KH RP Signup and Discussion.

Edit on my Bio:

Name: John

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Race: Hume

Side: Light

Appearance: Brown Hair, Blue Eyes, Skinny (roughly 135 lbs), Roughly Mid-Sized in Height (6')


Dual Wield Keyblade:


Keyblade 1: Wing of the Future
Keychain: Shield with Black and Red base, and a Yellow Hummingbird on the center. (Estovakia Air Force Roundel from Ace Combat 6)
Description:A Key in the form of 2 Golden Angel Wings, A Large Wing makes the blade and a smaller wing for the key attackment. Handle is like the Way to Dawn Keyblade except it it has a Black Angel Wing on one side and a Red Angel Wing on the other.
Special Ability: Defender
Physical: +7
Magic: +3

Keyblade 2: Dancing Angel

Keychain: Garuda Emblem (Garuda Squaron Roundel from Ace Combat 6)
Description: An angellic styled Keyblade. The blade is shaped in the form of a White Angel's Wing with a second, smaller angel's wing forming the key. Handle is similar to the Way to Dawn keyblade except it has 2 Angel Wings, instead of a single angels wing and a single demon's wing.
Special Ability: Magic Plus
Physical: +3
Magical: +7

Clothes: Wears a Blue T-Shirt that has the Southern Cross insignia (the Constellation Crux) and grey Short Pants.

Thunder Spells (Thunder/ara/aga) (Deals Thunder Damage to the enemy, varies with power)
Reflect/ga (Reflects Ranged and Magic Spells back to the enemy)
Fire Spells (Fire/ra/aga) (Deals Fire Damage to the Enemy,varies with power)
Cure Spells (Cure/ra/aga) (Heals John or his allied, varies with power)
Blizzard Spells (Blizzard/ara/aga) (Deals Ice Damage to the enemy, varies with power.)
Osmose/oga (Drains Magic from his enemies)

Excalibur's Light: Fires a Blue Light from his palm, deals damage depending on how long the target is hit with it and the type of target (named enemies will take a little over 3 minutes with the beam, while shadows are wiped out in as little as 2 seconds.)

Fire Blast: (Works only with Pheonix Form) John flies up and fires 5 large fireballs at the enemy each of them homing and damaging all targets. It deals moderate fire damage to all enemies.

Platinum Dust: (Works only with Eisvogel form) John gathers energy into both palms of his hands, he then fires a blast of cold air, freezing the enemies in place. John then snaps his fingers, dealing moderate ice damage to all enemies. (Similar to Shiva's Limit Break, Diamond Dust, only weaker.)

Limit: Final Overture: John's key glows in a bright blue light, he charges at the enemy, slashing him at least 8 times before he blasts him with an energy-based attack. the Blade does .25 times normal damage per blade hit and .5 times for the energy attack.


Pheonix Form: Eyes turn red and sprouts a single red angels wing on his back, Last usually for 30 minutes, adds Fire damage to regular attacks. Is capable of using the Ability "Fire Blast"

Eisvogel Form: Eyes turn a deep blue and sprouts a single blue angels wing on his back. Last usually around 30 minutes, adds Ice damage to regular attacks. Is capable of using the Ability "Platinum Dust"

History: He lost his family, friends and his world, Gracemeria, at age 15, however, his resolve to never give in to his darkness, allowed him to wield the Keyblade. He searches the worlds looking for a way to bring back his world.
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whatever and for the Record, Gaia is the FFVII planet, no one had added it so i am. it will have the origonal FFVII characters (who aren't elsewhere) and also the AC, DOC, CC characters (including Cissnei, Zack, Weiss, Professors Hojo and Hollander ETC)
Name: Ronald ‘Roy’ Adams

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Race: Human

Side: Light

Appearance: Standing at 6 feet Roy has rather long, red hair which he liked to keep tied up in a ponytail, a few strands of hair covering his forehead, making him look (according to Roy) more of a badass. His emerald green eyes tell otherwise and just seem to glimmer with the light, giving Roy a friendly aspect. He has a rather muscular body which had been the result of years of training. His skin is white, which is kind of weird considering just how much time the male stays outside.
Roy’s attire looks like this:

With the exception that he is wearing a shark tooth pendant around his neck.

