Kei's Photoshop Works

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Thankies, here's a request I'm not quite happy about:

CnC, Please.
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Wow Kei that request looks great you should be happy about it!!! Oh and omg is that Atsuma from Enchanted Arms? Omg its been ages since ive played that horrible rpg(story is good though). Anyways Kei all your siggys are just great and I must say your one fucking hell of a gfxer!!!
Thanks MLFY but I really think you should criticize it, I mean look at the text and the left side doesn't go well with the rest of the sig, don't you think? <_< Yea, I know I just criticized myself. D:
Thankies, here's a request I'm not quite happy about:

CnC, Please.

Hmm it looks good i dont think its as bad as your making it out to be. The light on the right looks great, though i dont like the background on the left it looks out of place. If the sig was bigger youd have more to work with, you should try using different size canvases sometime instead of using the same sizes.
I have to concur, you're making it out worse than it is, in fact it's a good sig XD
The lighting effects are amazing, especially on the right hand side as Lew pointed out, although I don't mind the left hand side as the arm sort of blends the two sides together. Even the font goes well with the overall sig. You're being picky xD
Am I? <_< Btw Ryan why don't you make a tut on how you do your sig D=

Thanks all btw. <_< I'll post another work when I can be arsed. >_>

I rather like this one Kei!

The colours are great and the style is brilliant! I love the glowing swirly lines coming down from the right onto his shoulder and then forcing the focus onto the character.

The darkness from the left hand side is worked in well and the whole background makes it feel as though the sig is busy and alive!

The text placement is good and so is the font.

The only thing I think could be improved is the size. I kind of felt as though the signature was a little too short in width. It kind of gave it a squished feeling.

Other than that, Brilliant!
Alright, I really think I should go with what Lew said and tries different sizes instead of going with the same one over and over <_< Thanks all

I'll just echo everyone else and say "it's not as bad as you're making it out to be". However, I also know what it's like to not have a good feeling about one's work. =P

I think the render is blended well, and the colors work well with the render. I'm hardly qualified to comment on text (you know this :wacky:), but I feel like the text is out to the left too far. Props for that nifty brushwork (I guess =P) on the far right, and how it merges with the render pretty well.

Some different sizes would probably be a good idea, too. Good job though. :awesome:
I'll try a different sizes when I get my new PC since my PS is having problems working on this one, thanks for the comments Justin. <_<

Newest one. <_< I'm still wondering about the text placement >_< CnC, please. <_<
I really like that a lot :O especially the border man, it looks ace. The text placement is definately off though, i dont like where it is at all. I would suggest moving it closer to the center line of the sig and making it black. It would also look good if the text was wavey, sorta flowing around the light and the render.
Definately my favourite piece of yours yet.

Oooh very nice!

I love the image used. Very cute. I love the lighting down the bottom and how the overall feel of the signature is very soft.

The random bits of colour fit in nicely around the image and the background is gorgeous!

Love the border! Very different and appealing.

And I have to agree with you about the text. It seems a bit lost over on the left and I think it needs a different font and a bit more light.

Other than that, awesome work!

Another placement, I'm not happy with


I left the Beat and lowered the opacity I think it looks better like this.

What do you say? <_<
Thankies, here's a request I'm not quite happy about:

CnC, Please.

Man, it looks great to me, but I know how you artists think. Always so over critical of yourselves =P. Keep gracing us unworthy ones with your brilliance though!
xD Thanks, Tyler. I might try making something when I can bother. :gasp:

You've done a great job working with a bigger canvas. :)

It's an amazing black and white sig, probably one of the best I've seen. The effects are fantastic and I love the font/text, I don't think you could do anything else with it, it's position perfectly and the actual font is spot on. I love the image used as well, it's well good. :awesome:
Keep up the amazing work dude!
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