Kei's Photoshop Works

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Love that black and white and yea, bigger canvas = better in my opinion as well. Souleater, I haven't heard of it, but I definitely dig the pic. Keep up the good work Kei.
Thank you Tyler. ^^ I'm sick of the same thing over and over so I'm just gonna try new things.

Ooh, I like this one. Even though it's in b/w the effects are still good. and I like the trail of smoke coming from his gun. No complaints about this one, the text is good and the render well placed like the text. I also like the border and the border inside the border :gasp:

This really caught my eye right away. It's truly a great piece, and the effects are quite amazing. Not too much, just perfectly right. You managed to keep it looking busy without much use of effects, which is great skill. I quite like the sharpness added to his face really brings him out some more. The text is good and placed just fine where it is. I'm really taken with B&W sigs lately, and this is definitely one of the best ones I've seen from you.


This one is fairly decent. Good flow of effects and he's pretty blended in well. I think that the colors somehow doesn't suit the overall tag though for some reason...I'm not sure, maybe it's a bit burnt? Or maybe the shade of orange/red mixed in together just doesn't appeal to me as much. Perhaps a lighter color would have been better. But anyway, still a good tag, so keep it up!


Very nice, I noticed the rainbow colors right away against the dark background, which is always interesting to see. The blurred motion effect was tacked on quite nicely along with the few effects lingering about. The lighting was alright...I'm not sure, but maybe it's a tad bit too white for me on the bottom, but I guess it'll do. We all gotta try and experiment with different style anyway. xD The border's definitely artistic and the text is pretty good.

Keep up the good work, Kei! Hope to see some more from ya'.
Well this is my favourite one;


But I agree with Mitsuki it is a bit too white for me.
I see, alright then.

I'll post my new ones in a short time just when all the competitions I'm in ends <_<

3rd page? ;__;
I haven't posted something in a while well here's an attempt at a request

CnC please
I haven't posted something in a while well here's an attempt at a request

CnC please

Urrrr...the text is pleasing. Nice overall composition, but I don't like this second bordery thing, I think it's a bit of a distraction. It's a bit strange that you've got Cait Sith as the focal point but it works somehow. Nice piece minus those lines.:vikki:
Urrrr...the text is pleasing. Nice overall composition, but I don't like this second bordery thing, I think it's a bit of a distraction. It's a bit strange that you've got Cait Sith as the focal point but it works somehow. Nice piece minus those lines.:vikki:

Really? I really like the look of those lines.

That signature is perfect in my eyes, and I know what request this was for, so I understand the text, but if you just change the text to "Nanaki & Cait" it'd be a really good siggy cause they're both in it :) I love the effects, it looks really pretty, Ahmed. :)

Unlike Jimmeh though, I love the borders. :D
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The BG is nice and the whole tag is blended in extremely well, the colours look great although i think you need to do something to stop cait from sticking out so much, hes very bright in comparison with the orange. Not fond of that second border either, its too distracting i think, the nanaki text seems out of place aswell.
edit - i forgot to say i love the grid line pattern thing goin on thru the sig :gasp:
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Thanks all and I didn't think you would notice the pattern o_O anyway newest >_> this thread was going to the next page D:

Not so much but CnC

I like this one, really pretty colours, little confusing though. I love the background, it could do with a little text though. The border's good and the placement perfect.. but I really can't tell what's going on the right side, though o_o


The text is a little plain, and I don't like the text that much >.< Otherwise it's okay. The overall effect is good, but it's a little hard to tell what's going on in the sig.

You're very good <3

SOTW #100 entry :ness: the image was shit anyway, I barely managed to do anything


Fusionist call out D: I was away from photoshop for quite a while it's even good that I even managed doing that ._.

CnC all you want

This was one of my favourites in that particular sotw, i like the ifery c4d around the bloke, they blend him in very well. The subtle grid in the BG is nice aswell and i think the text is positioned excellently. Uhm the only thing would be that he seems a little lost, he doesnt stand out well enough. The focal point seems to be his chest where the c4d is. Given the image, you did a great job though.
Thanks Lewis but you saw the image, so you know what I've been through D:

Newest sig, a go at B's request >_> I actually kinda like it <_<

CnC please :monster:
Thanks Lewis but you saw the image, so you know what I've been through D:

Newest sig, a go at B's request >_> I actually kinda like it <_<

CnC please :monster:
That's pretty epic.
The render is amazing and has been blended to perfection and I love the colours used, the lighting is spot on as are the effects. The font's good and I love the vector borders in the corners, very original. :)
Keep it up dude. :D
Why thank you Ryan :awesome: I wanted to do that little mirror thing of the sig effect but I didn't know how D: anyone has an idea? D:
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