Weapon: Rebirth Flame Keyblade

Strenght: +6
Magic: +4
Enhance Fire-based attacks

·Fire/Fira/Firaga: When Roy cast this spell he has the ability to either shoot a ball(s) of fire towards the enemie(s) or make it(them) circle around his body.

·Protect/Protectra/Protectga: Roy creates a magic-fuelled barrier to protect him from/help him reduce the damage he’s inflicted.

·Cure/Cura/Curaga: Heals HP, duh! xD


·Blade of fire: Roy envelops his weapon with fire, enabling him to deal a lot more damage to non fire-based enemies. The fire coating the blade can be extended up to three feet in length, allowing Roy to switch to long range combat with relatively ease.

·Raging Flames: With a quick, circular motion, Roy drags the tip of his weapon along the ground and then proceeds to raise his Keyblade quickly, resulting in a big, fire-like shockwave that is able to cause medium damage (as well as burns).

·Fire Blast: The user throws the Keyblade to the opponent and lets the weapon slide on the ground, only to then be summoned back in a fiery blast, roasting any nearby enemies. Causes light to medium damage.

·Supernova: The user impales the enemy with his Keyblade and then overloads the weapon with magic, creating a tremendous fiery blast that will damage any opponent in a radius of 10 meters. Causes serious damage. After the explosion, the Keyblade materializes back on the hand of its user.

Limit: Realm of the Dragon God (Ryuujin Tenchi)
Roy drops his keyblade to the ground, letting it fall vertically. As the sword touches the ground it suddenly seems to be swallowed by it. Instantly the whole area is set ablaze and it’ll damage only the people Roy considers their opponents. While the Limit is active, Roy is able to manipulate the fire and make it take the form of dragon(s) that he is then able to send flying to his opponents.

Forms: Fire Gambit: While this form is active, Roy’s clothes will turn red and his blade of fire skill will be activated immediately. What this ability does is technically turn the user into a sort of engine to produce more power, powering up any fire-based attack. While in combat, Roy will try to move as much as he can which will deplete his stamina more

History: Roy was a normal boy living happily with his parents in Radiant Garden. He was well-loved by everyone and that’s probably the main reason to why he had lots of friends. However, things changed when Maleficient came. Those Roy hold dear were either killed or turned into heartless right in front of him. The boy, 12 at that time, barely managed to escape by going through a corridor of darkness that took him to Traverse Town, where he was taken in by Leon, Cid and the other FF7 staff.

He was especially close to Cid and Leon, the latter one training him in the ways of the sword, so that if he ever found a heartless again, he’d be able to defeat it. Currently, Roy has joined forces with the other FF characters to help hinder the evil one’s plans.

(Phew, sorry it took me ages to actually post it but it's finally here:P)
If there still chance to hop in heres mine:

Name: Darkanas "Shadoo" Rulfunas

Age: 26

Gender: Unknown, but many believe Shadoo to be male.

Side: Dark

Appearance: standing at approximatley 5ft tall, Shadoo wears a Long Diamond black Robe, and a black cowl covering the facial features. Shadoo also wears a large leather stap around the waist that has several pouches and a sword scabbard attached. Underneath the cowl, Shadoo's eyes burn with a white hot intensity, a gaze that is said to pierce the very soul!

Weapon: Flaming Black katana, A sword of Shadoo's design, the hilt is encrusted with black diamonds and the pommel is a single large Crimson red ruby. The wristguard is made of fine blackened steel with red marking inscribed across it...The blade itself is approximatley 4ft and is also made of black steel with various runes and carving inscribed on the center of the blade...When drawn the sword radiates with Dark magics as anything it strikes burst into flames.

Strength: + 3
Magic: + 7
Burns anything in strikes with Dark firea.


Fire, Firea, Fireaga....classic fire spells with Fireaga been able to strike multiple targets as it lingers in the vicinity of Shadoo's opponents.

De-barrier, Silence, Slow...Time and destructive magics to help Shadoo turn the fight in the favor of darkness...


Enveloping darkness: Harnesses the power of darkness to blanket the skies, increasing the power of all dark magic attacks.

Chant of doom: Chants the words of darkness, that causes Dark Fire to burst from the ground, Burning anything caught within them...

Doppleganger: Creates a duplicate of Shadoo that mimics shadoo's every movement.

