.

Though I think the font should have been different.

Awesome work.
Thank you all. /ignores DS

Anyway, I decided to complete my callout sig with Fusionist to use it as a sig and here it is



Old sig but I just wanted to do that animtated thingy after seeing it >_>

This version looks even better than the original in my opinion. =D The lighting is done really well and the blending looks awesome.

It feels as thought the background is moving around him while he's sitting there completely calm and unmoving.

The colours used look great and the text is placed nicely. That font looks really good too.

As I said before, this signature looks brilliant and that animation you've done to it this time to show the layers looks fantastic! XD

This is my favourite signature from you so far!

I think if you re-did this on a bigger canvas it would look much better. I think that the render as it is a bit to big for the canvas size. Everything seems cramped in especially seeing as you have quite a lot going on.
I MUCH prefer the colours in this one over the original. Purple and orange go so well together. Great job with that, they look stunning.


I remember seeing this in another members thread, its so cool :gasp: Showing how all your layers go together through animation, its awesome.
I think the text and the c4d in this look brilliant. The text looks great where it is, i like the simple font. I think if you left the gradient map at the end it would look better. The colours seem a bit bland. They dont help to make hworang stand out.

Keep posting Kei. You seem to post less and less nowadays :ness:
Thanks all and yea I know Lewis >.< I'm just not really in the mood these days D: but I'll start posting in like Sunday to make up >_>

I don't feel in GFX mood those sigs prove it >_>;


A request >_>
I like the first of those two better. The vibrancy on the right is really pretty, and unlike spiderman, things stand out in the first sig, in the second one, it all seems... like one piece. Though I prefer spiderman's colours from the sig. x] Hope you start posting a bit more worksies soon.

I rather like this one.

I love the effects and the background looks alive! The specks of sparkles look great and the lighting looks awesome, though the dark spots covering some of the light down the bottom look a bit off.

Lovely blending with the image and the text looks great too!

I think this one has too much of the same colour within, making it come across as a little dull.

I do love the background though and the smudginess around Spiderman.

Some more colour and better lighting would spruce this one up a bit more in my honest opinion.

Nonetheless you're doing great work. So keep it up!
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