Kei's Photoshop Works

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I like it. ^^ I wanted to see what you came up with so I could try and get a similiar style into his avatar for matching set. :awesome:

I love lighter brushing behind him. And with the way the Render leans, it just looks like he's about to use a limit or something.

Nice work. ^^ And it's not orange, you're right. :awesome:
Why thank you babe. :monster:

I'll post the sig again since I know you guys are fucking lazy to preview the previous page, I know because I am >.>
hahahaha im soo glad u posted it again kei :lol:
Its a great tag man, u got the render placement and text spot on. The lighting looks great aswell. Also that border im really liking aswell.
Your last tag looks nice when it comes to blending and the text placement. maybe with adding some colours from the stock itself into the background/effects would've made it even better ^^
I really think you've improved loads, Kei ^^ I like your works, and I think that they're always very distinctive - like, I always know when you've created something. But each signature is different, but still looks familiar ^^ You've become a great GFX artist ^^
Thanks all. ^^

I haven't posted for a long time so here is a tag I made while I was bored :gasp:

CnC, please.
I really like the moogle sig. =D

It looks great! I love the background and the colours definitely work with the moogle there. The image you chose was great and I quite like the text/font as well. The border gives it that something extra too in my opinion.
I like it, its TOTALLY different from your other work, as i said to you on msn i had no idea it was yours xD I like how uv done the text and the image is blended in nicely with everything else.
Thanks but I didn't do the text tbh xDD it was an image, I just re-sized it and threw it in there >_>;
Since Lew posted his why I don't post mine:

Srsly I should have done something with that apple. -__-
The filter in the back look great, i love that ripple effect, but i struggle to use it unless its on the render its self. Lol i never even knew it was an apple, it looks better as it is anyway, it has a nice glow to it and it goes well with the blending around lights body. At first i thought it would look better with some text but i changed my mind, it looks good the way it is. Im not sure if you sharpened his face or if its the render but it looks just a little to sharp, that would be my only criticism.
Thanks Lew, though I think it need more work on it.

The chocolate theme callout entry, I blame Justin for that. :wacky:

CnC, please. :monster:
I voted for that one! XD

It looks sooooo yummmy!

I love that little glowing ball on the right of the cake. It looks so good sitting there and the melting effects around the cake look awesome! The text font and colour also look delicious! XD Awesome work on that one. It's brilliant!

EDIT: I didn't realise it until I got back to the computer. But seeing that chocolate signature made me go eat two Boost Bars! XD
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Bah making me want chocolate D:

I love that you're trying different things ^^ It's relly paying off. D= I like the Deathnote siggeh. The colours are fantastic and I love the ripples :awesome:

The callout entry for the chocolate theme.... I'm a girl, it's made me crave chocolate more than ever D= I love the colours, they really stand out and the little flare draws attention to the whole thing.

<333 You're making some great stuff lately babe =D Keep it up!

-toddles off to get chocolate;- >.>
Hee i know i commented on it on msn but il say it again :D
I like it, although the colours arent what id have gone for it still looks great and it makes me wanna eat it xD
I remember you showed me another version of that sig, i preffered that one, the colours are better imo. U should post it up next to the original.
Thanks all :awesome: and I deleted that one, Lew. Do you still have it in the received files by any chance? So you can send it to me on MSN. :wacky:

EDIT: Since Lew sent it here it is:
Anyway he's my last SOTW entry, I think I should have worked more on the text and made the sig a bit bigger. >_>

Id agree with you, i think its a little too small though i naturally prefer bigger signatures anyway. The text isnt the best but overall i dont think it affects the sig in a bad way. The light on his hands looks awesome as is the blending, youv nailed the focal point aswell ^^
Oh my gosh I love the second version of that chocolate entry! =0

It looks even yummier than the first one. XD

Brilliant work on both of them!

The Mewtwo one I think needed more work done on the text as well and the size of it could have been a bit longer in width in my opinion. The balls of light in his hands look great but I think a little more colour in the signatures could have helped in my opinon.

Great blending and border too!
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