Shadow Flare (ultimate spell): Devouring the powers of enveloping darkness and the chant of doom, Shadoo summons forth the great dark flame in a devastatingly explosive flare...

Limit break: The Ultimate Darkness

Description: Channeling upon the powers of the darkest recesses of shadow..Shadoo absorbs these powers into the Flaming Black Katana, and unleashes the power in a extremely potent shockwave blast.

Form: Flaming shadow: In this form Shadoo, allows the black flames to gain control and bursts into fire, any spell Shadoo uses is now bolstered with increased power....however Shadoo cannot maintain this form for long as it constantly drains away at Shadoo's life force...

History: Having spent several years trapped inside the darkness, Shadoo has been plotting to destroy the Keyblades and absorb there powers so Shadoo, may be able to at last become the ruler of all darkness!
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Thankies! I'm happy that I finally posted that bio. Dunno why but it took me ages to finish:P

And Hyuga, welcome back! Here's what pretty much has happened so far...

Meh, don't worry about your not posting:P It happens, so don't worry:P As for what's happened so far.....

Well, I guess the important stuff began to happen during the Battle at Disney Castle. Kai, Zack, Fayd and John fought for the light side against Luka's heartless and a skull-like kid. The battle ended with the skull kid retreating as well as Luka's death by the hand of Kai. During the battle, Zack's kidnapped by Luka and it is then that he's granted the power to wield a keyblade, The Oathkeeper.

It is then revealed that Luka was a nobody and that the heartless that corresponded to that nobody appeared, whose name is Shadow. Well, after the battle the light-sided guys decide that Shadow's a threat and that he has to be dealth with so they all head to the Olympus Colloseum where they fight against Shadow and Hades. During the battle, a dark-knight which only Zack can see sents the boy to Radiant Garden while the other guys won the battle over the dark forces.

In Radiant Garden Zack discovers he's a clone of another warrior that fought during the Keyblade Wars, more than 10 years ago and that the dark knight that's been haunting him is nothing more than the psyche of that warrior that somehow managed to copy itself into Zack's consciousness. The warrior takes over Zack's body and turns to the dark side, wanting to kill every single keyblade master as revenge for what was done to him, especially the king. He battles the guys that wen to Radiant Garden in search for Zack and are surprised by the boy's change of heart.

Just as Zack was about to unleash his most powerful technique he begins to loose it and flees from the battlefield. After the fight, the light-sided guys meet up at Merlin's House, where they soon learn that hte heartless are planning to destroy Radiant Garden by a super powerful weapon named 'World Crusher' and, after Cid determined that there was no way of stopping the weapon in time, they decide to flee the planet in Cid's gummi ships, and bring along as many civilians as possible.

Radiant Garden is soon destroyed and the group's begin split between the ones that want to board the World Crusher (which is something like a huge heartless ship) and those that'll lead the citizens of RG to safety.

Stephen, John and Miata board the World Crusher, where they begin to wreak havoc inside and are able to finally destroy it after being confronted by a black hooded figure who is later revealed to be Sora, who has switched to the dark side. Just as the World Crusher is about to explode, Sora opens a portal and escapes.

John, Miata and Stephen manage to get to the hangar just in time and the first two are able to escape just as the WC explodes but John stays behind for some reason and later awakes at Pride Lands, where Nanaki hands John a gummi ship that lets him go out of the planet.

Meanwhile, the explosion of the WC caused a shockwave that hit Cid's gummi ships, made them loose control and sent them crashing against Traverse Town. Most people died during the crash, even Roy was about to die but suddenly his power awakened and he was granted the power to wield a keyblade. Traverse Town is currently being attacked by heartless and the people that are already there are Roy (my character) along with the FF staff, Miata, John and Kristal.

That sums it up. Feel free to add/remove stuff if I forgot something:P
No I was always at Traverse town, since the WC went Death Star. it was Sephy who actually went to Pride Lands, he's now on his way to the FF7 world of Gaia, to finally confront Sora in what will be the most epic fight ever witnessed. (If only if it was on CGI)
it was in fact me who was launched to the pride lands when WC went all death star on us and i am now on route to kick Sora's ass
Yes, full scale battle of epic awesomeness. Not saying that my battle with you RE isn't fun. As for you Sephy, Good luck against Sora, you're gonna need it.